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Limeyfly at 12.22.07 - 6:05 pm
Are there any orphaned ridazz this holiday??
ya me! but i'm not suicidal, not when theres some kind of ride going on.
eddieboyinla12.22.07 - 6:08 pm
well, I'll be BACK in town tomorrow, I went to see my family before the holiday as it was cheaper than going next week, so i'm sorta a foster kid this holiday.
FuzzBeast12.22.07 - 6:12 pm
I'll be x-messin jew-ish style... which means chinese food and movies!! No bike, but still, any orphaned Ridazz are welcome to join me!
mixtemotions12.22.07 - 7:59 pm
yeah!! Jew Crew!!!!
I'm down for jewishxmas!! Chinese food and movies!!
redridinghood12.22.07 - 8:42 pm
Let's get some numbers and a location and maybe a ride? then Nicole's??
Limeyfly12.23.07 - 12:20 pm
my phone is on the out and out. you should e-mail me~! nicolearneson at gmail dot com I'm gonna sleep in! what good movies are there to see?
mixtemotions12.23.07 - 7:27 pm
Chinese food, hmmmm..sounds good, Im an orphan and I have no plans...
and not suicidal either.....
Rand Om12.24.07 - 2:31 am
Guy Ritchies new movie is out... its called Revolver. This guy did Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels and also Snatch. Its stars Ray Liota and the rest of regulars in his movies.
Atonement is out, and even though its a TOTAL chick flick, the prevues looked really good.
I already saw JUNO, and also recommend this.
John Toturro has a his new movie out ... its called Love and Cigarettes. Looks really good with a great cast, like Steve Buccemi, Eddie Izzard, Christopher Walken, James Gandolfini and more... Yes Mandy Moore.
Persepolis may be one of interest. Its animated and about a young girl in Iran during the 1978 revolution there, and how she wants to break out of the suppresive bind of women there...
So thats what's out. Support independent cinema.
DeKadenzy12.24.07 - 6:43 am
I'm orphaned in LA, just me and my ride (but she's a sexy beast to me). Is anyone up for a roll around town on xmas? I'm a newb but gonna go hit the hustle ride tonight and don't really wanna watch A Christmas Story more then the normal 4 times.
DetroitRider12.24.07 - 2:45 pm
Correction: I'm a newb to the scene, not riding.
DetroitRider12.24.07 - 2:45 pm
What's your restaurant of choice in your hood Nic? I'm a big fan of Plum Tree Inn (sweet & pungent chicken and braised string beans) and Yang Chow (slippery shrimp) in China Town.
stevo412.24.07 - 4:16 pm
how about some orphan dimsum tomorrow morning? we can hit empress pavilion or ocean seafood.
brassknuckle12.24.07 - 4:36 pm
I'm busy tonight (24th) till around 8pm or so and no plans after that or tomorrow. I can bring food, drink to anywhere plus anyone want to ride I'm game. Call me 818 913 0316. I won't be checking my confuser after about 5.30 tonight so callinng best, unless the place I'll be has a spare laptop. Harry .xxooxx
Limeyfly12.24.07 - 4:46 pm
I'm sick and in for the night I think :( but anyone wantts to come visit me is cool...
maybe tomorrow I'll feel better... any of those movies sound great!!
redridinghood12.24.07 - 7:15 pm
Well Im just gonna hit the sack .
Happy Holidays to all other orphanzz.
Its a hard knock life for us.
deesimple12.24.07 - 9:01 pm
OK Howard from Athena is riding up to the top of Griffith Park in the morning. I say Dim Sum sounds good Dan. Lets do food, ride and movies somewhere....Nicole???
Limeyfly12.24.07 - 9:29 pm
What time you guys riding up there? I'd like to roll with you if it's all gravy. I'm in NoHo (Moorpark and Vineland) I'll check the board in the morning. Peace and merry one all.
DetroitRider12.24.07 - 9:35 pm
depends on what happens tonight!! The plan was around 9 but that seems unlikely if anything happens tonight. BUt check the morning.
Limeyfly12.24.07 - 9:42 pm
if howard is doing it, you can expect to roll at noon even if he says 9.
brassknuckle12.24.07 - 9:52 pm
Any other orphanzzzz working on Christmas?
Poor us!
Maulie12.24.07 - 10:15 pm
I'm a jewish orphan for the holiday and kind of new in town, to boot. I'd definitely be up for some kind of ride, though my legs are a bit worked over by the wolfpack ride tonight, ad I have no intention of getting up overly early. Definitely up for movies and chinese, though. I'll check in in the morning.
ideasculptor12.25.07 - 12:25 am
orphans are orphans. we know no boundaries of religion, sex or race. We are all the same sisters, brothers. No exclusions. check in tomorrow. I'll be riding up to Griffith Park in the morning at some point.
Limeyfly12.25.07 - 12:34 am
The cubz will be there in force, although I don't normally "associate" with hebrews.
franz12.25.07 - 2:18 am
I'm planning on getting my ass moving around 11:30 from NoHo. Give a friendly "sup fellow orphan" shout if ya see a black and yellow Scott roll by ya. Enjoy the day though, no Santa Anita to contend with!!
DetroitRider12.25.07 - 9:40 am
Heading off to Griffith Park soon....
Limeyfly12.25.07 - 10:24 am
anybody wan to join the ride call I'll have my mobile - 818 913 0316
Limeyfly12.25.07 - 10:35 am
Hey y'all!s, Merry x-masssstimes to you guys!
Tonight, this evening-ish, maybe 7?... come to Ridge Way for Chinese food and Movies!
1435 Ridge Way
Los Angeles, CA 90026
mixtemotions12.25.07 - 1:59 pm
I'm heading to Pasadena till 8 ish might make it over after if not too late?? I have some beer and cheap vodka
Limeyfly12.25.07 - 4:05 pm
Y'all and your close proximity to each other.
bentstrider12.25.07 - 5:46 pm
aww bents, RidgeWay is not set up for video like the box! =( If you start riding now how long would it take you to get here?? ;) Hope you are having a good day anyway!
mixtemotions12.25.07 - 6:02 pm
With the bike I have(mtb) and the temp up here, about 4-6hrs to cover 100miles.
But, I ain't going to solo the Cajon Pass on the bike I have.
The Cajon Pass could be considered the "intergalactic void" between the "galaxies", otherwise known as the LA Basin, and the Victor Valley.
bentstrider12.25.07 - 6:10 pm
Food will be here in an hour. You'll just have to beam yourself here!
mixtemotions12.25.07 - 6:54 pm
I would like to beam myself there as well.
I'm so bored that I'm thinking about riding to 7-11 and then drinking in the park like a bum.
kyber12.25.07 - 7:12 pm
When you get here Frhanz will be passed out in you bed w/Gir! BTW can we give Gir a Sharecut??
mixtemotions12.25.07 - 7:26 pm
only if princess gets one, too.
I'm on my way
spiraldemon12.25.07 - 7:30 pm
Don't shave my fucking dog.
kyber12.25.07 - 7:34 pm
OMG Brenden!! Grr's sharecut looks SO GOOD!!!!! You're gonna LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!
(like haha!)
(get it??)
redridinghood12.26.07 - 1:17 am
Limeyfly! you left yer phone. I'ma pass out, so tired.... e-mail me and let me know when u want to come get it...Dim sum w/ BK tomorrow? I'll bring it just in case!
mixtemotions12.26.07 - 1:37 am
redridinghood was only kidding.
Gir got the worst sharecut.
spiraldemon12.26.07 - 10:27 am
I know you guys didn't do it.
kyber12.26.07 - 10:46 am
whatever SpiralD. you know Gir's cut was so nice we had to do it twice!
redridinghood12.26.07 - 1:50 pm
whatever. i picked up nicole this morning for breakfast and was shocked when i saw gir. that shit is fucked up. thank god gir has no clue how bad he looks.
brassknuckle12.26.07 - 1:54 pm
shut up BK!!!!! you know it's not often that I drink and/or get drunk!!! you all should have KNOWN BETTER than to leave me alone with Gir and the clippers!!!!! I think that's the first time I've ever even HELD CLIPPERS!!!!
(and probably the last) (Brenden - please don't kill me - it's not THAT bad :/ and it's only fur - I mean.. IT WILL GROW BACK!!!
redridinghood12.26.07 - 2:36 pm
Seriously though, I know you guys didn't do it.
kyber12.26.07 - 2:42 pm
You're not supposed to shave dogs, I told nicole that last night.
It can lead to depression and even death.
kyber12.26.07 - 2:47 pm
i think princess is the depressed one since she didn't get a sharecut.
brassknuckle12.26.07 - 2:48 pm
Whatever, you guys are assholes.
kyber12.26.07 - 2:49 pm
It's not even funny anymore.
kyber12.26.07 - 2:56 pm
Wheres the pics? Lets vote it sexiest pic!
If the dog commits suicide we'll give nicole a sharecut!
User112.26.07 - 3:05 pm
theres no denying the truth...i have to admit i was amazed how easy it was to cut the hair, if it was me I'd be complaining 24/7.
eddieboyinla12.26.07 - 3:23 pm
I couldn't find any reference to making a dog depressed by grooming it. Can you show me where you've read this before Kyber.
franz12.26.07 - 5:24 pm
Google it, it's not uncommon.
kyber12.26.07 - 5:28 pm