4th Street Bicycle Blvd.

Thread started by
Roadblock at 01.24.07 - 5:24 pm
Let's talk about this.... it looks and sounds like a great idea. I'm not getting a clear picture of what needs to go down from the website. What do we need to do? is this a political action thing? Enlighten me I want more bike streets!!
I know nothing. But from what I can tell, we make it what it is. No?
Joe Borfo01.24.07 - 5:29 pm
Go on the ride and ask, and you will still be unclear. Do the ride and then you'll get it.
sexy01.24.07 - 5:34 pm
Oh I forgot,,,,"Yee-Haw"........"Live the Dream"......."Yaaaahhhooo!"
sexy01.24.07 - 6:09 pm
it would be nice to have a clear list of the objectives for people to motivate behind no?
Roadblock01.24.07 - 6:09 pm
'tain't all that complicated: the Fourth Street Bicycle Brigade wants to see Fourth Street turned into a bicycle boulevard, a place where bicycles will take precedence over cars. To do this we are engaging in a variety of actions, including "Living the Dream", in other words acting as if it's already so.
I hope I've explained it well enough, but if you come out & do the ride, you'll get it right away!
mr rollers01.24.07 - 6:39 pm
Ride on! I love that shot of you guys in the gallery..... what's up with the guerilla bike lane? is that for real?
Roadblock01.24.07 - 6:44 pm
maybe this video will help,
dave01.24.07 - 8:32 pm
man....... this would be a sight to see in LA....... def a dream.....
Roadblock01.24.07 - 8:37 pm

Midnight Ridazz discussion forum has begun to wonder about 4SBB.
Yes, the best way to find out what 4sbb would be to come on a ride. The one planned for this Saturday is particularly exciting. Check the 4sbb.com for more info.
I have been adding to and working on the website, it is, after all, a work in progress. But you are right to guess that it is a political action kind of thing. We are also putting together a piece for the bicycle film festival about the 4sbb. It is a fairly simple concept --->
Bike Squad- is a crew dedicated to *radicalish* behavior in the name of *practical protest* --- hence the hanging of our own signs and the spraying of the stencils.
In fact, we, the 4sbb, were invited to pitch the idea of making 4th Street into a *bonafide* bicycle boulevard to the los angeles city council, through our friends on the bicycle advisory committee.
So think berkeley, think adding urban design elements to re-tool the street in favor of bicycle traffic, think added safety measures....but more importantly....live!! LIVE THE DREAM!!!
The infrastructure is already in place! Let's just use it! And get a bit edgy, slightly radical about practical, sensible improvements!!
El Bulevar de Suenos.
The first of its kind, the historic 4SBB.
The model for The Los Angeles Bicycle Boulevards.
ingipet01.25.07 - 12:39 am
I don't know if anyone else is thinking this..
Why 4th st? not 5th ,6th
Its not a comment but a respectable question? Is there something behind it?
deesimple01.25.07 - 6:17 pm
If you take a ride on 4th you'll start to see it . . . not a lot of car traffic to begin with.
mr rollers01.25.07 - 9:48 pm

and i respect your question.
i am going to have to once again, defer to Mr. Rollers on this one.
coming on a ride is actually the ONLY way to really get a sense of the project.
as with many things in this life, there are indeed some reasons behind the choice of 4th Street.
I encourage you to ride the 4sbb, with our without the radical bike crew. Enjoy the ride.
If you like 5th Street better, well, my friend, start your own 5SBB! In fact 8th Street is an excellent cross-town route if you are Culver City or Venice bound. I will definitely come on your radical ride.
can i get an, "8SBB!!! LIVE THE DREAM!!!!"
ingipet01.26.07 - 1:42 am
cool..again.I have no street preference ..I was just wondering.I tought maybe some of you lived around there.I grew up and still hangout around that area.Quite a bit of my family has lived around the area for the last 30 years.
I was asking the riders in my family about the 4SSB but they have not heard about it.I will pass the word out.
Q: How or are you trying to integrate the neighborhood.(locals,kids,etc)
deesimple01.26.07 - 9:59 am
i live pretty near the 4sbb in westlake (near hoover) and discovered it as an excellent way across town. i was commuting to my job in santa monica...
and the dream began!
on every ride we engage with every cyclist we see, and have had a range of people join us on the spot, including an *excellent* 10 year old kid who lives on 4SBB who helped us pass out promotional materials to passing cyclists by riding up behind them really fast screaming,
it was awesome.
ingipet01.26.07 - 11:26 am

all I know is when I saw this picture I was sold..... you guys ever thought about wheatepaste signs as well?
Roadblock01.26.07 - 12:14 pm
I could of sworn the other day I overheard someone mentioning something about, "Sharrow Stencils"....
I'm just sayin'.
Joe Borfo01.26.07 - 1:09 pm

Huh? what the?... What are these strange images to the right?
They must be for something...
Joe Borfo01.26.07 - 1:24 pm
If the city can't provide the funds for cycling infrastructure...... guerilla cycling infrastucture.
Roadblock01.26.07 - 2:38 pm
If you paint it, they will come.
All we need is someone with a white Pickup truck, a few orange reflective vests and some hard hats.
Then we go borrow a few "Road Works" signs for a few hours to put up while the paint dries.
If we wanted to do really do it right, we could put up notices on the street a couple weeks in advance stating that the street will be undergoing signage change. Along with a number to call if they have any questions.
BillyB01.26.07 - 2:57 pm

now, there is no need for the tone.
we know what sharrows are. we have discussed using larger stencils but decided to keep it small, peaceful and non-invasive for the time being. we are just beginning, after all.
we are approaching the city about this and want to do so with a sense of fun but also respect. we've already behaved in a *radicalish* manner, you see.
the city already has the equipment (stencils and paint) to make sharrows. you dig.
we should strive to work *with* the city for practical change.
i can certainly get into the radical vibe of giant stencils that look exactly like the ones the city uses!
but for now, again, keepin it small and peaceful.
ingipet01.26.07 - 4:44 pm
I wasn't trying to broadcast any negative tone. I'm just being silly and it was my way of seeing were you stand with things. I am excited about your efforts. I support and applaud you. I also consider myself rather "peaceful" as well, so don't dismay. I just seem to come across sort of fiery, but it's all for show. I look forward to helping out, ride, or whatever may be needed to bring the dream alive.
Ride On
Joe Borfo01.26.07 - 5:57 pm

all is cool. i've got the camera mount ready for tomorrows ride, and i'm excited to do some bike dancing!
i'm just listening to all the interviews from the KCET piece about Ridazz!
Fantastic work! The issues brought up hit me real close to home.
4SBB, indeed, grew out of my connection to midnight ridazz and to bicycle bitchen. really inspiring stuff. i hope we can grow some bicycle boulevards out of all this positive energy you guys have generated.
Thank you!
i, like, um, love you.
ingipet01.26.07 - 9:09 pm

Did I miss the boat completely? I rolled to the spot (late) at hoover and 4rth..... Didn't see anyone and so I rolled west to the cul de sac here at 4rth and cochran...... Nobody around.... :( I feel lonely here...... I see stencils and stickers and I promoted the idea to a fellow cyclist I met on the way....... But no one is around.... I feel sad.... Where y'all at? If a bicycle bell dings in the city, and no one hears it.... Did it make a sound?
The meeting time was 12 o'clock right?
Should I stay or should I go?
-the sad clown.....
Roadblock01.27.07 - 1:11 pm
so awesome!!! i'll definitely be there for the next one!
Ensie01.27.07 - 1:40 pm
woops. i can't make it today. maybe next time.
Ensie01.27.07 - 1:48 pm
ahhh . . . had to make two, count 'em two trips to the Brewery to drop off work for upcoming Ridazz show . . . got home it was raining, tried to sleep for a little while (not enough last night, see Ninja Ride), woke up still raining . . . don't think I'll make it to the 4SBB . . . bummer, bad day for a video shoot, reshedule maybe??
(props to Roadblock for making it out after last night's enduro)
mr rollers01.27.07 - 3:22 pm
Tern and I rolled out at some random time on Sat. and sure enough we found the 4sbb crew. It was a fun ride ... and yes I can see why4th st. is a great place to start.
I have to say ... the gurellia tactics did not go over so well with at least one member of Hancock Park community. A passing jogger (a self proclaimed child of the 60's), while claiming to be in favor of the cause, just couldn't stomach the DIY asthetic/ and also the non-explicit nature of the sinage.
I guess its just one of those things. Those of us who live in more "urban" settings are just used to lots of crazy sinage and usually a lot worse. In that kind of environment, people can get pretty protective.
Although, mr. jogger could'nt explain how 4sbb signs were any worse for the community than the DWP's USA sprays on the ground or a lost dog flyer that was stapled into a tree.
The ironic thing of course is that the Hancock Parkies will win big $$ if this goes through. Imaging how planter boxes in intersections, improved walk, jog, and bikability and traffic calming elements will do for property values in those fancy neighborhoods.
I think its just a matter of bridging the message to the audiance.
This is where the lines between Art, Design, and Activisim become blurry.
Thanks for keepin' the dream alive!
Please send us a full report when you have talked to the city.
trickmilla01.30.07 - 3:27 pm
I'm totally down with the real stencils and hardhats idea. But it's not my call to make. I just think If you make it look official, perhaps it will be accepted as official. But I'll step down and do as I'm told to like a good boy.
Joe Borfo01.30.07 - 3:57 pm
I guess the idea is that the artificial signs are "radicalish" w/o being serious vandalism. And 4sbb is shooting a little higher than stencils.
I think a street that has tried to get sharrows and failed is a perfect for such direct action. But if 4sbb works as intended we could have a lot more than sharrows on 4th street. Planter boxes and speed humps are a bit harder to swing than bootleg sharrows.
trickmilla01.30.07 - 7:01 pm
I've got a shovel/sledge hammer, and concrete's 2 bucks a bag...
FuzzBeast01.30.07 - 7:10 pm
I love the idea of this ride. it's a good start. but I kind of side with borfo. I think to really make an impact the graphics and signage need to become more clear and concise civil infrastructure style. even if it's smaller scal sharrows... at least it gets people used to the idea of legitmate cycling infrastructure. the bicycle blvd. sign are a little more threatening to the local neighborhood in that they resemble what some locals might see as "nuisance signage" or "signage vandalism" in the same spirit that garage sale signs get torn down by locals because they feel they ugly up the neigborhood... I would love to create some guerilla street graphics on a larger more permanent scale. but still keep it underground. can we jump in on this?
Roadblock01.30.07 - 10:19 pm
I like this long term vision of a Bicycle Blvd with speed bumps, planters, etc.
This would discourage use of the street to through traffic while still allowing residents access to public parking on the streets. Bicycles could easily rule the road.
Pretty Smart.
This of course requires selling the idea to the locals - Who I'm sure will be given the opportunity to have a say in the matter even if the city of LA approves funding for it.
So yeah - Shananagins probably wouldn't help.
I hate it when grown up reasoning wins out over having fun.
BillyB01.31.07 - 2:21 pm
I agree. Everything has got to be done skillfully.
But hey Roadblock, The Armadillos and I are going to make Stencils for some other event purposes. Let me know when you want to ride with us.
Joe Borfo01.31.07 - 2:35 pm
thanks for the discussion.
i have had an emotional breakdown and am seeking professional help.
saturday's ride was terrible for me and i simply cannot handle this anymore. i'm not saying the 4sbb dream is dead, just that i can't carry it all alone anymore.
peace to the riders,
stay safe.
ingipet02.1.07 - 1:21 pm
I'm sorry Ingrid. I tried to make it Saturday but all these obstacles came up for me. It's a wonderful idea and don't be so hard on yourself. Patience and Effort are key. We all support you. Saturday was a lousy day due to the rain. There's nothing wrong with trying this again. I won't give up the dream if you don't. You don't have to do it alone if you delegate and continue to share your enthusiasm. Theres a huge bike community who share your ideals. Keep on riding. :)
Joe Borfo02.1.07 - 1:41 pm
Keep on keepin' on. 4SBB is a great idea and that Berkeley video was inspiring and makes me wish L.A. was more like that!
I do think some kind of visible but not-to-loud stencil might be the call. Make it look like it BELONGS there! Take a cue from
Richard Ankrom, the guy who put up his own I-5 marker on the 110N that's still there today.
cabhauler02.1.07 - 3:23 pm
Ingrid, if it's any help I think a lot of people are pulling for the 4SBB and for you personally . . . feel better.
mr rollers02.1.07 - 3:43 pm
I think everyone should encourage her: ingrid.peterson@gmail.com
Joe Borfo02.1.07 - 3:58 pm
Hey Ingrid, that was a bad day. Too much rain... the dream is still alive!
Roadblock02.1.07 - 5:24 pm

I saw on the 4SBB website that there's a call for logos. I sent it directly to Ingrid before reading here that she seems to be curtailing her involvement (hopefully just for the short term).
Anyway, Love it or hate it, here's the logo I slapped together both in support of 4SBB (having for the first time rolled across it last night with Rollers on the way to the Ride-Arc ride) and in support of Ingrid.
Agent Orange02.3.07 - 3:04 pm
thank you so much for your support.
i was able to make it out for the first ride of bike winter yesterday, and to ride with everyone down the 4sbb. we ended up joining the santa monica critical mass, which was my first! i had a great time and had some very helpful conversations.
thank you again to steve and enci for the photo-ops, and for making me feel like smiling from the heart again.
i really believe in creating safer streets for cyclists. I just applied for a job with a group called, "Bikes Belong" to work for their "Safe Routes to School National Partnership". I feel an overwhelming passion about it.... so i think i can safely safe that the dream is still alive.
ingipet02.3.07 - 6:24 pm

We rolled on 4sbb today for a few blocks ... The dream is alive.
here's my the logo i came up with .. but i have to say agent orange's logo is pretty badass.
trickmilla02.3.07 - 7:17 pm
well. i didn't get the bicycle job. i think the lady was impressed with my zealousness though and responded right away. i had just missed the deadline. anyway.
luckily the 4sbb dream is still alive.
i posted the new pictures to the ever growing 4sbb photo-show. feel free to download and use them in any way you want.
i really think it is important to get to the root of why there is a stigma against cyclists in this town.
i'm glad we did our radicalish actions. they are important. they don't necessarily *help* with the stigma, but ultimately they were designed to raise awareness and start the dialogue going. they were also non-permanent. as evidenced by the fact that almost all the signs were already taken down.
it can be very discouraging to approach the city about these issues. we shouldn't have to fight to be safe. it is so upsetting to me.
anyway. i'm prepared to defend my actions. not necessarily the actions of all other cyclists, but at least my own.
it is so easy for politicians to dismiss our concerns because we are just a bunch of hooligans and n'ere do wells. but we have GOT to find a way to respond to this without anger or tears.
we are human beings, worthy of respect and safe roads!
this week has been so powerful for me and i have learned more about the true strength of bicycle culture.
thank you again,
ride oN!
ingipet02.5.07 - 12:09 pm
taking it all back. the youth immersed in poison turn the tide counterattack!
Roadblock02.5.07 - 12:54 pm
The dream lives on.
I went on bike winter's "take me to your leader" ride tonight and we had an encouraging meeting with the members of the Bicycle Advisory Committee. Although the committee is currently ineffective, they are a place to start. So let's get going. We need to bring our ideas, inspiration and energy to these meetings. We've got to. It is our civic responsibility. Without it, there is nothing.
The desire and the potential for sensible, practical change is out there. We are asking for inexpensive and easy improvements.
Yes, there will be delays. But there will also be results.
I believe that firmly right now. I'm also feeling really inspired.
The sharrow stencils already exist, as does the street paint.
We are going to ask nicely if we can please use them.
However! If, after a reasonable attempt, we the bicyclists of Los Angeles, are not granted our request for safer streets, we will simply do it ourselves. Calling all professional sign painters and sharrow cutters!! Let's make something classy. We will hang our own signs and spray our own stencils. But this time, we will do it right. Professional and Clean. Shiny paint, bright and reflective.
How to make a bicycle boulevard - PHASE ONE -
1. create a "sharrow" stencil to same dimensions as the "stop" sign to reach the same part of the motorists brain that tells them, "slow down" ... or better yet, borrow the plan that the city already has for these sharrows....anyone got those diagrams by chance?????!
One night, bust them out and lay down that paint.
2. Create a bunch of 4th Street Bicycle Boulevard signs.
Hire a real class act. A Professional Sign Maker. Hang them up.
3. Ride the boulevard. Tell your friends. Learn to be a smart cyclist and how to engage with motorists to help educate them to be better drivers. Use diplomacy and tact. Show restraint.
What we want is this: a network of bicycle boulevards.
Starting with 4th Street. Fourth Street Bicycle Boulevard - 4SBB!!! Live the Dream! and ending with the dream ---- the
"Los Angeles Bicycle Boulevards"
This "Bicycle Freeway" if you will, will serve us in our daily lives. It will encourage people to use a bicycle because they feel safer on the roads. But only it we do our job right and educate them.
Whether we are using bicycles for commuting across town to work, buying groceries and doing little errands like eating ice cream and having fun. Or perhaps we are riding a skateboard, cruising on a moped and playing with our children and dogs. Um. did you say something about ice cream? gotta learn my talking points.
The fact is, Bicycle Boulevards are good for everyone. And they will make your property values go up and will strengthen your local economy.
We are going to ask nice if we can please use the sharrow stencils and paint.
If not, then, Guerilla Public Service. Start with 4th Street Bicycle Boulevard, and move outwards in concentric circles, or squares rather.
I need a professional crew here.
Let's get this done within the next two years. At least 4SBB.
Help a rider out. This is for us all.
ingipet02.7.07 - 2:10 am
Hey all. I'm writing in support of 4SBB and referencing some comments that were made a few weeks back.
Dee made a comment about 'how are you contacting the communitymembers' on 1/26. We answered that we were making on the spot contacts with all bicyclists, which is a super cool effective way of meeting people.
Still, I think that if we can bring in non-bicyclists to the idea of 4SBB, we have a better shot at making it a reality. So I'm going to visit each of the Neighborhood Councils along the 4SBB in the next couple of months and talk to them abuot 4SBB. This will help our talking points and it will help us integrate features into the 4SBB plan that are appealing to all--bicycles and non-bicycles alike.
alexkenefick02.7.07 - 12:22 pm
I'm glad. An actual discussion / planning meeting would be good. the web usually results in big ideas and little action.
As we become more aware of what 4SBB is all about, the more the action will happen.
Joe Borfo02.7.07 - 12:31 pm
Going to the BAC meeting last night was a crucial step.
The best advice we heard was ---- GO TO YOUR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS!!! speak to your elected officials! use the word -------0-0-0-0-------"BICYCLE"-------------0-0-0-0--------!
and so we shall. i definitely appreciate all the support and diversity of opinions for 4sbb. I'm releasing my "self" emotionally from the idea. also, as one person, i can't cover it all. As a community we can rule the roads for sure!!!!!!!
The 4SBB dream is a dream for us all.
I will continue to contribute whatever actions I can. I will go to the meetings, pitch the idea of bicycle boulevards until i am blue in the face. I'm going to finish editing our piece for the bicycle film festival.
I will continue to research (as the good librarian i am) all of the possible other models of bicycle boulevards to follow.
In fact, next step, the 4SBB Bicycle Library. Coming soon to the 4sbb.com. All the resources you need to plan a kick-ass bicycle boulevard. Civil Service. Guerilla Public Service.
ingipet02.7.07 - 2:16 pm
i update the 4sbb.com a bit.
check it out.
ingipet02.7.07 - 10:58 pm
thank you for the *AMAZING* third anniversary ride!!
i went back to the spot today and took some daytime photos of the
plus some of my favorites posted here!
beautiful and inspiring!!!!
they are pics are posted here:
ingipet02.11.07 - 2:04 am
Oh yeah!
4sbb would love to borrow the stencils and crew of the LADOat !
Guerilla Public Service!
Great GREAT GREAT 3rd anniversary ride.
thank you!!
ingipet02.11.07 - 2:12 am

once again, the crew of midnight ridazz has brought a giant warm and i'll admit, *REALLY FUZZY* smile to my face and heart.....
thank you for the 4SBB nod on the safety ride.
live the dream!!
check the newly updated site.... i'm starting something i'm calling,
send me any links you think are relevant!
ingipet04.15.07 - 9:46 am
There is a fully functioning community bike coop in Arcata California called the Bicycle Library. I was a part of it when I lived up north. I'll find some info on it and send a link.
tern04.17.07 - 6:32 pm
Here are a couple of addresses:
We need another bike library in Southern California!
Yeah, Ingipet!
tern04.17.07 - 6:39 pm

Here's a picture of some people at the bike library.
tern04.17.07 - 6:47 pm
yay!!! thanks for the info about the Arcata Bicycle Library.
There are some other reasons i'd to like head up to that county...!
i'll get the links posted,
ingipet04.17.07 - 7:17 pm
hey roadblock---
could you add the 4sbb.com to the LINKS page here on ridazz.com?
that would be lovely. :)
i'm working on growing the "Bicycle Library" on there as well...
check it out!
ingipet04.30.07 - 12:32 am
dear ridazz-
i have regained my emotional composure (most of it!) and have decided that it is time to revisit a larger 4SBB celebration.
Think of 4SBB as the "Sesame Street" symbolizing a larger dream of the "Los Angeles Bicycle Boulevards"
And, as always, LIVE THE DREAM is the rallying call.
This is because we already have a wide and vast network of nascent and pre-pubescent bicycle boulevards here in los angeles.
so use them! tell your friends to use them!
plan delightful routes and post them up on
C.I.C.L.E.'s Back Roads LA page!!
and ask me about my upcoming program to utilize them even further, a bike buddy idea i'm calling,
"The LA Bike Angels"
Now, one of the original ideas alex and i had was to have a GI-NORMALICIOUS street fair on the 4SBB.
There are two ideal hangouts for an idea like this on the 4SBB -
1. next to the (fantastic) Shatto 39 bowling lanes in a recreation center with a park. wee!
2. at the very end of the 4SBB is a cul de sac in which it is very fun to have bicycle dance-a-thons...
That said, that cul de sac is a great RIDAZZ stopping point in general....
Here is a ride idea for ya-
The SESAME STREET RIDE!! where we visit various special bicycle or otherwise community-a-licious streets in town (ex, heliotrope, 4sbb etc. etc)
the ride could finish up in the 4SBB cul de sac and make quite a fiesta out of it...
ingipet04.30.07 - 6:48 pm