great idea..
we can start a HitAndRunToBuyUsAMachineGun Fund for everyone in LA that missed their chance to fight back.
Maybe the Los Angelopes can buy a collective machine gun.
Maybe I should just go buy my own machine gun.
Later guys.
SKIDMARCUS02.7.08 - 12:01 pm
I can has a gun...again?
SPOOK02.7.08 - 12:12 pm
los angelopes don't buy guns, we build guns!!
e-rock02.7.08 - 1:14 pm
Ignore the trolls.
I think this is a great idea that should be given serious thought for L.A.
Creative Thing02.7.08 - 10:33 pm
I also agree, similar to the Bill of Rights, any way that we can work to strengthen our community and support our riders when the unfortunate happens to one of us. To me its pretty apparent that we have to work really hard to get things accomplished and it's amazing how willing riders are to give up their own time to go to City council meetings, court dates and community hearings for other riders.
I'm continually impressed and if someone were to setup a quality fund like in St. Louis I would proudly contribute.
e-rock02.7.08 - 10:43 pm
Yes Creative Thing,
I do agree, it is serious that we start to carry guns around LA. Maybe start a fund for those who can't afford to purchase their own weapon.
I look forward to building a bike with a sidecar, and mount an m-60 on it and have somebody ride me around on it. Will see if we have any problems with hit and runs then.
sexy02.7.08 - 10:46 pm
A lot of collisions could be avoided if we just shot the drivers before the shit hit the fan.
kyber02.7.08 - 10:50 pm
How's about a hand-held, electro-magnetic pulse cannon?
Fry the ECU of a typical car in a heartbeat.
Or, better yet, crash-sensors/recorders on the major strike-points of a vehicle.
Everytime this goes off and there were witnesses and whatnot at the crash scene, the vehicle could be traced, logs could be searched, and bam!!
You got your perp.
bentstrider02.8.08 - 2:33 am
What did I miss in the original article?
Nothing was said about guns or street revenge.
Is this a sampling of our gun happy, arnold inspired, road rage So. Cal culture?
Creative Thing02.8.08 - 7:27 am
Nothing about guns in the general article.
Folks in that river city in the MidWest just tend to be a little, more laid-back and slower-paced than us.
Guess out here, we tend to be the minority and feel we got to put a little, discipline and super-chargin' into pushing our voice.
bentstrider02.8.08 - 8:24 am
Ohhhh yeah! I'm so pumped up from killing and blood! Yeah! Beef! And trucks!
ectoplasm02.8.08 - 8:25 am