Thread started by
Roadblock at 01.31.08 - 9:38 pm
And I love that actually. Ok so all these new html enhanced ride titles I have mixed emotions about. as the person who has spent time designing and retrofitting this site, I do sometimes get annoyed when ride titles break the page design. but then these ride titles are generally keeping things clean and they show creativity which I love to see.
The rides to rides for ear pressure and fear pressure are actually working in reverse to dilute the actual ride which I have no idea which one it is so I kind of see all this chatter and am disinterested in going through the work to find out what it is. So I'm actually drawn towards my original ride preference which was the double trouble ride. I also see this Race in East Los that intrigues me. I've been riding all week I might just do this.
On creating and scheduling rides.
I know there are a few people out there who disagree with me but I feel pretty strongly that people should be able to decide if they want to keep their ride name unique or to share their ride name. I like to share Ridazz love with everyone who will follow the rulez of the ride when they throw their rides... yet I dont want people calling their rides "hustle" rides because we are branding that shit out and licensing merch with the name. above all I think people should be able to create their own identity and vibe and should be encouraged to be unique. It generally makes things more fun and flavorful.
As far as scheduling rides, I dont think anyone can in good taste claim a spot as their own as starting points for rides BUT I do see the point of keeping things spread out across the city and across the calendar as much as possible. If only to have a near constant stream of ridazz throughout the city every fucking day so motorists know to expect bicycles everywhere. but fuck it if you have the urge to throw a ride just throw caution to the wind and make it happen whenever where ever. just respect people enough to at least consider the ride calendar when you throw your ride. THIS IS A MOVEMENT not so much a scene.
On the website
Yeah. It's got flaws. But it also has innovations that others sites will copy. I'm not rich. I cant always afford to keep improving the site. So I may actualy hold a fund drive to make improvements to this site. I dont program nd those fuckers cost money. which I have spent but I need some help too.
people complain about censorship and that people tell them what to do or what not. Well, that's because midnight ridazz is also an organization of human beings. anyone can be part of it. and they do... but sometimes decisions are made to censor and keep things positive. and this is most of the time my doing. so I take the heat. but then again we're all still friends for the most part. I see you all on the streets and its high fives and handshakes. we have something good going on this quirky ass website. hope it keeps on going and the love keeps spreading.
Fund drive,forsure. RB the lucci shouldn't come out of your pocket.
skano01.31.08 - 9:48 pm
When y'all split the ride up and went with this website I thought it was a bad move. I was wrong. This shit is the shit, and that's the best I can put it right now. Don't hire anybody, send me an email on that thing we discussed . . . trust!
Alex Thompson01.31.08 - 10:01 pm
We appreciate what you do Roadblock. I hope Midnight Ridazz keeps Riding on for as long as it can. Thanks.
Joe Borfo01.31.08 - 10:51 pm
You may not program, but I do, and I'd do it for MR for free - though my time is somewhat limited. I've also got a big 'ol team of php programmers in india who work for me, and they don't cost much at all, assuming they can be convinced to put in some time after hours.
Just offerin'
ideasculptor01.31.08 - 10:55 pm
I mean AMEN.
Hey Roadblock, why not put up a PayPal button?
Then peeps can drop a dime from time to time.
Drew01.31.08 - 11:16 pm
This place is awesome the way it is,(and I'm not saying that like when you say it to an ugly retarded kid for trying their hardest or something)You have a well designed site to go with some real cool ,kind hearted, good ol' fashion anarchy.Great job!
Little Evil Eddy01.31.08 - 11:23 pm
Word. I'm down to pitch in if it'll help the cause. I know it can't be easy maintaining a site with this much activity.
GarySe7en01.31.08 - 11:27 pm
No kiddin!!! A Paypal button would be a great idea!
User101.31.08 - 11:33 pm
so I can't start a ride called the "Crank cub wolf camp critical pier funder dark century hustle mob?"
ectoplasm01.31.08 - 11:33 pm
Hey, if I pick up some more of these "enhanced" web skills currently beyond my abilities, I'd be happy to program as well.
Seeing as how the two jobs I normally hold down, security and trucking, are quite autonomous, I could do this shit all hours of the day.
The PayPal donation sounds pretty good.
Another idea would be, I dunno, a customized bike-raffle???
bentstrider01.31.08 - 11:44 pm
@ectoplasm said
so I can't start a ride called the "Crank cub wolf camp critical pier funder dark century hustle mob?"
I think you'll be OK, so long as you don't schedule it for this Saturday!
ideasculptor02.1.08 - 12:02 am
I <3 RB
If you need some chedda to keep this boat afloat, I can scrounge up some change. This is a site that we all use. It's fucking awesome and I thank you for it. So if you put out the distress call (not that you're distressed, I'm just being melodramatic), I'll be glad to help out.
NEWB31002.1.08 - 12:03 am
As for improvements to the site, my only gripe of any substance is the two iframes full of content in the forums (thread list and thread content). Not only is it not compatible with many (most?) mobile devices, but I simply find it awkward to use with a scrollwheel/gestures. That said, it can be fixed with some pretty minor changes to a CSS file, judging by some quick analysis of the page structure I just did. It'd be pretty simple to allow users to select the new CSS file in their profile so that there would be no change for the vast majority of users.
just thinking out loud - not trying (much) to be an agitator for change. I'm just sensitive to application design after 15 years as an application developer in various capacities.
ideasculptor02.1.08 - 12:09 am
Can we please migrate to Vanilla BB?
It'd make this forum so much more friendly.
kyber02.1.08 - 12:11 am
A shift to entirely new software seems like overkill to me. The somewhat eclectic software that MR runs is part of its charm and contributes to the vibe, I think. There are some very minor changes that would improve its usability, and lots of things that could be added to improve user experience without really affecting look and feel at all (remembering the last post you read in each thread and jumping straight to it, more profile info, like the ability to see threads and posts by each user, send personal messages, and maybe add slightly more informative search results, rss feeds, etc), though much of that would be reinventing the wheel to a significant extent.
If we could slap an MR look and feel on vanilla bb AND migrate older content over to it flawlessly, it might be worth it, but in my experience, moving a whole community to new software without total continuity of user-experience is asking for a shift in the tenor of the community and is likely to tick off a lot of older members to boot. That's the only reason I think we might be better off doing a slower evolution of what we've got going on already.
We've got kind of a unique community here, as it is still fairly small and, much more importantly, we all interact frequently in actual meatspace, so I think we can improve things in a pretty collaborative fashion without alienating folks or lots of strife, but then I'm a total newb and probably stepping well over the line by suggesting change at all this early in my tenure here. But the internets are all about change, really, so why the hell not? Its just a series of tubes, afterall.
ideasculptor02.1.08 - 12:39 am
RB it's your site.
Do whatever the fuck you want.
If you see something you don't like, delete it.
And if you need some cash for programming let us know.
marino02.1.08 - 12:17 pm
Road Block
This site is awesome !!! I've met soo many cool people through this website. I love doing these rides cause their so much fun..... good vibes. I would like to see everybody respect each other and the rides we all try and set up for everyone here. see ya all at Fear Pressure
Peace Out
Freeekeone02.1.08 - 12:39 pm
Obviously, this site has a software problem. Can I interest you in a pluggable authentication module? That would keep the whiners and the netcops out of here. Either you're authentic and you can come in, or you're inauthentic and you can go kick rocks. (I'm simplifying things a bit, because I know that you are not a programmer.)
Did I mention that I'm pluggable? I am, you know!
PAM02.1.08 - 12:42 pm
PAM also will not stick to cooking surfaces, such as stainless steel, iron, or copper.
katiepoche02.1.08 - 1:22 pm
"The rides to rides for ear pressure and fear pressure are actually working in reverse to dilute the actual ride which I have no idea which one it is so I kind of see all this chatter and am disinterested in going through the work to find out what it is."
People on the east side wanna ride to the west side and, myself, would prefer to ride with other riders headed that way.
I think it can become confusing to read through the upcoming ridezz because they're chronological by date, but not time. (i know that's more software work etc)
A paypal button is well deserved for sure. Many thanks RB.
Eric Hair02.1.08 - 4:10 pm
RB you know me and my soundsystem gots your back on any fundraizing activities. I personally think it would be rad to raise a little scratch for the programming and maybe have a little left over for spokecard supplies or whatevz.
Thanks for bein' so laid back about everything here and just keepin' things real around here.
trickmilla02.1.08 - 6:14 pm
RB not sure if I mentioned this to you already but like ideasculptor and probably a few others here I am a programmer and I am willing to help maintain this site. I figured you would probably find it more useful to have volunteers ready to get their hands dirty on this than trying to find people who don't give a shit about bikes to do it.
What I am saying is, I wanna help, because it helps us all, and in case it wasn't abundantly obvious, this would be as a volunteer. I have skills out the wazoo.
This web site is the nerve center of our burgeoning community. I would hate to see you regretting not being able to change stuff. If I see you on Sunday I'll ping you about this.
ephemerae02.2.08 - 2:59 pm
"yet I dont want people calling their rides "hustle" rides because we are branding that shit out and licensing merch with the name."
XLARGE store on Vermont has "hustle" bike bags and I think hats..Is that your deal? or bootlegged?
barleye02.2.08 - 6:39 pm
leave it like it is.. if it's not broke; don't fix it
khaos02.3.08 - 10:13 am
Is "Wolfpack Hustle" a trademarked name? If you're going to brand it, I'd assume that's what you would need to do, since someone from outside this community might not think twice about stealing the name from you if potential profit was involved. Also, this opens the door for others to create trademarked rides to use for marketing stuff, or possibly even for established companies to come in and sponsor certain rides.
This isn't meant as a criticism - just an observation.
I, personally, would hope that "Midnight Ridazz" can stay an independent, DIY entity, and I think a fundraiser for this site is a great idea, as long as all the funds go into the site itself.
angle02.3.08 - 2:52 pm