Thread started by
Joe Borfo at 04.24.08 - 1:33 pm

I received this from a LA Wheelman:
"The HARVEY HETLAND MEMORIAL RIDE is scheduled for Sunday, May 4 - 9:00 a.m. It will probably start from the Zoo parking lot in Griffith Park. I will send more details as soon as I have them."
I have put the ride up on the
Calendar ==>
If y'all will remember, Harvey was the rider who was passed on the right by a car up on La Tuna Canyon Road in early March. Conjecture is he was buzzed by the car, not struck. He lost control of his bike, fell, and was killed. The driver did not stop.
He was a professor at Pasadena City College. He taught mathematics and engineering there for over thirty years. He was a member of the LA Wheelmen and also an amateur radio enthusiast. He sounded like a cool guy, and I wish I had known him.
Allan and I are working on a ghost bike to install on the memorial ride, close to where he died. The LA Wheelmen are planning a picnic at the end of the ride to swap stories and remember him. Come on and pay respects to a good man downed.
katiepoche04.24.08 - 3:08 pm
Conjecture is also that Hetland was buzzed on the left side, not the right. This is not concrete, but I was told this by a LA Wheelmen who said there is video tape to prove it. Even so, Harvey was killed by reckless driving no matter what anyone tells me. I know what it's like to get buzzed by a car.
Thanks for those who put together a ghost bike for him. When do you plan to put it up in the location he was killed?
Anytime a cyclist is killed in our city it is important for our community to respond. Even though he wasn't a Rida, he was a really cool guy, an environmentalist and a cycling advocate. R.I.P.
Joe Borfo04.24.08 - 3:20 pm
We're hoping to post the bike during the ride.
katiepoche04.24.08 - 3:38 pm
"LA Wheelmen has scheduled a memorial ride for Harvey on Sunday, May 4th, starting from the Zoo parking lot at 8:30 a.m.
The route is up to Montrose and back (with possible options for a longer ride to Sierra Madre for those who want that.)
Upon the return to the Zoo lot, we were planning a gathering in the patio/picnic area behind the Aurtry Museum where members could reminisce about Harvey etc.
We talked about coming back via La Tuna past the site of his death, but thought that might be a bit uncomfortable for some. But, if some riders want to do that, it would obviously not be out of the way once the ride got to Montrose.
Route sheets will be available early next week by clicking on Route Sheets at our website lawheelmen.org."
8:30 AM!!!??
Joe Borfo04.26.08 - 7:38 pm
I'll be riding to this from the Westside . . . does anyone want to do a satellite?
Alex Thompson04.26.08 - 11:43 pm
Oh, 8:30am?
In addition to riding I will also be hating my life getting up that early. Would anyone like to bike Westside to the start and also hate getting up early?
Alex Thompson04.26.08 - 11:45 pm
Holy shit! 8:30 in the A freakin M?!?!?!?! How are we going to do this??? Stay up all night is the best chance for me to make it. Maybe we can camp out the night before at the park?
Who's up for campin?
User104.27.08 - 1:23 am
8:30 AM is good. That way you can still make it to the t-shirt screenprinting party.
PC04.27.08 - 3:11 am
Are you really going to camp, Allan? I think I'll bike in at the crack of dawn. I'd rather be sweaty at the memorial than rank.
Jeece, rad, the screenprinting place is right close to Griffith Park!
Hey, PC, didn't you go for a test-ride recently? How'd it go?
katiepoche04.27.08 - 9:48 am
@ Katie,
Naw...... I was just blowing smoke! I'll probably stay over at Harry's. I don't think he's too far from all of this.
User104.28.08 - 12:54 am
Damn ... I was gonna be pretty impressed if you were going to camp.
Impressed and upwind of you.
katiepoche04.28.08 - 1:39 am
"On Sunday is the Harvey Hetland Memorial Ride. This leaves from the Zoo parking lot and heads up to Montrose.Although planning for this has been somewhat informal, what we hope will happen is that those wishing to remember Harvey will either gather in Montrose for lunch to reminisce about Harvey or, gather at the end of the ride in the grassy area behind the Autry Museum for an impromptu pot luck brunch. For this, riders should bring snacks or other appropriate food to pass around. I believe drinks and perhaps some snacks are available in the Museum. Another possibility is that as we return, we could stop and pick something up, take it back to the finish and gather
there to eat. I plan to attend this ride as well. At the beginning of the ride, we can decide how we will proceed.Full information on the weekend rides is available on the club's website: www.lawheelmen.org" - Larry Schellhase
Joe Borfo04.28.08 - 1:37 pm
There hasn't been any noise about this in a while ... who all's going? Any other westsiders?
I've never biked to Griffith Park from the westside. What time should we head out?
I'm scared of what I'll hear back.
... 6?
katiepoche05.3.08 - 8:27 pm
It took me almost two hours to get to brassknuckles' house last Sunday. 'Course, it was the heat of the day, and I wasn't-not hungover... I think I'll leave at 6:30. If I get there at 8 and have to stare at some trees for a while, I won't cry.
katiepoche05.3.08 - 9:58 pm
It was like a billion degrees that day. I tried to spit on the ground and it ended up on my face. 20 times.
You'll definitely be sound with 2 hours.
Alex Thompson05.3.08 - 10:25 pm
Props to people who can make this.
It's my wife's birthday, so I'm not going to be able to make it out. Thanks for all the work Katie, Allan, Greg, and others.
Joe Borfo05.3.08 - 11:10 pm
Respect to the LA Wheelmen & Wheelwomen. They tackled hill after hill, easy bo peazy. At one stopping point, I pulled up and gasped "You guys aren't messing around up here." "Not bad for some old people, eh?" Said Christy, Harvey's girlfriend, who is SO COOL. "Not bad for people," said me.
I told them about the ghost bike. They were touched -- Allan, chalk this one up as one more excellent idea for you. (Like you needed it, you crazy good-idea generator.) We didn't ride past it, but they ride along La Tuna all the time, and several people I spoke to individually said they'd check it out this week.
katiepoche05.4.08 - 12:47 pm
That's awesome you made the ride Katie. I was hoping at least someone could go to represent. Could think of a better ambassador to send. Did anyone else make the ride?
Nice work on the sign and flowers too. Hopefully you guys can post up some more pics.
Would be great to get a report on how long it last. If it's there for a week we'll be lucky and it's served it's purpose.
User105.4.08 - 1:21 pm
PC was on the ride, too. In fact, he got there before I did. I was there with so little time to spare before the ride left that he acted as more of an ambassador than I did.
Alex was on the way when he got a flat, fixed it, and then got ANOTHER flat -- double bummer! Man, that sucks. I talked to a couple people who had been in contact with you, Alex, and they were impressed and touched that you got this whole thing going to begin with. So you were there without being there. I suppose that's cold comfort when you got up before the sun did.
katiepoche05.5.08 - 6:41 pm
"Would be great to get a report on how long it last. If it's there for a week we'll be lucky and it's served it's purpose."
I'll check up on it every couple of days Allan.
toweliesbong05.5.08 - 6:59 pm
I'm happy to report that as of this morning Harvey's ghost bike is doing just fine.
toweliesbong05.15.08 - 10:45 am
Mr. Bong,
Can we get some more pics? Great news that it's still up too!
12+ days!
User105.15.08 - 11:17 pm
Will do, I may ride back up there Sat morn.
I think it's going to be there awhile, it's a rural area and I don't think anyone has a reason to remove it or mess with it.
toweliesbong05.15.08 - 11:22 pm
The DOT has cleared brush along La Tuna and Harvey's ghost bike is still there looking great thanks to User1's paint job and katiepoche's locking job (and the sign and flowers still look GREAT)!
toweliesbong11.30.08 - 5:22 pm
Here here! That's great news towlies. Katie and User1 don't get enough recognition for this. You guys are great!
Alex Thompson11.30.08 - 6:43 pm
Liz and I drove down la tuna the other day saw it still there....... That was last sunday.
Freeekeone11.30.08 - 7:49 pm
Yep, we went up La Tuna today on the way to the 'cross races. I'd heard from Turrican who passes by it a lot that it was still there.
toweliesbong11.30.08 - 7:59 pm
Oh shit, I almost missed this post!
Thanks for giving us the update Brad. Great to see this is still up. Tell you the truth, I didn't give it much of a chance of being around. I figured the city would come around and have it removed.
User105.4.09 - 1:26 pm
Ive been riding this road every sunday for the last 5 weeks, I havent seen this guys ghost bike anywhere. I did see the crosses and cadles and flowers tough...
pporras11.9.09 - 1:09 pm