Aspiring Rider

Thread started by
ParasitoLosAngeleno at 03.9.08 - 12:27 am
So I recently came upon some Wolfpack hustle Videos on YouTube. I love Los Angeles to death. Been many cities and always come back to one. I've always wanted a bike and hope someone can give me any info on what type of bike to pick out?
There are many, many, many different styles of bicycles to fit different styles of riding.
No one can recommend a bike to you without more information on the type of riding you are interested in doing.
Since you mentioned Wolfpack videos, I would assume you are interested in doing those rides? Most of the Wolfpack rides are done with roadbikes, since they strive to maintain some hustle and speed.
But, again, you need to determine the kind of cycling you are interested in doing before you can choose a bike. Casual riding? Firetrails in the mountains? Fast nighttime rides? Leisurely nighttime rides? Tricks and BMX racing? Velodrome? Commuting and running errands?
Those are just some examples of the things you may want to do with a bike, and those activites will change what kind of bike is best suited for your needs.
MikeyWalsh03.9.08 - 1:17 am
I'm fuckin dying to go on a midnight ride!
It's seems like the perfect thing for me and my girlfriend to do. We walk ALOT and LOVe to walk around the metro DTLa area for hours on end. So bikes seem perfect. I told her about the 20+ mile rides after midnight and shes so excited to have her first one as am I.
ParasitoLosAngeleno03.9.08 - 1:37 am

This one looks good
hipster03.9.08 - 1:45 am
I second what spook said. Building your own is a great way to save money and bond with your bike. Plus, you'll stand a better chance of being able to diagnose and repair any mechanical problems down the line.
Undercover Bob03.9.08 - 2:28 am
Build it yourself, but please do some research online first and consult with some peeps who know so you can start off in the right direction. You'll save yourself a lot of money and time.
cabhauler03.9.08 - 3:05 am
Get a recumbent.
Specifically one with a 700c rear wheel, and low-seated position.
Iffy on hills(depending on type, gearing, fitness-level,. etc), but on flatland and everything else, you'll be lighting fire!!
bentstrider03.9.08 - 3:52 am
that guy passed me, and i got burned........................................................................................................................................................ shit, ride with us for a little while, and you'll learn to find your one true love (A BIKE ). COME PREPARED TO RIDE KINDA FAST BUT WITH A FEW STOPS UP AHEAD TO GET YOUR 'BEARINGS', HOPE TO YOU ON SOME RIDES, PEACE DUDE!
eddieboyinla03.9.08 - 6:15 am
Building a bike up, or even a freak bike, should be done by someone that has gotten their feet wet first, IMHO. Sounds like ParasitoLosAngeleno wants to get riding with us, not spend his free time hanging out at the shop. Maybe somewhere in the future he would. What I would do is make sure you have the right size bike in mind. Read some of the reviews on road bikes that are a couple of years old. Ask alot of questions. Then start looking for a used bike in good shape. You can get a pretty nice bike for a $100 now a days. Spend another $100 if you're a little more serious about this.
Get started riding the social rides. After that, pick some rides that are more serious about speed and distance. Then go for the Wolf Pack rides and have at it.
Have a nice summer ParasitoLosAngeleno, and welcome!
User103.9.08 - 12:18 pm
eddieboyinla03.9.08 - 12:25 pm
Shit , I'm surprised that people actually try to be of some help in this forum. My bidget is about $100 or so and I've been reading around a lot. I checked out H&S online in the Valle , anyone know of this spot? I'm pretty sure some of you must be familiar. I know for sure I'll be riding with some of you in the near future. I think I'll go with building my own. that way I know I wont let it get stolen. the emotional attachment to a bike is endless. Thanks for the help and I'll be checking on all the links posted and get back soon.
ParasitoLosAngeleno03.9.08 - 3:21 pm
Interesting name. :)
Joe Borfo
03.9.08 - 4:47 am
checked your myspace and saw DREAMS OF BLACK ROCK CITY
My homie and I both got accepted for the scholarship tickets and we're hitting Burning Man for $95!!!!!!!!!!!
$95 fuckin dollars!!!!!
It's true, kids from Inglewood and South Central aren't all gangbangers and thugs. Although we got it in us we still new wave hippies.
ParasitoLosAngeleno03.9.08 - 3:23 pm

Midnight Ridazz are going out to Black Rock City this year ParasitoLA!
See you there!
Joe Borfo03.10.08 - 12:17 am
Follow User1's advice, you'll get the most bang for you buck. Check craigslist. If you see something under $150 post it here for review like tomato did a couple of days ago in the "is this bike worth it" thread.
For your first bike it will be generally be cheaper to buy complete. You can build your own for cheap if you're patient and can find cheap or free parts but generally the bike manufacturers can put them together cheaper than a consumer can.
toweliesbong03.10.08 - 8:32 am
hey Parasito, look foward to catching you on a ride soon. Listen, I started out with a mean East LA $15.00 bike. It rolled and I was happy. No one judged me or anything, that was almost a year ago. Just grab a bike and join in the fun.
DeKadenzy03.10.08 - 9:15 am
4 years later. I started riding a.s.a.p after this and decided to not give two fucks aout asking people about what they think i should do. Now,i sit here, now gaster ,stronger,vlighter than ever.
Ripping through fuckin streets like a madman.
Rode from LA to Lake Balboa through the orange line bike path for a couple yeras straight.
When i posted on here i was just riding beach cruisers and peugot,nishiki,blah blah. Random beaters. Now ive gone full blown custom made track frame and slaved my ass off for nice little track/ road trinkets.
Biking has taken over my life.
Still havent hit any races or any group rides WHATSOEVER. NOT ONE SINGLE GROUP RIDE ,ALLEYCAT,SANCTION RACE OR ANYTHING. But ive been training my ass off doing rigorous interval training on a trainer and busting my ass over and over at griffith park,climbing the 5th and grand hill on a regular, climbing up that deaded damned hill at universal studios and im only excelling even further.
Starting training soon at the encino velodrome( hopefully) damned you laziness<
But fuck me do i love riding my damned bike
This website still kicks ass.
I just now remembered my login name and decided to check it after reading the Crash Race results,( which,uh,i didnt go to because i was too busy playing an intense game of scrabble[ yes,at 3:30am]
ParasitoLosAngeleno03.23.12 - 11:06 pm
Go to the ADT Velodrome. Its better.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by ParasitoLosAngeleno
03.24.12 - 2:47 pm