MR #104 HALP

Thread started by
Roadblock at 08.3.12 - 2:16 pm
uhhhhhh I was so focused on the drag race that I've done nothing to get this ride happening... I want to do the game show ride but it's so soon that I might have to postpone it and go back to heavy metal... we could tour all the famous butt rock spots that Sexy and Barleye used to go to in the 80's.
Job well done on the race. What are u asking here?
JOKER08.3.12 - 3:17 pm
my son what ever help you need daddy is here.
andres8408.3.12 - 3:20 pm
The Ride With No Theme...Go with it.....just do a good route and have it on the Westside.
barleye08.3.12 - 3:53 pm
I'm happy to help. Call or message me and let me know what I can do to make it happen.
kryxtanicole08.4.12 - 10:54 pm
Bumpity Bump. I'm always down to help for the ride.
palucha6608.6.12 - 2:04 am
IM sure the moms will say they helped and hand out socks :P
dudebra42008.6.12 - 5:54 am
Barlame looks like the results of a hot steamy night between Valley girl era Nick Cage and Don Johnson.
sack or crack you choose responding to a
comment by barleye
08.6.12 - 9:36 am
Hey thanks y'all.... Womowmwmwom
route.... Someone mentioned west side... Maybe end at the beach?
Roadblock08.6.12 - 6:22 pm
More like Weak side. Seems like every ride is staying in the westside lately.
Rage responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.6.12 - 8:06 pm
its hot out... we should hit a river or a lake or a beach...
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Rage
08.7.12 - 12:39 am
gotta take advantage of the warmer beach weather while we still can
still I dunno, which rides are you talking about? Didn't LACM go west recently or something? Seems to me like the east side has been and is still holding it down.
Also it cracks me up when I hear someone make a "sides" joke anymore, seems like it's 100% of the time coming from an eastward finger-mouth. All these years, still hatin'
jonnyboy responding to a
comment by Rage
08.7.12 - 2:39 am
Is docweiller open all night? Can we have a bonfire?
Roadblock responding to a
comment by jonnyboy
08.7.12 - 9:46 am
Bonfires!!!!! +++++Call on the church of F U N for help. Only makes sense to get help from the worshippers of FUN++++
Rosiekins08.7.12 - 10:40 am
no, it "closes" at 10pm and I think they come check to make sure all fires are out around that time and might keep coming back for a while after.
i have been there until 6 or 7am in the past without an issue but i think you have to show up late. breakfast on the beach after riding all night is the best <3
not sure if i can make it out this Friday but it sounds like a good time!
Kakihara responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.7.12 - 11:23 am
so where's the ride starting?
barleye responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.8.12 - 1:27 pm
robotz used to end at dockweiler and party till the sun came up. totally doable. we would arrive late-late, after midnight or 1am.
i have a ton of westside FUN places we can hit up. let me know if you need help with the route since i "used to be a westsida" haha!
bondink08.8.12 - 1:37 pm
I need a ostrich friend. They seem chill.
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
08.9.12 - 4:29 pm
this is happening!
It's going to meet at tangs and head to the beach.
can anyone pin point a good spot at the beach and post? I could use help with spoke cards too. really sorry for the delay everyone!!
Roadblock08.9.12 - 5:23 pm
Awesome. Are you gonna post the route? I might have to jump in while it's in progress.
steveisaacs responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.9.12 - 10:53 pm
Nice work! So lemme guess, some of us will take Venice, and some will
take the 10 to get there?
JOKER responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.9.12 - 11:31 pm
Acoustic JC/DC set on the beach?
Those panniers and rack look big enough to hold a guitar.
two wheels good08.10.12 - 1:22 am
so where does the westside meetup :P
bondink responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.10.12 - 9:31 am
So whats going on with this ride? are there any details?
Avner08.10.12 - 10:55 am
Soooo Ummmm what the details for this? I want to go
OsnapsonJC08.10.12 - 10:56 am
Ok I'm working on this right now...
Route from Tangs to docweiller. with firepit at the end sound cool?
The Ride with no Theme
meet at Tangs at 9pm
Roadblock responding to a
comment by bondink
08.10.12 - 11:26 am
i have a route - if you want to use it. staying out of Culver City is best.
like wolfpack all city race
bondink responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.10.12 - 12:10 pm
i'm juggling work. it's in my head. can i bring it tonight?
i have a few. i got some westsidazz have ridden from eastside to westside so many times it's like habit.
i even have a sick way through the canals, marina to mustache bridge. but the route we would be taking from Tang's is commonly refereed to on the westside as the "Vodka Route"
bring vodka tonight.
bondink responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.10.12 - 12:39 pm

oooh ok. sounds good... I had a route going from tangs through 4th to charleville but then stopped when I saw your post.
so... bring wood and vodka
Roadblock responding to a
comment by bondink
08.10.12 - 1:16 pm
whats the first stop?
I would be good to have some kind of a midpoint rondezvouz like swarm the pier would do...
trickmilla08.10.12 - 3:16 pm
i was thinkING C.R.A.N.K. MOB park
tangs ---> vodka route ---> C.R.A.N.K. MOB PARK --->
----> WE COULD GO THRU THE MARINA, which i have only ever done on a westside birthday ride - which is tight and super sick - depends on time
but really it all depends on Roadblock
bondink responding to a
comment by trickmilla
08.10.12 - 3:23 pm
I'd LOVE to go but I won't go anywhere near that crypto-facist burg of culver shitty.
antrider responding to a
comment by bondink
08.10.12 - 4:01 pm
we will only brush culver shitty. i refuse to go there ever on a bike ride. don't let that deter you. we will be fine.
bondink responding to a
comment by antrider
08.10.12 - 4:18 pm
loving the venice canals idea...
I think this ride is going to be super small so that should be perfect.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by bondink
08.10.12 - 5:34 pm
Take pico to stay away from culver city... minimal hills..left on gateway inno ocean park... left on 23rd down the killer hill.. that will drop you into venice boulevard..
barleye responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.10.12 - 6:20 pm
so...will the ride start on bike time instead? We are getting out of work at 9:30 will try to hustle to tangs but if we dont make it, is the the first regroup at cmob park?
marleydog08.10.12 - 7:40 pm
Thanks all for making this ride fun and special! The water wasnt even cold!
Roadblock08.11.12 - 12:05 pm
I say we go back to the fire!
sexy08.11.12 - 2:07 pm
thank you Don and Sara for this!
the route was awesome, the fire was cozy, the water felt good; burritos and the hilarious train ride home were the perfect cap off to a fantastic night.
my diiiick....
KeepinEtNorma08.11.12 - 5:20 pm