Angelopes Choppercobras

Thread started by
danya at 05.28.12 - 9:10 am
I saw some of the most disgustingly disrespectful bullshit yesterday.
-Physical assault
-Bullying & intimidation (of a newbie Rida, no less)
-Tagging everywhere, including on Paul's shop
I am personally enraged and horrified at the widespread tolerance acceptance of this behavior. I count many Angelopes as dear friends, but I do not understand how any of your crew can stand by and allow a select few to destroy anything in their path, regardless of the bounds of common decency.
Any one else in what's left of the MR community disgusted?
and acceptance
danya05.28.12 - 9:22 am
I was just going to write a really bad yelp review on them. But I think Danya nailed it. Thanks.
I might just make that yelp review anyhow.
Joe Borfo05.28.12 - 9:52 am
I was not able to make it to the event (super bummed as I heard its AMAZING!)
But as soon as I heard that an Angelope had tagged my stomach dropped. I count a good portion of this group to be my closes friends, but it really astounds me how childish some of them can be. It just seems that simple human decency has jumped out of their skulls. Shocking. When did it EVER become okay to bully others and show that level of disrespect in anothers space, ESPECIALLY among the ridazz, who are one of the most accepting groups I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and since day one have repeated the mantra of leave no trace, respect ever spot we go to etc...
It just sucks for all of the people who are affiliated with that group and get tied into the whole ordeal, since as you know not all of them are douche buckets. Bleghh.
DoABarrelRoll!!!05.28.12 - 11:41 am
Angelope try hards!! HATED EVERYWHERE!
theshues05.28.12 - 12:39 pm
"Any one else in what's left of the MR community disgusted?"
I would not be as docile and friendly about the situation if I were in Paul's shoes. This is his business and his territory.
Then there is the whole disregarding of each other's things within the group itself.
I showed up to this event at 10:30 AM, found the shade, and put my stuff down. This includes my messenger bag with my DSLR and video camera inside. I was hanging in that same spot for the whole day. I came back from the pit after one of the first 2 events to find my bag wet with spilled beer, my cameras wet. There was somehow a muddy shoe print on the INSIDE of my now open bag.
This is the thanks that a few Angelopes give for me showing up and sweeping for 45 minutes so you don't get glass in your hands when you fall off the spool bikes..
I could only think that NOBODY, NOT ONCE ever, from the Mom Ridazz ever did anything like this to me. OR anyone from Trenway. OR anyone from S&S.
I understand that not everyone was so rude, but as someone much smarter than I said after the event about the angelopes; "You are the company you keep."
TheDude05.28.12 - 12:45 pm
Who did what? Let's call them out on it.
franz05.28.12 - 1:14 pm
This guy was stirring up some serious bullshit -- >

Joe Borfo05.28.12 - 1:55 pm
I am disappointed to hear what happened but then again it was angelopes, a group that loves mischief and mayhem. It's their motto! I have come to learn that when around them to expect some shit to happen; paint, fireworks, stencils ect...
Usually they keep it in the casa or on their rides, unfortunately it had to be on someones property who laid out strict guidelines against paint and disrespect and they had no regards for these set guidelines. It is a shame that this happened but it did. Now all we can do is attempt to take preventative measures to help it not happen in the future. This includes that if you see something, say something. If they don't stop, then you kick them to the curb or somewhere where they won't be able to do wrongful actions that affect the property or people contained within that are attempting to be respectful patrons. The angelopes have less boundaries then most cyclist I know in the MR community. This is why I choose to be a member of MoM Ridaz. We havea different set of boundaries and a different way we give back to our community. You are the company you keep. If you find that you don't like what is going on in one sector of your community, do something about it. You can do this by letting the offender know your offended, or hanging out with those that you find to not be offensive!
louisiana05.28.12 - 3:08 pm
Borfo's period stain tagged more than anything!
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
05.28.12 - 6:11 pm
At least all this hate on the Angelopes is bringing back the threads.
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
05.28.12 - 6:12 pm
pics or it didnt happen.
PS im SO pissed off about being physically assaulted by someone during the last event. its a race not a demolition derby, no one said anything about getting hurt.
newarkhouse05.28.12 - 6:12 pm
I will cal some people out. Raina and diana sorryi dont have pics but i am 100% on those 2 girls. m new to this stuff but i am well aware of the various bike groups. The actions of these 2 girls and grouped with the angelopes not accepting responsibility is a huge black eye and punch to the gut of paul and his crew.
Really? Pics or it didnt happen? Get real. Peace
olsonadams responding to a
comment by newarkhouse
05.28.12 - 6:54 pm
Yay this did bring the threads more activity than even your moms seen in the past 3 years! And she has alot of activities!
louisiana05.28.12 - 7:00 pm
PIC or it didnt happen are you for real. what about my friends bike being spray painted with there super cool stupid angelopes logo buch of fucking tards! Why dont you go fuck your self then apologies if you got any manors?
PoloCholo responding to a
comment by olsonadams
05.28.12 - 8:21 pm
" The actions of these 2 girls and grouped with the angelopes not accepting responsibility is a huge black eye and punch to the gut of paul and his crew."
This I can agree with.
TheDude responding to a
comment by olsonadams
05.28.12 - 9:39 pm
It's simple. We kill the Angelopes. Then have a MR supper ride.
palucha6605.28.12 - 11:05 pm
I love supper!! What's on the menu?
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by palucha66
05.29.12 - 2:46 pm
hey weed is fucking legal and doesnt leave any residue that stains sent or textile/floor.
and pauls shop getting tagged is lame.
tagging is the biggest pull shit in the world
i love meny members of this "bikegang" but realy they act like the "cool kids" at school and they have their own fucking lunch table and blah blahblah.
dudebra42005.29.12 - 5:23 pm
I don't think it matters much who did what specifically. When you put on "gang colors" or any sort of group "uniform" I think you become somewhat responsible for the actions of your friends/brothers/sisters and vice versa. I firmly believe we should all police our own. That's why when (from a distance) I saw a guy throwing a spray can over the fence into the neighbor's yard I turned to the guy nearest me in an Angelopes vest and said "Is that your friend? That's not cool." He responded by telling me he didn't know the guy, never met the guy and that I should go fuck myself. WTF? Are you serious?? The garbage thrower, to his credit, eventually retrieved the mess and made apologies to everyone involved which makes him 1000 times more respectable than the guy who pretended not to know him. I know there are many smart talented people in that bunch and it's too bad they let the losers act like losers under the angelopes banner. It just makes them all look like creeps.
frumble05.29.12 - 5:42 pm
I heard if you go into a bathroom, turn off the lights and say "Angelopes" in the mirror 3 times...some shit goes down. Confirm/deny
Rosiekins05.29.12 - 5:55 pm
Depends who's in the bathroom with you.
rayrayray responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
05.29.12 - 5:59 pm
Someone agreed to have Diana paint their bike gold. She got a little bit too happy and painted someone's polo wheel cover and rim. She also thought it was cute to paint my patch with the Angelopes logo. Luckily, I got away. As for the rest of the Angelopes I'm not so sure of.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
05.29.12 - 6:39 pm
Whoa. How do I join this Angelepes group??
Jaz05.29.12 - 6:55 pm
I stenciled two traffic cones and the spool bikes:
When I heard about the can being thrown over the neighbor's fence, I immediately talked to the guy who threw it and it was retrieved and apologies were heard.
mossygoodness responding to a
comment by palucha66
05.29.12 - 7:05 pm
True. Thanks for that, Mossy.
frumble responding to a
comment by mossygoodness
05.29.12 - 7:31 pm
Sara danya, you need to grow up. You have been on our case for no reason for a long time. You are constantly spouting bullshit and disinvinting me from your events. We used to be friends, i stayed at your valley bike mansion and you even drove my to san diego years ago. Nothing has changed since then, we didnt get in an argument, i didnt start talking shit or hating on you. You just started talking shit about me and the angelopes. I dont know how you consider any of us your friends, i was genuinly upset when i last saw you at my house, some nerve you have showing up.
The facts are no angelopes tagged pauls buisness
I am currently in New Orleans on my way around america and I have to deal with this shit, really guys? I havent said anything until now because I was waiting to get the facts from Paul and my crew. Guess what, all is good, Paul doesnt give a shit about painted traffic cones and paint on his freak bikes because he is an adult. He also is a friend and major supplier of frames and bike parts to the angelopes, so we would never want to disrespect or harm him or his buisness in any way.
larsenf05.30.12 - 11:23 am
Oh hey frumble fuck you for assuming that disrespectful action was done by an angelope. Sounds like he went and got the can because of an angelope. I would of given you the same reaction in a second.
larsenf responding to a
comment by frumble
05.30.12 - 11:28 am
Relax, this is a discussion. If you read the thread, Frumble acknowledged that Troy apologized and made up for his action. If someone sees something that seems not cool and calls someone out for it, how is it an overreaction? We are just policing ourselves. And he was just asking someone who was wearing Angelopes colors to clean up his shit/not trash the neighbors. And the dude responded like he was being physically threatened or something ridiculous.
I had no issues with cones being sprayed. But maybe Paul did? I don't fuck with his shit unless I know it's cool with him first. One of the guys (with an Angelopes vest) started smashing bikes into the ground to purposefully break off wheels and started hurling them around. I didn't think that was cool.
Give Danya a break, she was there and YOU weren't. Some of the Angelopes were being RETARDS and they know it. I don't hate Angelopes or you. I just don't respect DICK like behavior. There is NOTHING wrong for it to be called out.
Most Angelopes are really cool. Some are kinda dumb. So I guess you guys have too look out for each other better unless you dong care about getting called out as a group.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by larsenf
05.30.12 - 11:56 am
What Larsen just said is what I heard the last night when I asked wtf happened from someone mentioned in this thread. They have no reason to lie to me and they seemed visibly upset about all of this.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
05.30.12 - 12:05 pm
Ummmm correction ....* What Larsen just said is what I heard last night when I asked wtf...
OsnapsonJC05.30.12 - 12:06 pm
Oh, I'm so glad you could clear that all up for us.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
05.30.12 - 12:07 pm
I think the real topic at hand should be...HOW AMAZING OF A TIME ARE YOU HAVING IN NEW ORLEANS?!
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by larsenf
05.30.12 - 12:16 pm
Also, everyone read Louise and Larsen's's all sorts of amazing.
Rosiekins05.30.12 - 12:16 pm
It's over and done with. If it had been worse we would have heard from Paul by now in one of these threads.
And I hope the rida that crossed the line with other ridazz learns from this and learns to respect other people's personal property in the future.
July responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
05.30.12 - 12:20 pm
Also, Palucha, for talking so much shit on the Angelopes, you really didn't have a problem going to the Hacienda after Choppercabras. Don't preach about respect when you clearly have no idea how to respect people, their homes and their lives.
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by palucha66
05.30.12 - 12:30 pm
Kill it already.
I drove him there.
July responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
05.30.12 - 12:33 pm
Borfo drooled the entire time at Choppercabras. He got drool on my jacket. HOW DARE YOU NOT CONTROL YOUR SALIVA, BORFO!?
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
05.30.12 - 12:38 pm
Every one please direct your attention to the Rida of the Century thread. Let's all discuss the importance of Lackflag and the MK bike gang.
Rosiekins05.30.12 - 12:39 pm
phew! thank god this is over cause i was having heart palpitations cause I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bondink05.30.12 - 12:51 pm
Lying beside you, here in the dark
Feeling your heart beat with mine
Softly you whisper, youre so sincere
How could our live be so blind
We sailed on together
We drifted apart
And here you are by my side
So now I come to you, with open arms
Nothing to hide, believe what I say
So here I am with open arms
Hoping youll see what your love means to me
Open arms
Living without you, living alone
This empty house seems so cold
Wanting to hold you, wanting you near
How much I wanted you home
But now that youve come back
Turned night into day
I need you to stay.
So now I come to you, with open arms
Nothing to hide, believe what I say
So here I am with open arms
Hoping youll see what your love means to me
Open arms
Joe Borfo05.30.12 - 1:59 pm
Graham05.30.12 - 2:11 pm
PC05.30.12 - 2:22 pm
For the record, I didn't throw that can...I caught the LOPE who did and called him out when I saw it, then it was dealt with. Only after I yelled at him from a distance did someone tell me that I should go deal with it. I was in the act of self policing and yet someone felt the need to demand action from me. A request I brushed off because It was being dealt with already.
minibikelove responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
05.30.12 - 2:33 pm
minibikelove05.30.12 - 2:36 pm
Okay. My mistake, Thanks for doing what you did. That bullshit was dealt with then and there. That's all that matters. Stuff that wasn't called out for is justified in doing so, even later on the threads for every one to see. If the shoe doesn't fit, then don't wear it. We all know that Angelopes in itself isn't inherently bad. It's just individuals that need to be called out sometimes. You don't have to take your pissy high school hurt feelings drama into it. You just man up and say, ok I did that or I didn't. End of story.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by minibikelove
05.30.12 - 2:46 pm
Seriously, 70 posts in 2 days....THE ANGELOPES BROUGHT BACK MR! WAY TO GO, GUYS! YOU DID IT!
Rosiekins05.30.12 - 3:03 pm
Why all the little chicken farmers in the BFP gotta have say in all this?
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by rayrayray
05.30.12 - 3:10 pm
I never post here but figured I would for my ten cents even though it appears to be resolved....firstly, I am the Lopez that threw that spray can over the fence, retrieved it and talked to the neighbor for a minute who seemed fine about everything - Sam was his name. Also, choppercabras is intended to have a little bit of edge, as it is a bike destruction and chaos at the core. The fact that there is fabrication of what really happened going on here is more of a sign of some biases being subjected on to the event, and that should be knocked the shit off! Useless contention in a public forum only happens when you are trying to stir shit up and is childish at best, so let's be a community of adults here - and understand we are all just tryin to have a good time, and sometimes coexisting means you step on toes. Just make people aware in a civil way and things will allll be okay. The drama you may be looking for is only created by you when you engage in it an propagate it in a dramatic way, so remember that.
Alaskaisprettyokay05.30.12 - 3:10 pm
Welcome, Alaska. Thanks for chiming in.
Yes, I must admit there is some tensions between groups here, and this is one way to clear the air in a quick manner. (Despite what Larsen thinks)
So you feel the original poster or others have fabricated incidents, that's good to point out.
Can we all acknowledge that if we see people doing things that aren't appropriate we can discuss it with them without getting all bent out of shape? That's the major issue here. Paul is cool. Obviously there is some drama between some of you, but that's natural in large group settings. Get over it.
There will be more events, and hopefully many of us will be together to enjoy them. And if stuff happens we can deal with it gracefully.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Alaskaisprettyokay
05.30.12 - 3:26 pm
Rosiekins05.30.12 - 3:32 pm
EPIC FAIL .... circa 2008
bondink05.30.12 - 3:40 pm
All I know is it's good to talk.
Most of you are afraid to say anything to each other in the form of a sentence.
Anyhow, screw this.
Up with Music thread.
Joe Borfo05.30.12 - 3:49 pm
let's keep this ball rolling. im having fun.
rayrayray responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
05.30.12 - 3:51 pm
its rolling 60's from our place to 91st street.
minibikelove responding to a
comment by rayrayray
05.30.12 - 4:07 pm
everyone should just fucking chill out. save the drama for your mom ridazz
dump em out05.30.12 - 4:14 pm
While everyone was arguing, Mateo was named Rida of the Century.
Rosiekins05.30.12 - 4:16 pm
mateo is what happens when you put whiskey in your mescaline
lackflag responding to a
comment by rayrayray
05.30.12 - 6:01 pm
I had a conversation with SLOWRIGHTHAND today where he admitted he tries to be like Mateo. Therefore, Mateo Katez Bike Gang > Tim Wheeler Bike Gang.
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by rayrayray
05.30.12 - 6:08 pm
Clearly you didn't read what I posted so here it is again.
"Someone agreed to have Diana paint their bike gold. She got a little bit too happy and painted someone's polo wheel cover and rim. She also thought it was cute to paint my patch with the Angelopes logo. Luckily, I got away. As for the rest of the Angelopes I'm not so sure of."
At no point am I talking about respect nor blaming anything on the Angelopes. I'm talking about what Diana did. Next time learn to read before you post something stupid on the forums.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
05.30.12 - 9:48 pm
Rosiekins05.31.12 - 9:19 am
Someone's posting something stupid on the forums?!?!?
mossygoodness responding to a
comment by palucha66
05.31.12 - 9:41 am
It's cool...he just pretended that he didn't write about killing all the Angelopes.
But seriously...100 POSTS IN 3 DAYS!!!! ANGELOPES WIN MR!
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by mossygoodness
05.31.12 - 10:01 am
Can we discuss the fact that Speedy Brian needs to come out of retirement and lead Cruzz With Us?
barleye05.31.12 - 10:25 am
oops...resize.....sorry Ms. Stephanie....
barleye05.31.12 - 10:28 am
andres84 responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
05.31.12 - 1:47 pm
Talk about some silly bullshit. I think I may be the one frumble is whining about in his can over the wall scenario. At one point someone approached me and said something about another Angelope, and I said something like "Do I even know that guy?" laughing with obvious sarcasm.
You'd think people could read between the lines, but let me spell it out: It's not my job to Police the Angelopes, and I certainly can't control everything everyone does especially when they get a few beers in them. If it was something serious like a fight, or major property damage I would of probably stepped up and done something. I wasn't hostile about it, and I did not tell you to "Go fuck yourself". To me it was just not a huge deal, nor something that I felt that I needed to get personally involved with. Sometimes it's best to choose your battles, and let things run their course and resolve themselves rather then get in someone's face about them and just make it worse.
As to Paul I met him and talked to him about bike building right before I left (I was sober because I had to drive) Paul knew I was an Angelope, was a great guy to talk to, seemed pleased with how things went down, and thanked me for coming out to the event.
Maybe it's just me but that seems a little bit at odds with the bullshit I'm seeing here.
Jimoldskool05.31.12 - 3:13 pm
theres a reason the angelopes logo i designed is a crucified tall bike and this thread exemplifies it.
It looks like the only people who caused problems on sunday were the people who got their feelings hurt and came on here to talk shit and start drama.
newarkhouse05.31.12 - 3:28 pm
"All your hurt feelings are...hurting my feelings." (*snif*)
PC responding to a
comment by newarkhouse
05.31.12 - 3:35 pm
Please refer to newark for TLDR response.
Alaskaisprettyokay05.31.12 - 4:15 pm
I guess you're stupid enough not to understand sarcasm.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
05.31.12 - 4:40 pm
WOA WOA WOA BRO chill its the internet remember
andres84 responding to a
comment by palucha66
05.31.12 - 6:05 pm
Yeah you're right. It's pathetic to argue on the internet over something so small. Back to my cave!
palucha66 responding to a
comment by andres84
05.31.12 - 7:03 pm
high school is back in session and just in time for summer school.
these are the days of our ridazz....
July05.31.12 - 7:51 pm
Round and round the bullshit goes where it will end no-buddy knows..
Fuck!!! and I thought the dudes that hung with TrenWay were cool!!!
Jimoldskool05.31.12 - 11:03 pm
Quick everyone grab 3 of the nearest friends and pick a side.
At least the Boreds are back and poppin.
quite possibly the hottest woman alive.
GodLovesUgly05.31.12 - 11:49 pm
is there a store where i can buy one of those?
onemorefixie responding to a
comment by GodLovesUgly
06.1.12 - 9:02 am
Wait! Something seriously serious happened! IS SHE MOVING ONE CHEEK AT A TIME?! How does one learn to do this? Jedi....
Rosiekins06.1.12 - 9:19 am
they are the nicest bros i know
andres84 responding to a
comment by Jimoldskool
06.1.12 - 1:27 pm
Bouncing cliff notes...I'm doing this. I'M GOING TO BECOME A MILLIONAIRE! See you in Portland once I do my early retirement, jerk.
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by slowrighthand
06.1.12 - 1:59 pm
You cant do that? Its not hard at all.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
06.1.12 - 2:42 pm
I'm sure I could learn easily. I just need someone to teach me. Can YOU teach me?
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
06.1.12 - 3:16 pm
Ugh, Coe Coe! This is why I always rely on you! CoeCoeRosie por vida, mi amor.
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
06.1.12 - 5:10 pm
wait wasnt los angelopes originally a bike ride???
dump em out06.1.12 - 10:04 pm
"Talk about some silly bullshit." - Jimoldskool
In choosing to respond to silly bullshit, you become a torchbearer for silly bullshit. Personally, I love silly bullshit.
So yeah, fumble called you out for ignoring the fact that Alaska fucked up, and you called it whining? Dude, if you're gonna claim angelops, guess what, you get to catch shit if an angelop fucks up.
Fuck New thread!, lets argue about something that happened when I wasn't even there.
Immanuel Kant responding to a
comment by Jimoldskool
06.2.12 - 1:35 am
Please!! As you well know according to the second formulation of the categorical imperative we have the "perfect duty" to not use people (ourselves or others) as a means to an end, and that the manipulation of others (for whatever reason) is strictly verboten. More directly lying is not allowed, not ever, for any reason.
When frumble lied and said that I had told him to go fuck himself, he was in clear violation of your own second maxim.
Responding to that lie in no way validates that violation. In fact since I am the absolute moral authority of the entire universe (your third formulation) it is my moral duty to correct him.
Of course you already know this, and would of seen it instantly, which leads me to the conclusion that you are just being silly, probably due to your love of "silly bullshit"
What you may not know is the the English phonetic pronunciation of your proud German name is Kunt, not Kaahnt, or Karnt.
On that note let me be the first to say....
Don't be a Silly Kant.
Jimoldskool responding to a
comment by Immanuel Kant
06.2.12 - 3:34 am
Silver spoon and a paper plate.
coldcut06.2.12 - 3:49 pm
jesus christ, some of the most insufferable people are out there riding bicycles.
ruinedbyidiots06.2.12 - 6:14 pm
Damn!!! No-one ever get's my sense of humor. Worth the shot though: I mean how often do you get to joke about Kant's central philosophical concepts. Then again if everyone did it... Well it wouldn't be funny! (and suddenly I'm back at the first formulation of Kant's categorical imperative)
Jimoldskool06.2.12 - 8:44 pm
Sorry I have been limiting myself to going on the web only once a week because it’s a big waste of time.
I don’t like tagging even of my cones or event bikes but it was not a big deal I saw it happening and let it slide. Tagging of the parking lot, walls, fences etc would not be cool and I would have reacted with extreme exception to that. I did not notice any tagging but my stuff. However I’ve asked that the chalk, markers, and paint be left at home at my events in the past and I’m reiterating that point now. I don’t expect much but this I will demand for it leads to problems. It’s easy to go from painting a cone to painting a wall. I did not get any complaints from my neighbors, which I want to avoid. Self-policing is vital to a healthy and productive scene and while my events do get a little wild there is a limit to what can or should be done. I hope you can understand where I’m coming from and respect my area and my ride by following the few rules I put upon people.
I don’t think anyone really has a grasp on what I go through to field one of these events and I don’t really think you need to know or care, I’m going to do it anyway. However I do get very emotionality entrenched in my endeavor and if my toil is threatened then I am dealt a very hard blow, it’s very easy to become crestfallen and demoralized if my plans are ruined, I put a lot of myself into this. If you cannot see the scope or the macro cost of this event understand that it means a lot to me to do it and more for people to come and enjoy themselves, this requires some limited cooperative effort.
Furthermore I find it disheartening that there is more attention paid to the negative actions of a few instead of the positive actions of the majority (represented by the number of posts). I’m so sick of all the negativity and nay saying that is pervasive on the web. I read every post and both sides had valid points, I hope we can all have many happy returns and focus on the fun and good times, making the LA bike scene the very best it can be, that, is up to you.
rev106 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
06.3.12 - 6:40 pm
Also, a valid point made by qiqi about those cheap designer hang bags.
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by rev106
06.4.12 - 9:24 am
"..Furthermore I find it disheartening that there is more attention paid to the negative actions of a few instead of the positive actions of the majority..."
Yeah I hear you there.
You throw a great event, probably one of the best I've been to all year, and online and everyone is talk about how someone threw a can over a fence, a problem that was almost immediately taken care of. Where are all the posts about how awesome the event was or about the great time that was had?
Everyone I talked to said they had a great time, that it was amazing, epic, just fantastic fun!!! and that's a direct reflection of the effort you put into it.
I know I had a blast. Once again I thank you for it, and if you need any help removing spraypaint off your cones or spools, I'd be happy to come over and lend a hand.
Jimoldskool responding to a
comment by rev106
06.4.12 - 9:39 am
just got one that matches my bike >.<
customer service is phenomenal!!!
bondink responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
06.4.12 - 12:05 pm
I think we can all agree that Paul puts on two of the best events of the year and Im sorry that some grumbling amongst ourselves overshadowed the blast we all had. Kisses and hugs for all you fucks and three cheers for Atomic Cycles!
frumble06.7.12 - 8:10 pm
Oh yeah.. and handbags! Worst new bike gang in town. Fuck the Handbags!
frumble06.7.12 - 8:11 pm