Thread started by
DIRTY HIPSTER at 11.28.11 - 7:03 pm
MR is responsible for spreading occupy LA? kewlâ„¢
Think of the front lawn as a metaphor for how shitty the country looks... we cant even put in a subway to the sea let alone fill a few potholes or fix the sidewalks. the lawn is the least of our worries. besides this is the perfect opportunity to redo the lawn as a sustainable native plants landscape.
Roadblock11.28.11 - 7:33 pm
and once they legalize marijuana, we all can be Johnny Cannaseeds and really make LA a green city!
ONE HIT AT A TIME..... :cough:
Aktive_420 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
11.28.11 - 7:35 pm
will somebody explain how to find livestreams of Occupy LA? It is unfortunate for me that I missed viewing peoples livestreams of OLA when there seem to have been so many going on. the occupyla.org and occuplylosangeles.org websites would have up repeated old livestreams that where not current and was historic.
I tried searching on livestream with very little luck.
If people know of the different livestreams from occupyla will they please list them here.
Thanks in advance
sexy11.28.11 - 7:59 pm
Its seems that people spend so much time worrying about what they ain't got they miss what they have!
Then there are those that always want somebody else to do it. Instead of doing it themselves they spend all there energy complaining about what they don't have and how somebody else isn't doing it for them.
I really do admire the person that think that people and entities who haven't handled duties and task well, will somehow with a little prodding all of the sudden start accomplishing what they haven't been able to do all along. What is that called when you expect to get a different result when you do thing the same way all the time?
sexy responding to a
comment by Roadblock
11.28.11 - 8:05 pm
uh oh.... it got BANNED!
:dramatic music:
Aktive_420 responding to a
comment by R3PLY3R
11.28.11 - 8:25 pm
as far as I know, I'm the only person that can delete posts.... I didnt delete your post. Trickmills might have permission though... but not much gets deleted around here.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by R3PLY3R
11.29.11 - 2:43 am
dude. people want their money to stop going to wars and have it redirected at education healthcare and infrastructure all of the things that are extremely underfunded in the country. There are examples everywhere in the world where this model works pretty well. we arent talking rocket science here. you hire more teachers per capita you get better results. you re-direct trillions of your tax dollars towards something productive rather than destructive a small kitten is born.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by sexy
11.29.11 - 2:47 am
Sexy check twitter for current livestreams #OccupyLA
alicestrong11.29.11 - 7:50 am
it felt like i was there. great video mister richie
BATMAN! responding to a
comment by richtotheie
11.29.11 - 9:32 am
I saw Zuccoti park with my own eyes last Saturday and it was pretty sad- more tourists than protesters, no tents, no community.
Keep it up OLA, looks like yall are the last ones standing.
newarkhouse11.29.11 - 12:12 pm
Thanks Roadblock for clearing that up. For a minute I felt dissed.
R3PLY3R responding to a
comment by richtotheie
11.29.11 - 1:10 pm
@Roadblock, are you seriously out @ Occupy LA every day? I pass it twice a day by bus on the way to work.
I try to remember the principle of it, surely it seems silly to have 100 tents of homeless people camped out at city hall but when I remember that there are dozens within a block and that is what Occupy LA is trying to bring attention to.... i understand better.
it's really a sad state of affairs when being without the basic necessities of life is a way of life for the majority of a country like the United States...not to mention 99%..
anyway i gotta come visit one of these weekends. how is it since the Mayor gave his eviction notice?
brittany12.1.11 - 1:27 pm
You must not keep up on current events.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by brittany
12.1.11 - 2:02 pm
You must not keep up on current events.
Presumably you do. So you are uniquely qualified to answer the question. Go!
PC responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
12.1.11 - 3:30 pm
Wow you sure told me. Now go give yourself a nice pat on the back.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by PC
12.1.11 - 5:57 pm
Now go give yourself a nice pat on the back.
Shyeaa...like I wouldn't be doing that anyway.
PC responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
12.2.11 - 3:34 pm
Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by trickmilla
12.5.11 - 10:53 am
I got a C- on a test and wasn't given a second chance to do better. OCCUPY GOVERNMENT CLASS!!!
btw. Nice video!
palucha6612.5.11 - 5:49 pm
yea man i liked that ride the BIKE SWARM! i was doing the bikescum bike patrol and ran into borfoclause and whabaam were doin like 80 laps around the city hall. RAD.
battlescars12.5.11 - 9:57 pm
That was just training. LA Bike Swarm will be back!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by battlescars
12.5.11 - 10:06 pm
Occupy Atlanta block auction of foreclosed homes:
zombiefiesta12.11.11 - 10:40 pm
I heard this interview the other day. It is one activist experience with the Occupy Toronto movement. It sheds light on where the Facilitators (1%) of the occupy movement came from, where, how and who financed the training they received. How the training and basis of communication within the movement came from a Serbian Revolution group OPTAR. Which used Gene Sharp's book "From Dictatorship To Democracy" to learn it techniques.
The lack of transparency of the handling of donations and funds for the movement. Lack of transparency of the Consensus Committee who didn't live amongst the park habitats but came out just for the Consensus meetings. Exclusion and Censorship that this one activist dealt with regarding the Facilitators meetings and being banned from the livestream and Media Tent.
It is a 20 minute interview
The most interesting thing about the interview is the same language that was used by the Facilitators to stop people from critically question why and how things where being done.
TheBrownShirt12.19.11 - 1:34 pm
If its going to cost 2.3 millon at least learn to throw a fucking molotov and fight for the idea that was OCCUPY. Useless money wasted on a useless protest.
palucha6612.23.11 - 5:36 pm
$2.3 million is cheap in comparison to the lawsuit amounts that would have been awarded if LAPD handled it differently. Chief Beck saved the city money in this go around.
sexy12.24.11 - 9:38 pm
palucha you haven't lived enough time on earth to even understand what is going on or what you are talking about. live on your own first, support yourself first. then speak cause you are coming off incredibly ignorant.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by palucha66
12.24.11 - 9:47 pm
thanks for sharing that.
Now isn't somebody suppose to put up a phone number where we can call and thanks the police?
sexy responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
12.25.11 - 4:59 am
the have to be out of fuel by now
Roadblock responding to a
comment by palucha66
12.26.11 - 10:57 am
Does anyone know if city hall still walled off with a fence?
et01.19.12 - 10:42 am
rode on 1st a few days ago and yes, the fenced off areas are still fenced off. it is not "walled off" just some parts of it from what i remember.
Kakihara responding to a
comment by et
01.19.12 - 1:00 pm
I thought this died?
1 PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!!
palucha6601.19.12 - 8:29 pm
Wonder what the enthnic or religious back grounds of the % are?.???......?
pauly-winkerstinkle responding to a
comment by TheBrownShirt
01.29.12 - 9:29 am