OMG it's 100 in LB!!!!!
Thread started by
User1 at 08.27.09 - 1:24 pm
Jezus fuckin chirst, it's a 100 here in LB!! I'm gona die!!!! How da hell u guys survive this??? I need some tips!!! Hurry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly how I sound when the temp hits 10 and I have near-death experiences due to cold.
Simple Allan, do nothing and continue business as usual.
bentstrider08.27.09 - 1:28 pm
well, i got a 9-5 office job, they keep the a.c. blasting, i then go home and blast our own a.c. in the apartment and try to stay in until the sun goes down...
91 degress on my way to work this morning in between hollywood and culver city, wow!
natefrogg08.27.09 - 1:31 pm
take the #1 south to HB ... so you can say "its not 100 here but I am surrounded by 100 bros"
trickmilla08.27.09 - 1:31 pm
fuckin' babies.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by spiraldemon
08.27.09 - 1:31 pm
what time do you commute to work? i ride from noho to westwood
_iJunes responding to a
comment by natefrogg
08.27.09 - 1:34 pm
this morning it was about 9:30am
i'm a bad bike rider, i drive a car to/from work (the a.c. in there is nice too hehe)
natefrogg responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.27.09 - 1:52 pm
It's a nice 70 degrees here in Chicago. It's sprinkling... Ahhhh!
Joe Borfo08.27.09 - 1:56 pm
just kick it in your bath tub, drink a 40oz...and just chill...
the ghetto way
PorKsMasH08.27.09 - 2:24 pm
Yesterday, I had a noon appointment at the LB Chamber of Commerce.
Cycling home after was a death march. The ocean breeze helped a little, but once I got on the San Gabriel River bike trail and headed inland I started to cook.
I wasn't worth a damn the rest of the day.
Creative Thing08.27.09 - 10:58 pm
Today, I laid low at home all day, scouring the web for non-existant jobs, then cycled to Huntington Beach for a meeting at 6:00.
The ride back home, from 9:30 to 10:30 pm, was nice and cool.
Creative Thing08.27.09 - 11:01 pm
Sounds like humdrum existence I've been leading since dumping my guard-shack position back in '08.
Don't really care about the heat, it's just better to stay inside if there really isn't anywhere to go.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
08.27.09 - 11:28 pm
a nice trick that worked well for me was to move to Santa Monica
professor fate08.28.09 - 1:02 am
i rode to buena park today... it was retarded.
theshues08.28.09 - 1:29 am
Geeeezzzz you must have Satan in ur blood!
User1 responding to a
comment by north_valley_critical_mass
08.28.09 - 5:57 pm
97 in hollywood, biked to get waffles and was covered in sweat by the time we got there, wheee! hiding inside with the a.c. a blastin'
natefrogg08.29.09 - 4:45 pm
It's only 96 degrees up here in Hesperia.
I still don't get why all you guys are getting the relatively hot shit along with Vegas, but we get the relatively mild heat along with the wind gusts all the time.
Well, at least I get a tailwind going to work and a nothing going home.
PM shift FTW!!!
bentstrider08.29.09 - 5:35 pm
yeah, well it 9941 degrees here on the sun, and I'm just fine so meh meh meh.
infiniteawesome08.29.09 - 9:23 pm
I'm a hot weather person and it was still 105 at 2AM when I did my first MR out there, two years ago.
Hot weather kicks ass and I live to the fullest in it.
Why anyone complains about getting burned up is beyond me.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by north_valley_critical_mass
08.30.09 - 7:56 am
Well, some of us grew up in places that have these things called "seasons," and are more comfortable in the cold than in the heat.
BMFW responding to a
comment by bentstrider
08.30.09 - 10:06 am
If that's the case, then why even bother moving to a place to put up with it?
bentstrider responding to a
comment by BMFW
08.30.09 - 10:16 am
Cold air and the horrible smell of coffee beans to knock you on your face.
If you really want to cool down, just hang out at the mall if you miss the cool-breeze you've been lacking.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by snowcone
08.30.09 - 10:22 am
its 114 in phoenix...
i miss los angeles =(
d-styles08.30.09 - 10:41 am
...on that note...,
this friday I'm taking a bike out to Phoenix to give to my buddy who says that its 115 in the day but cools off to 105 at nite so he's lookling forward to riding around.
they have a new light rail running so my plan is to visit
the Tempe Transit Center
first friday on roosevelt row
and maybe check out the Arizona canal
any other tips on what to do in Phoenix?
dave responding to a
comment by d-styles
08.30.09 - 11:56 am
Oh, and also to BMFW, I've been well aware of seasons up here in the Victorville-area since '87.
We have TWO, extreme Winter and extreme Summer.
It's sort of like my level of dedication, either Not Involved, or too involved to the point I take it over.
bentstrider08.30.09 - 5:18 pm
dave hit me up when you get out to phoenix
best time to ride out here is @ nite - no cars and no 115 degree heat!!
d-styles responding to a
comment by dave
08.30.09 - 6:44 pm
92 in my apartment, 88 outside, fuck that
braydon08.31.09 - 10:42 am
Jezus fuckin chirst!!!! Who turned up da heat??????????
It's 103 in LB!
scratch coming to LB to cool off.
User109.24.09 - 3:46 pm
ohman. I'm sweating bricks in the warehaüs. changing 3 phase to a single phase 220 and running wire through conduit SUCKS!
but I can weld chrome -moly, stainless and aluminum and you can't jajaja.
BlaxicaNazi09.24.09 - 5:16 pm
I bet you can make some bad ass freak bikes, eh?
gado_gado responding to a
comment by BlaxicaNazi
09.24.09 - 5:18 pm