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Thread started by DARTH VELOZ at 04.5.08 - 4:23 pm
I used to dream of this career when i was a child and a teenager in high school. But thanks to our evil republican empire I denounced this career as innappropiate. I may be a sith but Im no Jedi either... nonetheless Sith or not I do not like war. I just like the idea of flying these acrobatic high speed birds of prey. Thanks Bush Admin 1 and 2 for crushing my dreams of having this exciting career in times of peace. This country is never in peace with the world. ARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!
Now I just pretend my bike is a fighter jet as i manuever through fast down hill descents...
now i get it. we need some star wars music to this not VANHAGGAR. I too personally dislike VANHAGGAR and long for the old VAN HALEN. Awesome footage of blue angels with F-4 PHANTOM II's
Not to sound like the lone, defender of the Republican Patriarchy, but I would've gone into military-branch for pilot training myself, regardless ofpolitical leadership, had I been focused enough in high school.
Instead, too much time dreaming, not enough time studying beyond basic, graduation requirements; staying in shape; and never really bothered to take the SAT's, or ACT's for that matter.
Now that I do keep myself up to a healthy, physically sound, shape, I just got to get back into the college routine which I never really, quite picked up.
But now, my only problem is that when it comes to the work-world, I'm a bit of a lone-wolf, only in the work-world guys.
Instead, I'll just focus on getting into the CHP, or an outer-fringe(Inyo, Riverside, Imperial) county sheriff's department before 35.
At least I could keep the "Resident Evil/Dawn of the Dead/Evil Dead"
hero-image alive.
Sorry for the long-windedness, but this is the first time I've seen a post in relation to this particular topic.
im "write" there with you. As a kid the cold war was a scary thing. to my naive mind there seemed a false sense that there was a calmer situation on the world. I was like nah... we are not that stupid to blow ourselves up into extinction are we??? Or that our policy was less aggressive and or intrusive and more of a form of world military police force with minor troop involvements in smaller conflicts (that is if we were involved, tons of other awful shit we were responsible for in central America and in Iran, I know and lots more horrible shit around other parts of the world too). Now bare in mind that this is a child's perspective and interpretation (in this case mine) of the world around him/her in this era. Maybe I concluded this because of the media coverage. Also because it seemed there was only 2 superpowers threating the entire world to a nuclear annihilation. U.S.A and U.S.S.R. were playing a game called "MY MISSILES ARE BIGGER THAN YOURS" - "AND WE ARE AIMING AND WE ARE READY TO FIRE." And maybe it's because of movies like the STAR WARS trilogy, D.A.R.Y.L. , TOP GUN, the IRON EAGLE franchise (how many were there???... "some where direct to Video") that it made me feel like being a fighter pilot for the might U-S-of-A was the dream career of a lifetime (in some crazy way it still is for me. if i were a millionaire id have tons of electric cars from suv's to MIDNIGHTRIDAZZ tour buses and my only fuel consumption would be done on a retired F-18 Flying Hornet, F-120 Tiger Shark, F-4 Phantom II, F-16 Fighting Falcon, F-15 Fighting Eagle or a numerous array of many more models american and european out there, except for migs, they look ugly to me and cheap knock offs of other brittish and american aircraft. ....
SO Sooorrryyy, got caught up in awesome daydream.
Anyway I realize that a lot more was going on back then then just this cold war now that I'm an adult. When I find myself reading back on this historical time of my youth, i realize we were so naive. I even thought that our republican president RONNIE was this awesome dude because he ended the freaking cold war. but the administration was far more DARK than what was portrayed as we all know.
Going back to STAR WARS. The trilogy depicts an almost Greco-roman-like mythological story with acts (act 1,2,3 ---Read or see him on video: DR. JOSEPH C. CAMPBELL "the hero with a thousand faces") and almost a series of events in the history of this country and a large conflict in the world. I think the movies depict this awesome display and fight for a free world, a free galaxy. A world free of an evil dictating empire. The rebels in my eyes depict the early freedom fighters that broke off from the rule of the British empire for example. And in a weird way the other scenario I see interpreted is the fear of the rise of this evil empire like the Nazi regime and world war two. That was a fight for freedom for a "peoples/a race's" freedom. The only influence and similarity in this is basically the costume design, the military uniforms worn by the high ranking officers in the emperors armed forces. black and grey formal uniforms very much like those old evil Nazis. But in reality the evil empire resembles our present world this day. Right now it's in the DAYS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC PHASE... a modern day "senator palpatine" is slowly rising to power as we speak.
And what I still don't understand is that somehow someway DARTH VADER is the first and probably the most bad ass and only villain I've ever rooted for and idolized. Why is he so Great? Why? I LOVE LORD VADOR.
Alex, help me with afterburner sounds please.
[im "write" there with you] Sorry I meant I used to be there with you. Unfortunately when this dream and ambition died so did my belief in this nation's "good intentions" around the world. I broke free from this evil empire and am in a distant place from there now. I am way on the LEFT side of things now. but, i did appreciate and do respect your commentary. thank you.
Sure thing.
Also, I kind of feel satisfied at the same time when I'm driving a semi.
When you're alone and in one place, that sucks.
But, when you're alone and hauling things from here to different parts of the country, you tend to develop this "lone-ranger" attitude.
Although, I can't really do it at the moment, once I get back into it, I'll be sure to type my postings as some sort of, "captains log".
Nah, I'm more into Cold Case and the "Law & Order" series.
Although I did like that movie "Silent Rage", where Norris plays the small-town sheriff who has to take down the heavily, medicated hypno-killer.
How can this be a ruined career? You haven't been commissioned an officer yet, you haven't been selected nor have completed Undergraduate Pilot Training and you haven't been selected to train as a fighter pilot much less having completed the training. I don't see any career here.
exactly i did not pursue it. i had a change of heart. my heart was not right to go into the military period. no matter which profession it involved. did you? if so i salute you flyboy.
Well, I went to the USAF, USN, and even the site for prospective Army chopper pilots.
The catch for the USAF/USN/USMC is you gotta have your BA or BS and be able to complete undergrad flight training before 30.
After that, you could still be commissioned as an officer up to 35, but no flying other than, maybe a crewmember onboard a observation plane, which is still kinda cool.
The Army, however, will take a recruit with only a HS diploma, and put them through warrant officer training.
After warrant officer training, it's off to Fort Rucker for pilot training.
As for myself, if I were to join the military within the near future, I would first get cracking towards my degree, then see about a commission.
I just feel the enlisted route is better to do if you're 1-2 years out of high school.
An update for you. For the Marines you have to have a BA/BS and be commisioned before your 27, this is waiverable to 30 if you are prior enlisted. The only occasion you don't have to have your degree is if you are meritoriously commisioned, but you have to attain your degree within a certain amount of time ect ect with consequences if you don't. This also applies to the Navy for the most part.
The Navy is now following the Army and allowing enlisted members to go Warrent and fly Rotary wing. Unlike the Army though in the Navy there is no special circumstance to fly fixed wing. In the Army you can be selected to fly fixed wing as a warrent officer, but there are very few, I only know of my Dad and he's got a record that no one can compete with, all but two of the records for flight school he either set or beat are all still standing except for two in 25 years, and he's been in for 33 now.
A little unrelated, but I think it's odd how they'll keep the age requirement low for officers and stretch the enlistment age all the way up to 42.
This is for the Army at least.
I say they just keep age requirements in line with each other as to not deny an opportunity to persons with the same level of achievement.
I mean, if I had hurdles to overcome and finally earned my BA/BS by late 30's, I don't want to be limited to stripes at that age.
Now, if I was actually in shape at the time I graduated high-school, I would've at least tried out Army, or Air Guard without hesitation.
There's a big difference between being alone and being lonely. Its easy enough to be alone if you're comfortable with it, and perfectly possible to be lonely in a big crowd of people. You sound like a classic introvert, 'strider. A lot of people take that to mean shy, which is anything but the case. Introverts just tend to find large numbers in a social situation draining and time alone to be recharging, but they usually have perfectly effective social skills. Extroverts are the opposite, hating to spend time by themselves but getting a charge out of lots of attention in big groups. That's why you'll rarely find me still with the group by the end of a long group ride. I just wind up needing to get off by myself for a bit. I'd imagine spending the day cruising in a cop car is very well suited to the introvert type. Long haul trucking even more so.
-Whoa, you seem to have pinned that one to the wall right there.
Crowds and such never scared me, and like at most of the MR's I go to, I'll talk to people and whatnot, but I generally go for the positive atmosphere of being around other people on bicycles.
Now when it comes to work and making a living, they yeah.
I pretty much enjoy working alone for the most part.
If you want to be a ground officer the age of commision can be waived to like 35 I belive, and that goes for prior enlisted as well. This however does not include those who are meritoriously or combat comissioned. With an aviaion contract for an officer they typically don't waive to 30 for those who weren't prioir enlisted because it's an incentive to those who are enlisted to stay in. Also they do it becuase it requires an 8 year comitment to go avaition, and a lot of first time officers get out after their 8 years, where as a prior enlisted is in it for the laong haul seeing as they have been commited for a minimum of 12 years at the point. In the end it evens out, but it's denfinitly in favour of the Military's needs.
-If I still settle upon doing it, I'll most likely settle with a commission into the aforementioned, Army or Air National Guard.
As far as a degree goes, I was thinking of going for either a BSN, or a bachelors in accounting.
Two skills that are highly sought after in both, the private and military sectors.
As for the flying thing, I may just save up some funds from driving a truck, and get some private lessons.
I actually knew of quite a few, truckers who took all their written tests online, then attained flight hours at regional airports in towns they happened to stop in.
Taking classes online and flying locally is a popular option, but also consider that a lot of colleges offer a Flight School that come with a BS. Also if you decide to do the Military thing dergree choice doesnt matter. For example three years ago the number two pilot for the Blue Angels (always a Marine) was LtCol Hargrave, he earned a BS in Poultry Science.................
You got that right about the degree thing.
I've read across the military-announcements in the local paper talking about kids who graduated with Poli-Sci, or Anthropology degrees earning a full, ride to USAF, or USN flight training.
Military filght school doesn't cost anything but your comitment of 8 years of active service, and as an officer even if you get out you can still be reactivated. There are colleges that offer degree programs for filght school, check those out if you want to do the civilian side, the only dowside is you miss out on some of the flight pysiology training the military gives, goto youtube and type in naval filght school or api,
This is the Ait Force's Hypoxia chamber, the Marines play patty cake lol
Fighter planes are bitchin', no doubt, but they've been pretty useless to us in Iraq and Afghanistan. Unless China decides to up the ante, I can't see where bad-ass fighters would really be used except as a threat deterrent like nukes.
-If I were to get school done by 32-33ish, then I'll just say fuck it, and put in a whole, 20-30 years in the respective branch I get a commission in.
As far as I'm concerned, I'll become a "Colonel. Jack O'Neill" type after it's all said and done.
Old, active and trying to go after some chick that looks like Amanda Tapping!!!
lol funny thing is my last name is O'Neill, but I'm not a Col. The reserves is an awesome option, especially now that they get almost all the benefits the regualr component gets, comissary, Exchange, Retirement, ect. If you goto into the Air Force, I highly doubt you'll come out as a Jack O'Neill type. Their spending phylosephy is every penny congress gives them they spend immediately on morale and quality of life things like gyms, clubs, programs, housing and all the nice-eties. Then when they run out they as congress for more so they can buy parts for planes, training, weapons, and all the things they need to complete their missions. In the Marines it's the exact opposite, we spend every penny we have on armourment, maintaing equipment and training. Typically we don't havemuch left over for housing, barracks, and other quality of life things, and we don't ask for more. Let me know if there is anything you would like to know, I have tons of answers!
In case you didn't already know, he was the grizzled leader of SG-1 in the show of the same name.
But, that's cool, I've never actually knew of a real, O'Neill up until now.