NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Thread started by ontherocks at 09.3.07 - 11:40 am
yup, it could've been much worse... but i just wanted to give a big ass thanks to all the sweet + sexy ridazz who took care of me after the fall: jane + randy for beinging the best moms a fallen girl can ask for,
dave for hauling my ass on the tandem all the way to echo park, joe borfo for riding my bike, eddie for setting my wrist + fixing my bike, franz for carrying reserve ice, danny, gary, john... and everyone who asked how i guys are the sweetest...
besides an upset wrist, everything's feeling natural again.
much thanks for all your concerns........ till next time midnight ridaaaazzz!
Thanks to PC, for buying the beverages, at the end of the night. Franz for carrying half of the beverages to the park, and for letting us see, What Would Franz DO! Joanna for being the "bad ass stroker" on the tandem, even when injured, you made getting up 1st Street a breeze.
MacGyver for fixing LaHar's seat. LaHar420 for baby sitting. Joe Borfo for being a General Retard. Kyber for chasing the Doves. Bigsexxy for wearing the fishnets. Fuzzbeast for making fun of me at the end of the night, yes I got it coming. Gopez and DannyZuckos black make up.
Johana ROCKS!
Big Bike Dan ROCKS!
All of you that made it to Disney and Echo ROCK!
This ride Rocked!
Now who wants some more?
sexy sho can rock the eyeliner
I'm not from East LA but the couple of years I lived there I really loved it.
Even when Eddie Gopez, Johanna, Chris, Charles and I rode the scout ride people on the street were cheering us on. It kinda gave you an inside look at the neigborhood of EAST LA. If we had done the complete route we would have gone through some real neighborhood and cruised Whittier Blvd like a bunch of lowriders. We'll leave that for next time.
I will be looking at calendar dates, logistics and playlists soon. zuko, can i have your help with spoke cards? i'll write copy for this and your star wars.