Arrest / Police Abuse THIS SATURDAY NIGHT!
Thread started by
PC at 05.14.08 - 2:32 pm
So, you still haven't seen enough abuse of power by law enforcement against cyclists? Come to
C.R.A.N.K. MOB on Saturday night and see me--that's right, me, PC--arrested, handcuffed and beaten by a cop!
OK, it's Randy in a cop uniform. But that's even better!
But here's the deal. This is all to raise money for Randy's little ALC ride thing, and I have only paid for the arrest and the beating. That's where you come in!
Officer Randy and her minions will be passing the hat to collect money for the beating. $10 per blow. This is going to be a real beating, folks. She is going to hit me hard, with a hitting utensil of some kind. It's going to hurt. Trust me, you want to be a part of this.
Have I ever said anything to piss you off, on the forum or in real life? Did I yell at you to hold your fucking line? Did I insult your religion or give you a hard time for not being "political" enough? Did I whine at you constantly during a thousand-mile road trip to stop for an Americano? Do you just basically think I'm kind of a useless little punk? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, FUCKER! sc_nomad, I'm looking in your direction!
Remember, it's all for a good cause. So come out to C.R.A.N.K. Mob, see your friends, have a drink or two, get some exercise, and watch a fellow human being shackled and beaten for your savage amusement!
See you there! Bring money!
if i put down a hamilton will she hit you in the charles bronson?
ruinedbyidiots05.14.08 - 2:34 pm
Not the face. NOT THE FAAAAACCEEEE!!!!!!
PC05.14.08 - 2:35 pm
Actually, for a Hamilton, maybe. I'll get back to you.
PC05.14.08 - 2:36 pm
How much for having other people hit you?
User105.14.08 - 2:39 pm
If those "other people" are also girls in cop uniforms, I am definitely open for negotiation.
PC05.14.08 - 2:44 pm
Any device of my choosing, without retaliation? Sounds tempting, will you sign a waiver? Let me see what device do I have in the safe.
sc_nomad05.14.08 - 2:46 pm
I'll hit spiraldouchebag for free!!!
Pay no money!!!
Just say yeah!
User105.14.08 - 2:46 pm
You don't get to choose the device.
Trust law enforcement. They can do no wrong.
PC05.14.08 - 2:48 pm
Don't hit Fluffer, he rides with Tren Way.
You'll get pee in yer mouf.
Joe Borfo05.14.08 - 2:49 pm
...crank mob just got kinkier. Is that even possible?
I'll be sure to bring lots of cash.
Meghan & Johanna will be selling cookies for ALC again too... sans cop uniform though. At least I think...
canadienne05.14.08 - 2:49 pm
Obviously you haven't seen some of the female police officers here in LB. There was one that came here cause of a noise complaint that gave me the shivers! She had to be on 'roids, testosterone injections and who knows what else!
User105.14.08 - 2:50 pm
Too bad, I was researching the limits of a waiver in this scenario.
sc_nomad05.14.08 - 2:53 pm
Let me beat you, I've been beaten by the cops a few times. I know where to hit and it wouldn't leave marks.
sc_nomad05.14.08 - 3:05 pm
PC better wear the banana suit. Because it's always so much better when PC talks to cops in banana suits.
FuzzBeast05.14.08 - 3:12 pm
Randy - Show him the banana in the tailpipe maneuver!
Joe Borfo05.14.08 - 3:13 pm
I'll show YOU the banana in the tailpipe maneuver!
(Disclaimer: No, I won't.)
PC05.14.08 - 3:27 pm
I just put down 50 dollars for this.
Too bad I won't be around to see PC being abused.
Joe Borfo05.14.08 - 4:30 pm
I'll be paying on the ride. If PC ain't getting it, Randy ain't getting it.
no pain / no gain!!
Start practicing your girlie whimpering PC!!
User105.14.08 - 5:26 pm
step 1
get a used clean inner tube or two,
step 2
cut the tube into 2 ft. sections and cut off the valves
step 3
start cutting one of the ends lengthwise about 12 inches making strands about 1/8 of an inch wide,
step 4
electrical tape the top end until u have a firm handle,
step 5
test it
dannyzuko05.14.08 - 8:05 pm
I went to a surplus store to purchase my police baton, but apparently you need to go to school and get a permit to purchase one.
So.. what am I supposed to use now??
feelingrandy05.15.08 - 11:13 pm
We bring our own weapons!!!
I mean instruments of amusement.
User105.15.08 - 11:18 pm
I have a nightstick you can borrow (dont ask how I got it)I'll look for it and try to give it to Funanu or Kalie
blackout_blacklung05.16.08 - 9:13 pm