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Thread started by bentstrider at 05.2.08 - 9:08 am
Okay, so my exercise routine outshines the shit out of my daily diet.
Aside from the usual choices of low-carb foods like brown rice, wheat bread, and a host of green things, are there any other types of foods out there that could make me feel less, well, tired?
Seems like anytime I'm awake and doing anything, sitting down, running at the gym, riding from Pt.A to Pt.B, I always feel like I'm about to drift off.
Currently, I also have this habit of going for up to 8-10 hours between major meals.
Only reason I'm bringing this up here with y'all is that, ever since that psychiatrist ruined three years or preparation for Cal.Dept. of Corrections, I have somewhat of a hatred for doctors.
Food choice and diet is a very personal choice. I would take notice of what certain foods made you feel tired, and what foods made you feel more alive. Only you can make those decisions based on your experience. My own personnel experience is that less process food, that is not over cooked, would make me feel more alert and alive. This food usually contains less calories. The down size of that is those types of food that would give me more energy would leave me hungry a short time later.
t's the usual advice that smaller meals, eaten more frequently through out the day will increase your metabolism. This is not always so easy to make happen, either mentally(with the satisfaction of eating a heavier meal) or physically (actually taking the time to do this).
Stay conscious of the issue and you will make the right choices.
Just go on an energy drink diet. You'll stop feeling tired - EVER. Then just take heroin when you need to sleep, that'll keep you nice and skinny, too. I just don't know why people have such difficulty losing weight, I tell you. I should write a book or something.
Man, the food choice is about as much of a chore as advanced, college-level, high math.
I'm at a healthy weight and muscle-figure right now, but I'm also in the process of defining the ab-section.
Perhaps I should start trying out things like grilled steak or chicken-breast, wrapped in a big ass, spinach leaf.
Kind of like that low-carb, six-dollar burger they had/have at Carl's Jr.
i felt like i had alot more energy once i cut soda out of my diet. ill break down and drink a 7up or something once every two weeks. usually its just water and iced tea. i know caffeine in the tea is a diuretic, but im from the south and it just tastes so good!
Sounds to me like you don't eat enough. If it's hard for you to eat regularly and get adequate sources of protein you may want to buy some sort supplement that's high in calories, but NOT calories from sugar. If the supplement boasts like 900 calories, but the sugar content per serving is like 80g it's just gonna make you jacked for a couple hours then you'll get really tired again....
-With me, the weight was pulled off quite easily compared to others.
I was 280lbs back in 2004-2005, then dropped to my current 180lbs, in 2006.
A mixed regimen of daily cycle-commuting, nightly gym workouts, and reduced soda intake made all of that possible.
While on the semi-truck, I was able to maintain, and even dropped weight by doing the same.
I would say in March of last year, I dropped all the way down to 158lbs, due to eating mainly, wheat-bread/peanut-butter sandwiches, and powdered milk.
This was due to the fact that I didn't keep a fridge on the truck and the usual, West-Coast restaurants were little-to-none in the other parts of the country.
But, back to the main point, I'm only trying to seek out different foods/eating habits so I don't feel tired all the time.
You ridazz are lucky. I just posted an (alpha) version of an application that I wrote to track what I am eating. It's very simple, no frills, nothing fancy, but you can see what your friends are munching too.
I call it MUNCH!!! - try it out, add your friends (it runs on google so you can just use your gmail to log in)
You should check out this product called "The Ultimate Meal" Its basically really good food that is pulverized into powdered form to be made into a smoothie with an apple and banana. I can defiantly tell you it will give you more energy. Excess sugar an caffeine can make you crash. I also look much more "defined" in my ab section when taking this before working out.
Beepollen. it's great for energy.
I'd stay away from carbs like wheat bread and banannas.
Eat as much greens as possible!!
Eat what your body tells you it needs. Listen.