Good Nuclear Energy
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Eric Hair at 04.18.08 - 1:36 pm
This is pretty amazing.
Forget dirty hydrocarbons.
Forget ploblematic nuclear fission.
Let's just create a star here on Earth and use that energy.
Read the text, then watch the video at the bottom of the page.
Creating Stars with Giant Lasers
You've been playing too much Mario Galaxy.
Joe Borfo04.18.08 - 1:54 pm
Reminds me of how they wanted to shoot barrels on nuclear waste into the Sun to burn it up that way.
I thought it was a good idea, but seems like 95% of the worlds population thinks it would fail and doom us all.
bentstrider04.18.08 - 2:17 pm
Borfo, don't cause trouble for the princess.
Eric Hair04.18.08 - 3:17 pm
Have looked at some of the things written in Wiki on the National Ignition Facility? The writers don't make it sound too promising. Some experts give it about a 10% chance of succeeding.
An in the famous words of RB, how was this ride?
User104.21.08 - 3:09 pm
User1, you spending the night in the desert does not make me a tumble weed.
Science is about doing things that may not work.
Science is frequently about defying popular belief and breaking down the old guard.
Am I all for this project? Hell yes!!
Do I think the government should be involved in this? Fuck no!!
It's not because I'm anti government, it's because the government sucks at being a business. It's inefficient.
This laser project is bloated and over budget because government funding fosters terrible spending habits. If this was a privately funded project, as all such endevors should be, I guarantee it would be on budget and on time.
I'm just sayin, don't hate the science.
Oh, and from the first paragraph of the Green Scissors article, you can tell just how biased that writer is willing to be. WOW!!
Eric Hair04.21.08 - 3:50 pm
Science?! Only if it goes along with what I believe.
neverclever04.21.08 - 3:55 pm
Few scientists believe NIF will succeed its scientific objective of ignition. Does this make me critic of scientific research and development? I hope not! Am I against a lab experiment that is costing upwards of 5 billion to get things just into it's feasibility stage? Uhmm yeah! That money could be far better spent using the carrot and stick approach to getting research done in the hands of private industry. The government can use prize money to achieve it's goals, sadly those goals are often military in nature. So I would be against this project if the government were holding the purse strings in either scenario. Finding articles and opinions against this project is not hard. That's why I mentioned Wiki.
User104.21.08 - 4:14 pm
I often had my supisions on how Jesus was getting around!
Thanks Daniel!
User104.21.08 - 4:16 pm
jesus rode on a BICYCLE powered by little baby ANGELS!
spiraldemon04.21.08 - 4:31 pm
I like the cut of your jib User1; I think we're on the same page.
You're saying that most tax dollars should go to neverclever, right?
All in favor?
Eric Hair04.21.08 - 5:04 pm