Thread started by
Limeyfly at 04.11.08 - 2:31 pm
I'f anyone needs glo stick I have extras cheap, hit me up.
hi harry. i've been calling party store after party store and no luck. please email me at fmontanez at treyarch dot com
FMontanez197404.11.08 - 2:35 pm
I couldn't find any yesterday....I'll find you at the meetup. Thanks.
tern04.11.08 - 2:47 pm
Yes, Harry I could use a few if you've still got 'em.
mr rollers04.11.08 - 2:56 pm
heading out the door
I have 50 22" and 100 8" plus plugs so the *" can be linked. THe 22" loop to join.
back in a bit.............
Limeyfly04.11.08 - 3:14 pm
Party Plaza in glendale has 22" inch glow stick with connecters.There 100 for 50.I checked the dollar stores and michels and found nothing.I bet there way cheaper in downtown somewhere.
blackout_blacklung04.11.08 - 3:25 pm
PLEASE tell me people are gonna cut these open and fling that sexy glow mix all over the community.
Where white, it looks the best.
Don't drink it.
Eric Hair04.11.08 - 4:40 pm
Has anyone opened one of these and put it in their hair? It's probably toxic but had to ask.
Also what about the microwave trick, anyone try it yet?
How are people tying their to their bikes? I have some zip ties if needed.
User104.11.08 - 5:07 pm
I stopped at the 99 cent store in Silver Lake on the way home; they have a bunch. At the back of the second aisle from the left.
mr rollers04.11.08 - 5:10 pm
i want to go to this sooo bad but i have something i committed to. this guy seemed really awesome and it's sad he's no longer with us. can't wait to see pictures of everyone. be safe!
tomato04.11.08 - 5:10 pm