Bush's Daughter
Thread started by
Roadblock at 05.30.08 - 3:42 am
has mannerisms just like daddy and talks like daddy would if daddy was a competent person... but still twisted up.
Basically, a person that looks a bit like Laura Bush and a bit like George W. Those looks, along with what her lineage represents, makes her one of the ugliest people in the universe. Ugh.
jericho1ne05.30.08 - 3:52 am
I went to an all boys preppy high school and most of the boys looked just like the groom.
I'm having nightmares every time I see that picture.
marino05.30.08 - 1:20 pm
Roadblock, you got a secret crush on Laura and Jenna?
Whatever, they are much better then Chelsea
What about Kate Edwards the night of the 2004 DNC, holy mole
sexy05.30.08 - 1:31 pm
same fucking beady little eyes.
dave c05.30.08 - 3:12 pm
WOW! she's got really pretty teeth!
soso05.30.08 - 3:13 pm
Ivy League, BlueBloods!!!(the husband, coupled with an equally despicable woman from a different area)
No offense to anyone from the NorthEast(Fuzz, richtotheie, kyber, etc.,)
But, that's one of the reasons I frown upon driving a semi through that area.
I'm sure there are plenty of good people up there, but I've got this sixth-sense that I'll run into the likes of the very, above mentioned.
bentstrider05.30.08 - 8:45 pm
geez, she does her ol' man's eyes. i would not want to be looking into those eyes as i busted a nut. ever.
nooooooooooo way.
surfzombo05.30.08 - 11:04 pm