200 for the fuck of it.

Thread started by
tern at 06.19.08 - 11:00 pm
I'm still not gone yet. Sorry to the ride and the party that I am still here...hahaha. But, I am still here. It all has to do with an overdue red light ticket and an expired registration. I have some money to spend on these, but I still have to go to court....again.
So, I am riding 200 miles this weekend. I have a route. I invite all dc crew, if you think you can hang....and any others...if you know you can hang.
The ride will start at my house, Saturday Morning, at 9 am.
I'm gonna do this anyway, just because I have wanted to do it for a long time....and I think I'm up to it.
So, If you want to ride with me, let's go.
where can I meet you?
Post the route?
I have your cell to coordinate meeting.
Creative Thing06.19.08 - 11:02 pm
Creativething...I'm not posting the route. I will call you tomorrow morning. You are in, if you want to go.
tern06.19.08 - 11:06 pm
I will say that the route includes Glendora Mountain Road, Glendora Ridge Road and Mt. Baldy. Those will be the hills for the ride, and they will be in the beginning.
tern06.20.08 - 3:43 am
drew, email me ur # jchungerford at g to the mail dot calm
jchungerford06.20.08 - 11:41 am
If I had a road bike, I would do it.
I'm not ready for a double century of this magnitude on a fixed gear.
kyber06.20.08 - 3:13 pm
Particularly with 3 mountains in it... Damn Drew, and whoever else, have a good ride.
FuzzBeast06.20.08 - 3:17 pm
your 190 mile mark will be the start of CRANK MOB right?? So you could do the last 10 miles with some F.U.N.
feelingrandy06.20.08 - 3:37 pm
brilliant idea randy!
hey drew, pour all your energy into one hell of a C.R.A.N.K. Mob experience!
spiraldemon06.20.08 - 3:44 pm
i would do this ride but
1. it's too long
2. it's too hot
3. it's too hard
4. i don't feel like it
5. i have other plans
otherwise, i'd jump at it in an instant!
indigis06.20.08 - 11:56 pm
Tern, are you doing this right now? You're totally going to die, man. IT'S SOOOOOO HOT!!!!
theroyalacademy06.21.08 - 11:06 am
I'm back. I am so tired, and my eyes hurt really bad, I put on a whole bunch of sunscreen this morning, and during the ride my eyes started hurting so bad, I didn't think I could continue. I was on Glendora Ridge road, and the shit was flowing into my eyes. I didn't bring a backpack, so I didn't have anything to wipe my eyes off with...that sucked more that the climb to Baldy Village. When I got there, I used a towel at the bar/ restaurant there. After I got off of the mountain, I bought a dish towel from big lots. That helped a bunch. I didn't have time or enough patience to finish the route on bikely.com yesterday.....so I took what I knew from what I routed, and I looked at other routes I had done to match it up. I had a 208 mile ride planned. I cut off a bit coming back at whittier narrows...and I think I still just make 200.
I'm gonna sleep for a long time.
Sorry I didn't get back to the people who wanted to go with me, but I realized that it would be somewhat easier going it alone this time. All of the other milestones on milege....I've done alone. The only stops are when I really need to stop kind of thing. I added a good portion of the Dark Century route....about 50 miles, I think. I finish the online route, and post it tomorrow, probably.
Tom said I had three mountains to climb....but I really didn't. All of those roads in the hills that I mentioned before are connected. And, they start in Gendora and end in Claremont.
Whew. Sleepy.
tern06.21.08 - 10:11 pm
ONe thing that helped me going alone was that I didn't have to have a meetup time. I left at like 5 am. When the sun just came up.
tern06.21.08 - 10:13 pm
Sexy's Choice for sunscreen. Expensive Yes, but it doesn't burn or sting when it gets in your eyes. That alone is priceless
4 FL OZ. $25.95 1.25 FL OZ $10.95
avaliable at Sephora
sexy06.21.08 - 10:39 pm
I will take the recommendation on sunscreen as a need in the future. I don't have enough gumption to finish this beer....too tired and sun drenched. This is the first time since i was a teenager that I can only handle one and a half beers. Sleep is coming on strong. I need to log off. bye.
tern06.21.08 - 10:56 pm
Never put sunscreen above your eyes. Your helmet (which you should always wear) and a bandana will protect your head and prevent the sunscreen flow.
You are one tough stud, my boy.
Creative Thing06.22.08 - 7:46 am
good job tern! kicked ass while i watched bad tv.
indigis06.22.08 - 10:44 am