Friday One O One Ride, Hollywood

Thread started by
guy fawkes at 06.19.08 - 8:36 am

Meet at Hollywood and Western Metro Station 6pm
One entrance does not have a sign prohibiting bicycles.
Everyone rides at their own risk.
is this for serious? cuz i'm tempted.
ingipet06.19.08 - 9:32 am
Finally a ride for the East side.
skd06.19.08 - 9:38 am
now, i'm just throwing this out there for the future.....but what if sometime down the eastside freeway ride met up with a westside freeway ride...
on the freeway!
ingipet06.19.08 - 9:40 am
now you guys fucked me up though... I was going to head to the LessSide to do the CRIMMANIMALZ 5pm ride.... but now I'm torn, I want to represent the BEASTside to teh fullestest. what due eye due?
Roadblock06.19.08 - 11:02 am
being centrally located creates such dilemmas... east or west, west or east...
indigis06.19.08 - 1:14 pm
So, technically, if there isn't a sign prohibiting really isn't illegal?
I bet the sign fell down or something but it is a loop hole.
As long as cars aren't going 60 mph.
How congested is the 101 on Friday at 6pm?
urbanpedal06.19.08 - 1:22 pm
Umm, I thought it had become abundantly obvious that police departments were monitoring this website.
ideasculptor06.19.08 - 1:23 pm

You have the right to say nay.
FBI06.19.08 - 1:26 pm
ideasculptor wrote:
Umm, I thought it had become abundantly obvious that police departments were monitoring this website.
When did this become obvious, or even abundantly obvious? It's so hard to monitor this website as someone who is
unemployed, I can't imagine how difficult it must be for the uninitiated. I don't think that LE does monitor MR.
Alex Thompson06.19.08 - 1:33 pm
im doing the east side ride.
i doubt the police monitor this site, especially the forums.
mikeywally06.19.08 - 3:29 pm
I have to work, but I'm hoping this is a ride I'll someday do
Purp06.19.08 - 6:48 pm
How congested is the 101 on Friday at 6pm?
06.19.08 - 4:22 pm
not very. it get shitty as you get closer to downtown, but from ventura to the vine st exit is generally smooth sailing.
ruinedbyidiots06.19.08 - 7:15 pm
just a suggestion.....earlier start TIME!
we were at the 101 at vermont (holding our bikes up and cheering at traffic) today around was PERFECT!
ingipet06.19.08 - 8:52 pm
I was at the Sunset 101 overpass at 7pm, the traffic was backed up and traveling 10-15 mph all the way to downtown.
guy fawkes06.19.08 - 10:33 pm
did anyone catch that the people in the picture in the first post are not only riding on the freeway, but they are riding against traffic?
ruinedbyidiots06.19.08 - 10:44 pm
of course they are riding against traffic, everything is backwards outside of America.
What to do you ask......Less chance of Police on the lesser of the sides, but less chance of the police freaking out on you if there is on the Hot side. I would say go with the Hot side, it hasn't been done before.
sexy06.20.08 - 12:40 am
that one, won't cause me any nightmares. Did you meant to post that one?
sexy06.20.08 - 12:58 am
nightmare turns to wet dreams as we hijacked the thread
sexy06.20.08 - 1:13 am
I rode by the Vermont/101 overpass around 6:30pm yesterday. Traffic was pretty horrendous North and South, though the South lanes seemed to be moving slower, about 5-10mph.
urbanpedal06.20.08 - 9:48 am
yeah, that freeway is pretty much always moving along at a crawl isn't it...
well, i am still official DOWN.
there is a stairway around the overpass on the vermont to climb down and access the freeway....
ingipet06.20.08 - 10:07 am
Are we still meeting at the Hollywood and Western Metro station at 6?
skd06.20.08 - 10:14 am
Word word!!!!
its ooooon!
Justin06.20.08 - 10:59 am
A few things I'd like to point out.
1. This is not a crimanimalz ride. This is a ride on the freeway just to do it ride. What does this mean?
A. Its not a demonstration or protest which means that if caught, you are subject to a different attitude from chp.
2. We were going to have 3 different rides going on at the same time this month. Westside, downtown, and south of lax. You know who organizes crimanimalz, you just had to ask to find out!
3. Crimanimalz scout the route for 2 weeks prior to riding taking into account all hazards and exits.
Good luck, have fun, and BE SAFE.
richtotheie06.20.08 - 11:15 am
looked at another way...this friday's attempt could very well be considered a "SCOUTING" ride....
i for one am still nervous. but i will have my safety vest that should protect me....
we love the crimanimalz. when you generate so much buzz and excitement over an idea....riding on freeway for necessarily prompts copying, repeating...expanding.
sharing of the cookies, or cubcakes!
and yeah. i myself will be "doing it just to do it"
with not much else at stake....
i'll start practicing my "what to say to the cops" speech now...
ingipet06.20.08 - 11:27 am
Hey Fawkes... We're glad that you're organizing another ride... Wizzao!!
Do you wanna join forces and be a CRIMANIMALZ chapter so you can share all of your footage/photgraphs through our press contacts and we can make this shit bigger!!!
boogalooSHRIMP06.20.08 - 11:30 am
We love crimanimalz. You folks have inspired us.
It would be great to join forces.
I think we are all on the same page.
guy fawkes06.20.08 - 11:45 am
east side chapter! crimanimalz - eastside extension!!!
ingipet06.20.08 - 11:47 am
"i don't know officer. it kind of just seemed like a good idea.
I'm doing it just to have done it."
ingipet06.20.08 - 11:49 am
SWEEEEET!!!!!!!! Unless there are some people who would like to meet up with me near downtown, i'll be meeting you all today!
As a general disclaimer and good rules to abide by:
Do not instigate drivers negatively.
Make Noise!
Smile! You're probably on Camera!
Do not make physical contact with ANY vehicle.
We do NOT have one specific goal or motivation for this ride. Each individual rider has their own agenda and belief for riding.
Side Notes:
We aren't causing traffic, we're passing it.
If we are able to influence drivers to bike instead of drive, we are actually HELPING other drivers! It would cause less traffic and save people $$ by not having to idle FOREVER!!!!
Anyone want to meet up in Downtown?
richtotheie06.20.08 - 12:38 pm
and sorry, not to ride from downtown to the 101, but to start ON THE FREEWAY from downtown.
richtotheie06.20.08 - 12:38 pm
I hate to be a wet blanket (oh well), but I still don't see how this is going to encourage more people to ride their bikes instead of driving. I think that with the exception of MAYBE a couple of people, these rides only serve to WIDEN the gulf between drivers and cyclists, and INCREASE the perception that cycliing is dangerous and unapproachable for the average commuter.
That being said, I don't think that what you all are doing is all that dangerous (and I know you know that too). Anyone that rides through the city regularly knows that Cahuenga alongside the 101, Forest Lawn Drive, Los Feliz etc. etc. and other streets have way faster and more dangerous traffic to contend with than the freeway.
Since I know you and the Criminanimalz (sp.?) are going to do this anyway, it would be good to attempt to get some real feedback from drivers during and after these rides. To see if thes rides are really changing peoples perceptions of cycling in a positive way, or the opposite (aka, what I think they're doing)
Maybe I'm wrong. It happens occasionally. Ride safe and watch out for the man.
bikesplosion06.20.08 - 1:12 pm
Hey BikeSLOSION!!!
You have valid points, and actually one of the main points this ride is to talk to drivers as we are riding next to them on camera. Hopefully we'll get a good mix of responses!
richtotheie06.20.08 - 1:20 pm
So richie, you are riding with us Hollywood folk???
werrrrrd up
Justin06.20.08 - 1:23 pm
sins and sprockets is later tonight in chinatown if anyone wants to end up there after all of this shenaniganery.
another suggestion:
something i've noticed recently from my own experience in the whole bike --- car relationship....
if you cheer the cars and encourage them by saying OBVIOUSLY ironic (and yet somehow, still sweet) things like "YOU'RE ALMOST THERE!!! KEEP GOING!!! YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB!!"
it helps them to become a PART of the experience. it let's them in on the joke. it become F.U.N for them too!
annie and i had great success with this on the 101 overpass on vermont yesterday. we were cheering and soliciting honks and waves. felt good.
remember, most people see something like this will think -- WTF!! HOLY S@*T!! look at that!! weeee!!!
if you have a smile and some playfulness in your softens the shock i think...
ingipet06.20.08 - 1:26 pm
Great idea Igrid.
You and Annie should lead the ride, you folks could keep the spirits high and the attitude right.
skd06.20.08 - 1:29 pm
Well despite my old fart reservations, it sounds like you are all doing this with the right attitude. I'm glad you've been getting some positive responses on the previous rides. I hope that continues.
Hell, at the very least, if you're not changing anyone's mind about bicycle commuting, you're giving some bored as suckers some free entertainment while they rot in their cars!
bikesplosion06.20.08 - 1:37 pm
Yaaaaa i'll be rollin with you guyz!
richtotheie06.20.08 - 1:39 pm
okay that i know your coming.... i just went from nervous excited to.....EXTREMELY EXCITED!!!
ingipet06.20.08 - 1:41 pm
woo hoo richie rides with the Hollywood east side!
Are you bringing the cape?
skd06.20.08 - 1:51 pm
so stoked, see you guys there
steph06.20.08 - 2:00 pm
tallbike is my humble opinion
skd06.20.08 - 2:04 pm
we need as many Los Angelope escorts as possible!
i personally would like an Angelope to escort me home after every ride.
it makes me feel, um, SAFE!
ingipet06.20.08 - 2:07 pm
I'd advise against a tall bike. I know one did it before but this isn't a casual pace, it's fast and safety is important so ride something you can handle really well, ride fast on, can stop and change directions if needed, etc.
seanbonner06.20.08 - 2:13 pm
true....but also it provides a fairly DRAMATIC layer of visibility to the whole group...
and an added level oF WTF! i imagine....
"hey, look at THAT guy!"
which we know is why you ride them tall bikes the peeps can check your ride and say, "WOW! who is THAT GUY!?
ingipet06.20.08 - 2:24 pm
Where richie goes, the cape goes too hahahaha!
Hey fawkes, I don't know who u are call me out when u see me!
richtotheie06.20.08 - 2:48 pm

hey everybody,
it's the boy with no pants!
spiraldemon06.20.08 - 2:53 pm
i actually decided that i'm not going. i've been really torn about this idea and the reality is, a lot of people are probably doing it for the rush rather than to change peoples minds about driving. I don't really feel like risking a fine for people that just think it's fun to break the law. I know most of you that are posting about it personally, and i know you all are really passionate about riding and changing people's views on driving and on cyclists, but there are a lot of people that are going to end up going just because it's a rush to break the law and ride on the freeway. I don't want to support that. I want to change something. If this were done more on the downlown with people who really wanted to make a change i'd be totally for it.
brassknuckle06.20.08 - 3:00 pm
hey everybody,
it's the boy with no pants!

spiraldemon06.20.08 - 3:04 pm
I agree with brassknuckles, but I will still ride.
It's about raising the conscience level. It is about changing the bad habits of driving and consuming gasoline like there is an endless supply.
I know some will ride for the thrill. I hope their numbers are small.
urbanpedal06.20.08 - 3:10 pm
what if you are doing it for the rush AND you are very passionate about changing people's minds about cycling? this dichotomy is arguably one of the founding principles of midnight ridazz....
i myself intend to do this stunt exactly ONCE because I would like to see the argument from both sides.
ingipet06.20.08 - 3:13 pm
i hope they are small too, and i hope everyone is safe. Maybe it will put a smile on some drivers faces and some of them will see cycling as a good alternative to sitting in traffic in their cars. That would be nice.
brassknuckle06.20.08 - 3:15 pm
@ ingrid. I know you and your passion for cycling. I know you're doing it for the right reasons, and the rush is just a bonus. What worries me are the ones that aren't doing it for the right reason.
brassknuckle06.20.08 - 3:17 pm
Raise your hand if you're doing it for the right reason!
kyber06.20.08 - 3:25 pm
i must say, i agree with you too! (brassy)
but i will be sad and snuffled to not see you there!!
ingipet06.20.08 - 3:28 pm
What Would Javier Do?
kyber06.20.08 - 3:44 pm
There is a high level of particulate matter and exhaust fumes on the One Oh One, since it is recessed into the ground. So you might want to wear a protective mask, bandana or some other form of filter to keep you air passages clear.
guy fawkes06.20.08 - 4:25 pm
what happened?!? did this go down??? where there 2 freeway rides in Los Angeles the same day? Someone pls tell me
jericho1ne06.20.08 - 8:22 pm
HEY I was on the westside freeway ride. as far as i saw, everything went smoothly.
the traffic wasn't heavy enough in the are where we intended to start so we got on at wilshire on 405 going south. a group of us decided to try to go all the way east on the 10.
traffic was nice and stopped on the 405 but once we got onto 10E shit was going fast so we exited at National and regrouped at some awesome bike shop on Motor.
no idea what happened to everyone else... we just went home from there.
bridellinger06.20.08 - 8:33 pm
That was GREAT especially after the traffic cleared and we were hauling ass on the 110. Who knew freeways were so hilly. No injuries and lots of beguiled drivers so I would say Mission Accomplished.
seahz06.20.08 - 8:39 pm
That bike shop was LA Brakeless. I honestly felt safer on the freeway (even on the median when traffic was whizzing by on the 10) then when i was riding home. So much less shit to worry about.
bone_yer_bike06.20.08 - 8:42 pm
IMG SRC="" border="0" >
The 101 Freeway happened.
skd06.20.08 - 9:32 pm
It did happen
skd06.20.08 - 9:33 pm
Really it did.
skd06.20.08 - 9:34 pm
holy moly. anxiously awaiting more media from both sides of town.
jericho1ne06.21.08 - 1:28 am
wow. that really happened!!!
can't WAIT to see richies footage!!
ingipet06.21.08 - 1:58 am
Thanks richie, for coming out and riding with us and educating the riders on the guidelines to safe bicycle riding on the freeway.
skd06.21.08 - 2:59 pm