MR = Jolly Roger

Thread started by
indigis at 06.10.08 - 5:33 pm

Midnight Ridazz is about to get a sailboat. Let's load up a 8 bikes, 8 ridazz and go ride Catalina. I'll be sailing her down here and docking in MDR within a few weeks.
For the uneducated that means I can tell the difference between:
lines and ropes
halyards and sheets
running and standing rigging
blocks and cleats
port and starboard
e-rock06.10.08 - 5:36 pm
I am so there. Put me on the list. This sounds so awesome.
brassknuckle06.10.08 - 5:37 pm
Harry can you score us a jet???
Its not a party til we secede from California!
SKIDMARCUS06.10.08 - 5:40 pm
we have access to one too. hopefully we can work out dates this busy busy summer.
alec06.10.08 - 5:42 pm
do i smell catalina's first critical mass?
indigis06.10.08 - 5:44 pm
i took the catalina express a couple months ago with my friend and we took our bikes.... ! of course it would be WAY cooler with a sailboat.
if you want to access the coooool parts of Catalina, we were told, you need to get something called a "conservancy pass"
ingipet06.10.08 - 5:51 pm
What kind of bike do you use outside of Avalon? Is a road bike OK or do you need a mountain bike?
mk452406.10.08 - 5:53 pm
one that will be able to out pace a charging boar and the occasional stampeding buffalo.
indigis06.10.08 - 5:57 pm
Oh hell yeah!!! I'm so down for this! I'll get my pirate attire together too!
Let's pillage Avalon!!!
User106.10.08 - 6:04 pm
Catalina = MR Gilligan's Island!!
Me MEEE MEEEE!!! I want on the boat!
mixtemotions06.10.08 - 6:07 pm
WOOAHHH!!! Can I commme toooo?! I can't sail, but I can bring my bike and some F.U.N!!
shadylane06.10.08 - 6:28 pm
count me in. I don't know squat about sailing, but I never get seasick, either, so I'm reasonably good company on the voyage. Also, I can swim.
ideasculptor06.10.08 - 6:35 pm
Most roads outside of Avalon are dirt fire roads. Well groomed, but the're dirt. I would bring a mt. bike, or cyclecross at the least.
Creative Thing06.10.08 - 7:43 pm
Sounds like it's time to get my mtn bike fixed. And I don't mean removing the gears.
theroyalacademy06.10.08 - 8:55 pm
I'd love to develop my sea legs, but alas, I wont be able to ride until mid- July. Have fun!
Joe Borfo06.10.08 - 10:02 pm
Sailboat operations don't seem that difficult to pick-up.
I'm a fast learner when it comes to the mechanical workings and I could hold my breathe underwater for extended, periods of time.
bentstrider06.10.08 - 10:11 pm
I can swim underwater!
Plus I got flippers!!
Marcus can talk to the dolphins, but he maybe gone on some trip or something.
Let's make some recordings with Marcus!!!
User106.10.08 - 11:20 pm
man! this sounds awesome, but when i went sailing two weekends ago, i barfed about eight times! ask analbeadman.

meandmybluebike06.10.08 - 11:29 pm
Isn't there another boat owner in this thread? I've crewed and volunteer here. It looks like she's ketch rigged. I'll take the front sail assuming you're going to do this under sail. Normally, you have to go on long tacks to reach Catalina so how long will it take?
mk452406.10.08 - 11:52 pm
Hmm... the best bike I have for dirt roads, oddly enough, is Billy... well, if I get new tires for it.
Freak Catalonia!
FuzzBeast06.11.08 - 2:23 am
yes. she is a ketch. sailing to catalina from mdr usually begins with motoring early morning due south until northwesterly winds pick up midmorning. then its a fun, fast sail at about 6 knots on a beam reach. getting to twin harbor or emerald cove is about 6 hours. heading to avalon you turn downwind to a beam reach with following seas and sometimes can surf a wild ride peaking at a crazy 9 knots... which is much faster than hull speed (6.78 knots). avalon is about 8 hours.
from what i've read, avalon up to the airport is paved. to really explore the island you'll want a mtn bike which also can be rented there. a pass needs to be purchased from avalon or twin harbors for $20 for back country riding.
costs nothing to terrorize the tourists on avalon, though. tallbikes get priority onboard.
indigis06.11.08 - 6:18 am

i look at a boat and i get seasick, which is not a good way to be if you like to sail singlehanded. i swear by those accupressure wrist bands, and i double swear by the electrostim bands. i don't get it but that shit works. i have a bunch onboard.
indigis06.11.08 - 6:24 am
another seasickness trick that works for some of my friends is ginger tablets. Take a couple of those an hour before sailing, or just chew on some ginger root!
e-rock06.11.08 - 9:09 am
when is this thing happening? did i miss it? i want i want i want!
yo delicious06.11.08 - 9:12 am
yes. she is a ketch
I wanna crew! Jib, Genoa, either way, I'll handle those sails for you if you'd like. Hitting 9 knots on a beam reach has got to be a weird feeling, moving but no sense that you're really moving. Do she have a spinnaker? Does she have a wheel or a tiller? The last time I was on a ketch, she had a wheel but we had to go out under power from MDR until we got into the channel and could pick up some winds. It was my first time I ever skippered with a wheel and I liked it. I sure miss sailing but to get back on topic, will there be room to bring my mountain bike on board?
mk452406.11.08 - 7:09 pm
michael, you are so totally welcome aboard.
she has a wheel and a big Perkins 50 horse deasel engine when needed. no spiniker right now but I may be getting a fore staysail. I usually run her with a 150 genoa... don't use a roller furling or even a gps. i dead reckon my positioning. very old school like my bikes.
indigis06.11.08 - 7:17 pm
I want to go!!!
I can swab the poop deck!
/For seriously, guise. I want this to happen. If there is a list, put me on it. I'm going to go read the entire thread now.
SPOOK06.11.08 - 8:14 pm
As long as Spook don't poop on the deck!
Joe Borfo06.11.08 - 8:17 pm
@ e-rock
Pip. Pip. Where have you been? I've been searching for you and Julius Higgins.... I'd be more than will to smoke my pipe and browse the shoreline through my monocle, as Spook manned the rigging!
Foggy Fogsworth06.11.08 - 8:20 pm
Avast! It would only seem right to have
The Flying Duchess aboard ye yacht. I can volunteer my crazy, monkey-like climbing skillzz to man the crow's nest or conning tower. or periscope. whatever you might have on that vessel. You can shoot my tallbike and I out of the torpedo tubes. Special Forces Ridazz! Avalon Ridazz take give no mercy!
SPOOK06.11.08 - 8:21 pm
Foggy, you salty dog. E-Rock and I always thought you were up for a good laugh, like that time we were on safari....
Julius Higgins06.11.08 - 9:53 pm
michael, you are so totally welcome aboard.
THANKS! I really love sailing and I'm getting excited thinking about it. I'd like to buy a used Coronado 15 since that's about all I can afford and "moor" it in my driveway but I like a big heavy keel and I don't want to try ocean sailing in a Coronado. A roller reef for the Jenny would be nice but you won't have to try to sail it by yourself and you'll have enough people to raise the sail. Does it have a knot meter? I used one on a larger boat and it helped me trim the jib when I was heading up.
mk452406.11.08 - 10:55 pm
(*misreads "The Flying Duchess" as "The Flying Douches"*)
Wait, who are you talking about? That describes all of us at one time or anothOHISEENEVERMIND
Note: this actually occurred, inside my head.
PC06.12.08 - 3:35 am
Michael, you'll love this sailboat then. I bought this Fuji ketch, , 20 years ago
when I when I sailed ALOT (like I bicycle today) and was planning to circumnavigate with it. It has a full keel, 16,000 pounds displacement, designed by renowned archetect John Alden. A lot of people have used this model to circle the globe.
But, all that aside, I want to make this a Ridazz sail bus for the islands.
06.12.08 - 9:57 am
keep us posted on the maiden voyage. I used to race dingys and keelboats in college and have been jonzing to get on the water again!
e-rock06.12.08 - 10:19 am
All this jibber-jabber is srsly making me want to cut some bike time out of my life to finish working on my lightning. Would be wicked cool if we have both boats sailing at the same time!
jchungerford06.12.08 - 10:30 am
Matter of fact, if anyone has extra space in their backyard for that 19' dingy i'd like to get it outta the parking garage its collecting dust in and try to get it seaworthy. Allowing me to utilize said space would 100% ensure that you always have space on any voyage Rampage takes.
jchungerford06.12.08 - 10:32 am
JC! what are you doing with a lightning! I'm really busy but, If you need any help getting it seaworthy let me know.
e-rock06.12.08 - 11:02 am
Jerod's going to pull his dingy out...
Joe Borfo06.12.08 - 11:09 am
Erock ur about to shit urself. Rampage's hull ID id 467! Original cloth sails are in storage to preserve them. 2nd oldest lightning dated to 1938, more or less.
jchungerford06.12.08 - 11:14 am

^^^ ""She may not look like much but she's got it where it counts kid. I made a few special modifications myself."
Joe Borfo06.12.08 - 11:20 am

As you can see, the last thing i did was strip her old lead paint and pull up the deck completely. I want to throw a new one on her and will need to build a completely new mast.
It'll take some time and TLC but she's gonna be a real beauty when im finally done.
jchungerford06.12.08 - 11:23 am
fuckin MR bus and now a fleet of ships. wtf is next? ugh Harry?
jchungerford06.12.08 - 11:25 am
jerod, that lightening has some sweet potential. nothing, except perhaps a vintage steel track bike and a persian woman, is as beautiful as a wooden boat.
that makes two boats sailing under the jolly midnight rogazz.
did i just coin a new phrase?
Midnight Rogazz©
indigis06.12.08 - 11:51 am