$$ 40billion $$$ & a Free Beer

Thread started by
sexy at 07.16.08 - 10:24 am

Thats right folks $$$$ 40 Billion $$$$ and a FREE BEER
all you got to do is add your name to a certain letter and send it to this
email address
Thats it, just sign the letter
Whats the Email??? to request that the MTA Board members add
1% for bikes on this purposed tax increase that the voters will decided on.
That 1% = $$$ 40 billion for bike projects in LA County
NO I'm not talking about FIXED Conversion Project. I'm talking about roads, bike ways and end of route facilities all for cyclist.
After signing look for Ingipet to redeem your Beer Credit
i luv this! i was imagining something just like it.
Hell yeah.
Pabst Blue Ribbon Tour of Los Angeles.
ingipet07.16.08 - 10:38 am
best email ==
ingipet07.16.08 - 10:38 am
I think I should have put FREE BEER first, then the 40 billion
no amount of money trumps a Free Beer
sexy07.16.08 - 10:40 am
Is this ingipet a real person or one of those made up sign in on here.
How do I get my free beer?
hipster07.16.08 - 10:48 am
wow hipster. you're so hip you haven't even met me!
ingipet07.16.08 - 10:55 am

If we hit 300 signatures, I'll give the 300th person a FANCY beer.
ingipet07.16.08 - 10:59 am
I gotcho beer right here. It's all about that Stella and Blue Moon baby, yeeeaah!
Jazzy Phat Nastee07.16.08 - 11:02 am
sounds good.
stella, blue moon and PBR for the rest of you.
just remember. 300th signature gets a FANCY beer.
ingipet07.16.08 - 11:03 am
and yeah sexy. should have put BEER in the first part of the title.
ingipet07.16.08 - 12:12 pm
free beer and 40 billion? wait its too good to be true... your telling me they are giving away free beer free pbr!
thefrenchconn07.16.08 - 1:47 pm
yes. i will personally host a kegger/beer-a-thon for all of you who sign.
and a SPECIAL FANCY BEER to the 300th signature....
ingipet07.16.08 - 1:48 pm
send your name to
to be added to the list of signatories.
ingipet07.16.08 - 2:36 pm
This just in. When you sign you send a electro shock into each person who wronged you while you where riding a bicycle.
sexy07.16.08 - 3:15 pm
and after the people who wronged you are electro-shocked....beer and money comes pouring out of your computer....
ingipet07.16.08 - 3:18 pm
that sounds messy
sexy07.16.08 - 9:10 pm
just signed it.
i'm letting everyone i know do the same, even if they don't ride a bike.
lets take over this damn city and recreate it in our image.... a bikers utopia with nice paved roads, medicinal herb for everyone that asks for it, .25 cent beer (except for Newcastle and all dark ales... they'll be .26 cents)
July07.16.08 - 10:12 pm
Hate to spoil everyone's party here, but 1% of 40 billion is not 40 billion, It's 400 million. If we were looking at spending 1% that amounted to 40 billion, then measure being considered would be a tax on the public that amounted to 4 trillion dollars.
I won't even get into what I think the publics attitude is going to be when they get asked to part with their money for a system they don't use. Not saying it's a bad idea, I like it. It's just going to be a hard sell and if the price of gas goes down, you're sunk.
Party on doodes.
Two Sexy Four This Tread07.16.08 - 10:37 pm
way to deflate our tires.
plus how much do you really expect gas to go down? i don't suspect much. people need to realize this will help everyone in the long run, specially if you end up taking a bike to work once gas hits astronomical numbers.
Jazzy Phat Nastee07.16.08 - 10:41 pm
Gas prices won't go down.
Even if they do, who cares?
I'm still going to ride my bike instead of drive a car.
kyber07.16.08 - 10:41 pm
exactly. i bet if people would ride a bike to and from work (with an occassional bus ride in there) they would see how unnecessary a car really is. time frames are very close, due to all the traffic, so why not save a couple hundred bucks in the process.
Jazzy Phat Nastee07.16.08 - 11:40 pm
This is a town built around the automobile. It's going to take a shit load to pry their grubby hands from their cars. 5$ / gallon is not going to do it. Telling them they'll save X amount of time by leaving their cars at home isn't going to do it either. It's going to take gas prices twice of what we have today to see numbers where we have even a good large block of the population with us.
At least this gets the discussion going about what needs to be done in the future.
Two Sexy Four This Tread07.17.08 - 12:27 am
Smarty pants - do you know what it would cost to build a citywide bike network in L.A. that would put 5% (or more) of L.A.commuters on bikes instead of cars?
Do you know?
A whopping $60 million.
That is peanuts - and that is why we are asking for so little. It doesn't take much money to build a really good bike network. The rodas are paved, the streets exist - just take away a few car travel lanes and whammo.
This is NOT a futile effort - your ignorance is.
ubrayj0207.17.08 - 12:48 am
If we win this fight, I bet we see Bike Boulevards (one on the east and one on the west) in the city within three years. Within five, I bet we see about 10. Over the course of the program, we'll see over 200 miles of bike lanes and a traffic calming and a sharrows program.
I was talking about this with Joe Linton the other day, and it won't just be the big things, but the little things. All of a sudden there will be funds for the transportation engineer who sees a cracked sidewalk when he walks to work everyday and intersections without crosswalks. It could be a big step in getting to where we want to be as a city/county and I hope any fence sitters will join us.
Just signed my 87th signature and I'm out the door to a Metro committee meeting...
daymen07.17.08 - 7:49 am
not even at 100 yet?
i'm going to have to put some caveats on that beer there.....hmmmmmm
ingipet07.17.08 - 8:15 am
What the hell is wrong with you folks.
Send an email that you signed the letter. Do you want it chewed after Ingipet and others Spoon fed you.
kripes!..... Put a little effort into it people.
sexy07.17.08 - 3:31 pm
Nothing wrong with me - I signed it yesterday, already!
Bring on the wave of beer!
mr rollers07.17.08 - 3:35 pm
Where's my beer?
Just kidding.
kyber07.17.08 - 3:36 pm
if 1% is $40 billion, doesn't that make the mta budget 4 trillion dollars? isn't that kind of a lot?
stevestevesteve07.17.08 - 5:02 pm
4 trillion dollars?!?!?!?! Heck we can invade Iran AND Venezuela and still have money left over to mishandle the war!!!
Dood why all da haten????
This vote will require a 2/3 majority to pass. That majority includes most of the peeps that own cars. Now you think they are going to vote for something that doesn't benefit them? Yeah, I don't think so either. As I said before, I'm behind it and support it. I just don't think it has a snowball chance in hell of passing.
You would be much better off lobbying for better consideration on the trains, such as taking a seat out, expanding the number of cars, or getting better service on buses.
Two Sexy Four This Tread07.17.08 - 5:17 pm
@Two Six Four, ujbray was hardly hating. I don't even think that was a response to you. A little petition is hardly effective, I agree, but it's not a waste of time either. We've got to start somewhere. Got to start small, and from all directions. We have people active on the street, leading, living and riding by example. And others working within the system. People are trying hard, but not enough are trying at all. People are content, with what little rights, and poorly written laws, we have. But no one sees that little by little what little road we have is getting taken away quicker than they're being improved for us.
the reverend dak07.17.08 - 5:39 pm
seriously. i'm not sure i can even support this tax if it doesn't have dedicated funding for bikes. that's my take on it. why would i support a tax that might not even help cyclists or pedestrians?
gohomedorothy07.17.08 - 8:07 pm
honestly, i would support the tax no matter whether we get the 1% or not. L.A. needs to take every step it can towards mass transit.
i bike, drive and ride metro, but luckily, i can already bike everywhere! (and drive everywhere...) can't quite take the trains everywhere....
but srsly. if we try to push for this before next thursday big MTA board directors meeting, at least we can say that we tried. If we succeed, then mathematically I believe we get $400 million.
As Ubrayj pointed out, we would only need around $60 million to pull off a class act bicycle network.
400 million - 60 million = 340 million left over for other stuff.
Dak is right, this is a starting place. There are A LOT of us out there working on this and I think we would all like to see more cyclists come together around these issues and really create the pressure that is necessary to make this change happen.
ingipet07.17.08 - 8:21 pm
We have to start somewhere.
Sitting back and waiting for a sweetheart deal is something that will not happen.
kyber07.17.08 - 8:25 pm
which list will win!
i hope both.
sign the letter -->
ingipet07.17.08 - 8:30 pm