I think this article was written by a hipster.
ephemerae08.5.08 - 9:22 pm
im so hip bcs im reading the artilce and thinking wow thats hip but ima start my own blog and i will be the hippiest of them all
hipster ftw
aksendz08.5.08 - 9:29 pm
“So… this is a hipster party?” I ask the girl sitting next to me. She’s wearing big dangling earrings, an American Apparel V-neck tee, non-prescription eyeglasses and an inappropriately warm wool coat.
“Yeah, just look around you, 99 percent of the people here are total hipsters!”
“Are you a hipster?”
“Fuck no,” she says, laughing back the last of her glass before she hops off to the dance floor.
This is all I needed to read.
imachynna08.5.08 - 9:38 pm
Oh yay, it's Adbusters, desperately trying to shoehorn someone into a marketing demographic, which the author are defining on-the-fly, only in order to demonize the subject. We
get it. Consumer culture pervades all things and makes them sucky. Thus, by virtue of being members of the set "all things," today's young people suck.
Alright, Mr. Author. You've set 'em up and knocked 'em down, yet again. The fine scent of straw is in the air. It's the smell of satisfaction. Good job.
nathansnider08.5.08 - 9:43 pm
"Take a stroll down the street in any major North American or European city and you’ll be sure to see a speckle of fashion-conscious twentysomethings hanging about and sporting a number of predictable stylistic trademarks: skinny jeans, cotton spandex leggings, fixed-gear bikes, vintage flannel, fake eyeglasses and a keffiyeh – initially sported by Jewish students and Western protesters to express solidarity with Palestinians, the keffiyeh has become a completely meaningless hipster cliché fashion accessory."
Me -
I knew you guys were hipsters!!! Now I've got the proof. Hey, Adbusters is listed in the links section, so it must be a legitimate source of reference, right?
Here's a tip on the next big trend. Take a mountain bike, front suspension or full, and put skinny road tires on it. There, that's it. No funny colors, or colored tires, or even chrome. Cause you wana be core to the max! Don't forget where you heard this from!
User108.5.08 - 10:37 pm
the real hipster are not hip or hipsters.
HANDBONE08.5.08 - 10:47 pm
first read this as "hater apocalypse"
HANDBONE08.5.08 - 10:47 pm
hipster RBI, there's alot of people in their 20's that maybe directionless. So to answer your question, the clueless ones in their 20's should give a fuck.
User108.6.08 - 1:15 am
That article was awfully fluffy.
"I‘m sipping a scummy pint of cloudy beer in the back of a trendy dive bar turned nightclub in the heart of the city’s heroin district."
Where was this written? What club? Who was interviewed? Most of the people quoted aren't identified. I'm having a hard time believing this wasn't entirely pulled out of the author's ass, it's so riddled with cliches. Most of this article reads like some formerly trendy thirtysomething whining in their blog about how the kids these days wear strange clothes and listen to funny-sounding music. That, or Adbusters has figured out that nobody thinks they're relevant so they're poking sticks at their former target audience.
mullingitover08.6.08 - 1:32 am
Eerie, isn't it? Like looking at a mirror in a Funhouse.
See ya at the next Big Theme Ride!
sleepy08.6.08 - 1:41 am
1. photos from last nights party or the cobra snake.
2. you had me at "i read vice".
3. no hipster bingo. meh.
Let's party at the Booby Trap like it's Nineteen Ninety Nine.
Noble Experiment08.6.08 - 1:47 am
...note the date. Welcome to 2005, Adbusters.
PC08.6.08 - 2:05 am
"the hipster represents the end of Western civilization – a culture lost in the superficiality of its past and unable to create any new meaning"
eddieboyinla08.6.08 - 2:06 am
Does Rock-a-billy count as a hipster class? Cause if you have ever been to a tattoo convention,every other chick there looks exactly the same(they all look kinda hot too,so in a way it's like seeing hot twins X 100)
Little Evil Eddy08.6.08 - 2:58 am
the blog that started it all.
I can't count rockabillies as hipsters but they've been hanging out at hipster places as of late. I can only see it here though where some of my friends at mr t's bowl would drink their pabsts with some rockabillies who are hanging out before they head out to little cave. just my opinion on seeing things.
Noble Experiment08.6.08 - 8:40 am
rbi is not a hipster.
he's a pot-smoking hippie from Ojai
spiraldemon08.6.08 - 9:47 am
how come you didnt say anything to her on the grateful dead ride?
ruinedbyidiots08.6.08 - 9:54 am
Because jeff's a crustacean.
An aquatic mandibulate arthropod that has a chitinous or calcareous and chitinous exoskeleton, a pair of often much modified appendages on each segment, and two pairs of antennae.
GO JEFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eric Hair08.6.08 - 10:22 am
Wow. That's obnoxious and poorly written... and even it's not worth the effort to try and make anything of, there's one thing here that pisses me off. The author is equating cycling (fixed gear... but whatever... a bike's a bike) with being a hipster, while at the same time claiming:
While previous youth movements have challenged the dysfunction and decadence of their elders, today we have the “hipster” – a youth subculture that mirrors the doomed shallowness of mainstream society.
Anyways... that's bullshit. And the author's a moron for lumping in cycling subculture with something he defines as shallow and meaningless. Every day we're challenging the dysfunction of old habits by riding our bikes in cities built for cars, at the expense of our safety. So fuck that guy. Say what you will about my glasses, but don't fuck with my bike.
canadienne08.6.08 - 10:39 am
Yeah--Adbusters is based in Canada.
tern08.6.08 - 11:14 am
hahahaha, i think that grouping hipsters into being the apocalypse of western society is more than a little melodramatic.
the article reads like something a disgruntled 14 year old would write for an english assignment. She even has a thesis statement!
hartwick, youre a pussy08.6.08 - 11:18 am
im glad he doesn't stand against a wall looking ironic
hartwick, youre a pussy08.6.08 - 11:20 am
yeah, don't be deceived guys... not all Canadians are as wicked awesome as Hartwick and myself...
canadienne08.6.08 - 11:20 am
ugh, bad canadians are the worst
its like excuse me, sorry, shit, just please..can you leave eh?
hartwick, youre a pussy08.6.08 - 11:24 am
I showed this to my hipster 19yr old son and he was like "That's so... first half 2K08" or whatever alt bros say for this is so last week.
He referred me to
http://www.hipsterrunoff.com to educate myself on all things hipster. It's a confusing site. Is the American Apparel ad for real or ironic or both?
Anyway the hipster article makes the same accusation bohemians have suffered since before bohemianism. ie "You wear cheap clothes, you drink cheap booze, you smoke cheap cigarettes but you are not really poor, you are middle class pretending to be poor. You are not original." The beatniks heard it, the hippies heard it, the punks heard it. Nothing new, nothing to see. But some of the comments are hillarious which shows that hate pays.
marino08.6.08 - 11:26 am
hehe good point.
Is the American Apparel ad for real or ironic or both?
Hilarious... I wonder if anyone really knows...
canadienne08.6.08 - 11:48 am
You wear cheap clothes, you drink cheap booze, you smoke cheap cigarettes but you are not really poor, you are middle class pretending to be poor. You are not original.
But you're contradicting preconceived notions of class as they relate to financial worth, and to that I say HOORAH!!
And it's incorrect to say that "you're not original." It would be more accurate to say, you're not conforming.
Eric Hair08.6.08 - 11:54 am

Canadienne You're right, don't you know. But some of those guys are losers,eh?
The article is funny. I don't see any harm in the author's hyper-vigilant preoccupation with his friends and the fads they go through. Oh, did you hear fad mentioned once in the article? I didn't. That, in and of itself, is interesting to me. This dude is just as afraid of losing acceptance from his peers as the others mentioned in the article, who were being propped up to disavow hipsterness. It's funny. I like when scenes and fads change. They always do. For example, this one will fall out of fashion, at some point: people covering their faces with guerrilla wear to hide their faux-revolutionary faces. Just like Mr. Douglas, the ultra=chic globe trotting 'culture author' did in his self-congratulatory blog. ah HA! Eat Poop!
tern08.6.08 - 12:06 pm
If I didn't clearly explain it before, above is a picture of the author. And, he's complaining to us. Bleh.
tern08.6.08 - 12:25 pm
yes, somehow that ski-mask seems "inappropriately warm"...
canadienne08.6.08 - 12:33 pm
I read the whole article a couple days ago. From what I got from it, it was someone criticizing his own peers.
Adbusters is an anti-consumerism magazine. There are no ads in it, except for the fake ones. The article is kind of vague, but I think the point of it, is that the writer acknowledges and criticizes the current "scene" as being pointless, i.e. directionless, and based on consumerism & materialism. While the "hip" scenes of generations past were, arguably, driven by counter-cultures responding to this very same consumerism & materialism. Using purely music analogies; Disco - New Wave, Mainstream Rock - Metal - Punk, Pop - Prog, etc. Something like that.
I just read an anarchist/bike culture zine, out of Washington D.C., that criticizes the bike-scene, and how it's falling victim of to a form of social-capital. One that is based on the value (perceived or whatever) of one's bike. A "My bike is prettier than hers" kind of thing. The title of this article, i think, was "Bike Culture as a path to hierarchy" - something like that.
Anyway, I don't have a point. Hipster-dom is totally subjective, totally. Most of you are hipsters, compared to me.
the reverend dak08.6.08 - 12:37 pm
Finally a website that speaks to me!!!! Thanks Marino!
The author makes one good point, the generation of today and the past 10 years has just been regurgitating past treads. There really has not been any new movement since the techno/rave scene.
User108.6.08 - 12:45 pm
Most of you are hipsters, compared to me.
Care to elaborate on this a bit?
Also, 'scenes' that effected change, in the past (punk, disco, etc) had many spin offs and much fakery to them, even while the actual counter culture current was flowing through them. Just because hipsterdom seems to be overwhelmingly pervasive, don't assume that there isn't more going on within the overall mass.
After all, it's only in hindsight that we can reflect on the importance and crushing change that previous generations have fostered. So long as we're in it, we're very blind to the overall picture, unless it's something so close to us (like Ridazz) that you can't help be feel the undercurrent of change.
Eric Hair08.6.08 - 12:49 pm
"No Admitted Hipsters Found At 'Total Hipster Party'
08.6.08 - 5:03 am"
Alex Bragg is bizzarro Franz's neo-con-twin brother
Roadblock08.6.08 - 1:11 pm

Are zoobombers hipsters--or hippies?
I think zoobombers are pretty punk rock. And, by punk rock I mean authentic. err. yeah.
tern08.6.08 - 1:17 pm
"Most of you are hipsters, compared to me.
Care to elaborate on this a bit?
@Eric Hair, I was just being a bit facetious. My point being, on that point, that hipsterdom is subjective (maybe even relative), and you can't really argue for or against my statement, which is based on my opinion, which doesn't necessarily mean it's true or false, which is based on my knowledge and/or experience, with is also subjective, and ... and, yeah. ... so, but yeah, your statement about the "scene", being viewed from within, it is hard to get the big picture, and only in hindsight will any of us really know, or understand whether there is or isn't any significance in the current "scene(s)". Time will tell, I guess. If we survive Global Warming. Go Green!
the reverend dak08.6.08 - 2:38 pm
srsly, whrz Bernie? I know he lurks this forum more than anyone.
batgirlkarla08.6.08 - 2:56 pm
Holy crap! There's a Bizarro Franz part two!!?!
imachynna08.6.08 - 3:11 pm
I hear ya dak.
There is just so much to say in, on and around this subject that I propose an END OF THREAD situation.
All in favor?
Eric Hair08.6.08 - 3:39 pm
hipsters are cool in my book. much better than the 90's version of hipster... the grunge hiphoppin limp shitstick raver crowd. haha
Roadblock08.6.08 - 4:05 pm
Hey, mash-ups kick ass!!
I never once, for a hot-minute thought they would even be remotely-related to the hipster-push into dominant-culture land!!!
That's it, in protest, I wearing cowboy-boots and a ten-gallon with my wife-beater and black, over-sized Dickies!!!
It's Crunktry time, bitches!!!!
bentstrider08.6.08 - 6:26 pm
i drink cheap beers. i smoke cheap cigarettes. and i rock cheap clothes.
but i also have 2 court cases i shouldnt be dealing with, out of work, gotta pay rent, and badly needing $1200 so i can file for bankruptcy to wipe out $30,000 in debt i am.
yeah, i'm a hipster if those are the criteria.
Jazzy Phat Nastee08.6.08 - 6:46 pm