Write Villaraigosa for more bike-ped funds...
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daymen at 07.31.08 - 2:26 pm
I know we're not thrilled that Metro missed its chance to do some real investment in bike-ped but we did get the Mayor to start talking about bike funding. LACBC put together a letter with contact info to keep some pressure on him, if you're interested and you helped with our last sign-on letter you might be interested in helping out here...
Streetsblog article
LACBC letter:
Write letters urging Mayor Villaraigosa to dedicate funding for bikes/ped in the Local Return. Here is an example letter:
Dear Honorable Mayor Villaraigosa,
At the last Metro Board meeting, you specified that Los Angeles will commit dedicated funds to bicycles and pedestrians, from local return funds in the proposed ½ cent sales tax.
Additional funding dedicated to bicycles will allow the cities to build much needed bicycle facilities, such as sharrows and bike lanes. $60 million is needed to complete the already approved 1996 Bicycle Master Plan.
In light of high gas prices and congestion on our streets, more cyclists are on our roadways. It is the responsibility of the city to respond to the demands of this growing community and to guarantee their safety by building more bikeways.
By dedicating funding for bicycles and pedestrians in the Local Return, you, Mayor Villaraigosa, will prove to the voters that you are committed to joining other cities in making cycling a priority in transportation development. This will help secure a better quality of life for all people and will create a more liveable Los Angeles.
Please dedicate funding in the Local Return for bicycles and pedestrians so that Los Angeles can build more bikeways.
Thank you,
Board Chair and LA Mayor:
Antonio Villaraigosa
phone: (213) 978-0600
e-mail: mayor@lacity.org
It's probably going to take a bunch of these things and some time, but I think we'll get there. We've got them talking the talk at City Hall, and that took some time. Unfortunately, turning talk to action can take a little longer...
daymen07.31.08 - 2:33 pm