***Hey everybody, I'm back!!!*****
Thread started by
PC at 07.28.08 - 1:51 am
So, how's everybody doing? I haven't been on the site at all this weekend because I was experimenting with some social networking application that everybody kept telling me was so amazing. Tweeter, or some shit.
It was OK, I guess. At first the novelty of broadcasting my location and putting my random thoughts out there was kind of exciting. I felt...I dunno, important or something. Like lots of people wanted to know what I thought and where I was. And getting little messages from other users was pretty cool, you know; I kinda felt like I was a part of an exciting community of socially desirable people--people with interesting, fast-paced lives; people who felt me worthy of knowing the details of those lives. Also, I got to talk about pee.
Then the novelty started to wear off. I realized that I don't really need to know from one hour to the next what my friends are doing, because if they're doing or thinking anything interesting they'll tell me about it next time I see them...minus the stuff that seems interesting at the moment but in retrospect turns out not to be worth the telling. Or if it's really amazing, they can call or text me or something. They
do have my phone number, seeing as how they're my friends...right?
So all that's left over is a bunch of information that, frankly, I just don't care very much about.--and more of it coming in all the time. Why then (I wondered to myself) did I ever think that I cared? Then it dawned on me: it wasn't the content of any of those stupid little messages, it was the fact that somebody cared enough to type them knowing I would read them. "Hi, I'm thinking of you!" "Hi, I'm thinking of you!" "Hi, I'm thinking of you!" Or you-and-you-and-you, as the case may be. That was the real content!
Well, that's nice and all, but do I really need to spend every spare moment of every day banging away on my cell phone just to demonstrate that to people and/or have it demonstrated to me? It would be easier just to make a general one-time announcement and tell everybody straight out. In fact, I'll do it right now: (*ahem*)
Hey, guess what? If you're my friend in any meaningful way, I think about you from time to time when I'm not with you. There, now I don't have to be one of those people who can't go ten minutes without pulling the cell phones out of their goddam pockets.
Admit it, you didn't give a fuck that I ate peach pie on Thursday night or that I peed last night at work anyway. You just thought it was nice that I thought you might give a fuck.
So, yeah, anyway, I canceled my account, or whatever you do when you don't use Twitter anymore (sorry, I'm not very good at these metafictional conceits). It's great to be back here at midnightridazz.com. What did I miss? You guys still riding bikes and shit? Did that "stealing fireworks from stores" hoo-ha ever get straightened out?
God, it feels good to be long-winded again. It takes me 160 characters just to get warmed up.
PC07.28.08 - 1:52 am
Hahaha. Twitter is for wasting time, creating conversations, and feeling loved. And if you find yourself updating every 5 seconds then you have a problem.
imachynna07.28.08 - 1:58 am
Kinda like when I respond to every single thread on this forum. Not literally, but you know. And hey I think I'll Twitter now. Hahaha.
imachynna07.28.08 - 1:59 am
I just peed.
PC07.28.08 - 2:11 am
Sorry, old (new) habits die hard.
PC07.28.08 - 2:11 am
Was the pee peach-colored?
angle07.28.08 - 10:48 am
Yes, and yes.
PC07.28.08 - 1:06 pm
Are you still constipated?
User107.28.08 - 1:45 pm
Joe Borfo07.28.08 - 1:57 pm
seconded. with slightly more intensity.
lackflag07.28.08 - 3:00 pm
Chyna you are definitely twittering on MR
You joined MR 58 days ago and you have 787 posts or 13.569 per day
That's one post for every waking hour.
PC joined 608 days ago, he has 2015 posts or 3.314 per day.
marino07.28.08 - 4:00 pm
This was the 13th post on this thread and I made it the day after my 666th day on this forum.
marino07.28.08 - 4:02 pm
what about me? ...
Eat your heart out, Posting Champion!
Joe Borfo07.28.08 - 4:02 pm
Borfo you have 753 days on the forum with 5227 posts or 6.941 per day.
marino07.28.08 - 4:12 pm
"Chyna you are definitely twittering on MR
You joined MR 58 days ago and you have 787 posts or 13.569 per day
That's one post for every waking hour."
I have issues.
imachynna07.28.08 - 4:14 pm
Britney Spears doesn't have issues.
Just kidding. :) Everyone has issues. Britney Spears joined 2 days ago and has 2,830,192 posts.
imachynna07.28.08 - 4:19 pm
Jeff, Chyna needs a BF
Chyna, Jeff needs a GF
marino07.28.08 - 4:21 pm
Actually, I have a life, but I couldn't really find a good response to what you said.
imachynna07.28.08 - 4:30 pm
I love him too. And I really like this picture. ---->
But, yeah, he's right. I need a BF. Or a GF. or a TSF (?). Whatever.
imachynna07.28.08 - 4:35 pm
Jeff no I don't have a BF. I haven't had a BF since ^^^^^ those days.
marino07.28.08 - 4:41 pm
this is MidnightRidazz.com
not Match.com
spiraldemon07.28.08 - 4:42 pm
But maybe you should try....
Sucking cock doesn't make you gay.
marino07.28.08 - 4:43 pm
Marino, you would know.
and I don't just mean that you're Greek
spiraldemon07.28.08 - 4:44 pm
Borfo, you need to get in on this action. Where's the "MAKE OUT!"?
imachynna07.28.08 - 4:45 pm
Me and Jeff have been making out for a long time. But you know... I'm married and he's looking for someone with more commitment... perhaps someone younger... he'd even consider someone of the opposite sex...
marino07.28.08 - 4:57 pm
We're all praying for him and everything...
Joe Borfo07.28.08 - 4:59 pm
someone with less body hair.
more specifically, less butt hair.
even with lube, access to Marino's butthole chafes my man parts.
spiraldemon07.28.08 - 5:00 pm