Burning Man?
Thread started by
Joe Borfo at 07.17.08 - 3:05 pm
Burning Man?
Burning Man, Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man. Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man. Burning Man Burning Man! Burning Man.
Burning Man - Burning Man, Burning Man Burning Man, Burning Man Burning Man. Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man? Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man, Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man. Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man, Burning Man!!! Burning Man.
Burning Man Burning Man Burning Man,
-Burning Man
Welcome back guisez!!
How was BM this year?
Going back?
User107.17.08 - 6:40 pm
you have to ask Borfo. He's the only one back from the future so far.
Wonderdave07.17.08 - 7:09 pm
Allan, we burned an effigy of you.
I cried. It was very spiritual. it opened me up, you know?
Joe Borfo07.17.08 - 9:21 pm
I'll give you profound,
in yo mouf!
spiraldemon07.18.08 - 10:20 am
Burning Man, I once had a dream to go to Burning Man. That is until one day when I came across I mysterious post on tribe.net of a mystical creature who said he was no longer going and was going to sell his tickets. At that moment my heart became hard and I knew burning man was no more. Unfortunately a few weeks later after the low-income ticket deadline had passed this mystical creature came to the ridazz forums with lists and plans and excitement, but for me it was too late, I just wasn't into it.
franz07.18.08 - 12:49 pm
yeah, it's not for everybody.
It's ok the camp is almost full.
just don't regret you didn't try.
Joe Borfo07.18.08 - 1:02 pm
User1, it's better to regret something you did than something you didn't do.
It's not too late to see the man burn this year.
spiraldemon08.19.08 - 10:03 am
Last minute offer.
Fly to Reno on Thursday.
I pick you up from the airport and take you to BM.
marino08.19.08 - 10:28 am