Girls Bike?

Thread started by
Graham at 09.3.08 - 4:11 pm

Does anyone have a girls road bike laying around that I can take off your hands...Or buy off your hands? The lady who I'm getting it for is around around 5'4 so I'm looking for a nice light mixte or something around that area. I will probably be painting it and making it single speed. Any help on my search would be greatly appreciated.
I have a Terry Symmetry? White frame/fork only. This takes a 24 inch front wheel and 700c rear.
$50 frame, fork, headset, and I have lots of other parts if needed.
parlorbikes09.3.08 - 4:53 pm
I'm looking for a bike to convert too. Got anything else parlorbikes? I'm a 5'4" girl looking to do her first conversion.
pr0xy09.4.08 - 12:03 am
Proxy, are you planning to convert something to fixed? 'Cause that Terry sounds like it would make a pretty bitchin geared road bike! What size is the frame?
Undercover Bob09.4.08 - 1:26 am
Yo parlor bikes. I'd be interested in that Terry Symmetry if you're still selling it.
modernfuturist09.4.08 - 2:10 am
@ UB
I was thinking of making a flip flop.
pr0xy09.4.08 - 8:34 am
I still have it. $50 you can roll by the house to look anytime. My phone went into my pool so you can't call me after I leave work. Call me at work if you want to set a time. 818-508-0216. Be here till 5ish today.
$50 frame fork headset, and you can look through my garage for other thing you might want!!!!!
parlorbikes09.5.08 - 10:01 am
just called him and its totally a 45/46 cm. nicki and i are totally nabbing this up.
tinycities09.5.08 - 11:48 am
tallcansoftallbicyz says
Let's jack Parlorbikes and swim in his pool

Knittens09.5.08 - 11:57 am

MR goes through alot of red lights.
Sorry Knittens!!!
parlorbikes09.5.08 - 12:00 pm
If you come and get it, bring your bikes and we will go ride then hit the pool!!!!!!!!!!!!!
parlorbikes09.5.08 - 12:02 pm
i would but i cant ride :( broken hand. also my rear derailleur on my roadbike is totally fucked from my fall. im still coming for that frame though haha/
tinycities09.5.08 - 12:07 pm
kitteh R tiger, not kitten
duz eye luk lyke kitten?
fuck you
you no kill kitteh

Knittens09.5.08 - 12:08 pm
I knew that would get a response. You where the first person I thought of when I dowloaded that pic.
Tiny..... Bring any other bikes you might need some fixin. I might be able to help you out.
I got hit by a car last friday morning. No ride is fine with me....
parlorbikes09.5.08 - 12:12 pm

I'm 5'5" and this bike has been great to me! it's a 2008 Giant Bowery, it's in perfect condition. I'm looking to get 450$ for it.
RC09.5.08 - 12:13 pm
jest found diz thread
kitteh rydes a 15 cm
duz u can haz one?
Knittens09.5.08 - 12:20 pm

Im actually going to build one too, its going to be similar to this one
speedybrian200009.5.08 - 1:08 pm
Fuck printing paper, I want a frame. Haha.
Err... if you sell that one, do you have any other tiny frames?
(@Tiny Cities- small frames FTW. :))
imachynna09.5.08 - 5:19 pm
christian knows his woodgrain.
besides that, the frame is too big for either coe coe or i! it is probably a 46 or 48.
its a super sweet frame though so i recommend someone get it. such a good deal. but if youre wanting to convert it, parlor/tc4tb/yetiman all say don't do it to fixed.
tinycities09.6.08 - 1:39 am
Still interested if the other people don't want to buy it.
modernfuturist09.7.08 - 2:02 am