last nights ride??

Thread started by
apineda at 08.31.08 - 2:54 pm
Wtf!!! to many cops out, and what the hell is a safety ambassador?
They thought they had us but we ditched 'em every time. Suckazz!
imachynna08.31.08 - 3:01 pm
Safety Ambassador= "North Hollywood Arts District Security Forces Detail".
Aside from maybe having POST Level 3 training(1/3 of the California Law Enforcement training req's), these guys typically have nothing more than a CA BSIS Guard Card.
I have one, I should know.
bentstrider08.31.08 - 3:13 pm
Why did the "safety ambassadors" ride with us last night and try to herd the group?
Normally they don't get involved with the ride. What gives?
skd08.31.08 - 5:47 pm
hey bentstrider, thanks for waiting with me at the 76 bus stop lastnite... learn a lot about that i didn't know.... which is cool...
hope u made it home ok, you mutha trucker!
the return of the frenchconn..08.31.08 - 6:04 pm
About the safety ambassadors... I also saw them talking to a couple riders going over the freeway (which they just left their bikes in the middle of the road as we proceeded with the green) and I saw them talking to someone at the Ralphs parking lot where we went through the sub parking structure. Kinda odd.
digablesoul08.31.08 - 6:17 pm
I met one of the SA one of Speedy's last rides. (Beach Party maybe?) They said they only cover a square mile or 2 near the district. They really didn't follow us very far on that one. Not sure what they did on this one.
stevo408.31.08 - 6:34 pm
Glad I ran into you at the end of the line, Bernie.
As soon as all the Mom Ridaz RTB'd, I thought the party was over, then it was all, "Well, speak of the Devil!!!"
Funny thing was the fact that we were all on the same train that early in the AM!!!
As far the S/A's go, perhaps they rode a little further out of boredom.
Thefts and vandalism were down???
bentstrider08.31.08 - 8:17 pm
They rode with us to Ralphs on Ventura and Vineland. That seems kind of far away from the Noho Arts district.
skd08.31.08 - 10:47 pm
I can never tell whether or not they get people in trouble. Do they?
imachynna08.31.08 - 11:08 pm

I haven't seen any run ins w/ the SA's but on the nohodistrict site... it says that they are the eyes and ears of the LAPD. They seem cool. I spoke to them a couple months back (don't know if they're the same people) and they seem like they would be one of us except they just have that job.
As in indicated in the pic... they do have a soft side...
digablesoul08.31.08 - 11:16 pm
That's a great picture.
For being the eyes and ears of LAPD, they seem really... well, possibly deaf and blind? Which is cool? I've talked to the ones in Downtown and they were pretty nice, and at Saturday's ride they seem pretty cool too.
One of us! One of us!
imachynna08.31.08 - 11:20 pm
those SA's are snitches. telling the cops in the cop cars following us our stops and route. I mean, we love cop hassle, especially the ones of us who get picked off and getting stupid tickets for 'not having lights visible from 100ft away or whatever.' Seriously cop, stand 100 ft away and you'll still see my lights as I book it from you.
disko08.31.08 - 11:38 pm
I'm still going to have to buy one of those fart-cannon exhausts and fashion a CO2 can and triggering mechanism to it.
I just love it when we're on rides and some ricer-fruitcake wants to revv their 1.9!!!
Check out my killer exhaust, bbfffffpppppppptttttttt!!!!
bentstrider09.1.08 - 12:05 am
Oh yeah so that's what they do. Pfft. Buttholes.
imachynna09.1.08 - 12:07 am