I was wondering what the story was on why this was covered. This explains it.............
Long story short: Not really the furniture guy’s fault. This was done by a local jackass named Boris, completely out of spite, as a "fuck-you" to the neighborhood.
Boris talked furniture dude into into letting him change the mural. Don’t know which foggy mind came up with the notion, but they felt that the previous mural was giving tons of business to the bike shops, and not to the furniture store, which should be benefitting.
…yes, I’m serious. I got this argument first-hand from furniture dude on multiple occasions.
…No, he didn’t want a mural of cheesy bedroom sets and sectional sofas. He didn’t really have any ideas, but decided to trust Boris to come up with something tasteful that would magically make people want to pull over and buy a veneered shelving unit.
This gets around the block. There is much grumbling and sighing and shaking heads.
Fast forward to this Monday, when furniture guy decides that this is his last week in business. He tells Boris, and tells that if he wants to do something, he should do it now.
…and Boris did that. Ugly tagging started the same night.
Furniture dude apologized to me about it before I even saw it. Head shop guys across the street are livid. Boris hasn’t been seen since they chased him out of their shop after he explained that he had no intention of actually putting a new mural up, he just wanted to paint over what was there.
Ben, Pure Luck
found at http://la.metblogs.com/2008/08/06/a-moment-of-silence-please/
User108.25.08 - 3:22 pm