DC40 training ride

Thread started by
tern at 09.16.08 - 2:41 pm
This the first in a series of training rides for The Dark Century. We will ride a brisk 40 miles. This should help those who are new to distance riding to get ready for riding a hundred miles at night. We will meet at 10 am in the bicycle district at the corner of Heliotrope and Melrose. The ride will take us to the beach. We will stop to eat and hang out on Abbot Kinney. Then we will head back to the bicycle district for ice cream at Scoops...or maybe a beer at Pure Luck
ride post here
This sounds like fun.......... I've been wanting to ride longer and farther.... I mostly ride 30 miles when I get out......
Freeekeone09.16.08 - 3:23 pm
1. tern
2. Freeekeone
tern09.16.08 - 4:00 pm
1. tern
2. Freeekeone
3. nancine
Sunday, September 21, Heliotrope and Melrose. 10 am
ride post here
tern09.16.08 - 4:40 pm
Yo Tern, wudddduuupppppppppp!!! Count me in for Sundays training ride. cutting into my football time but i'll let it slide...LOL
mindfullofmusic09.16.08 - 8:51 pm
Oh hell yeah, mindfulofmusic...i'm glad you're coming out!!
tern09.16.08 - 9:06 pm
1. tern
2. Freeekeone
3. nancine
4. mindfulofmusic
Sunday, September 21, Heliotrope and Melrose. 10 am
ride post here
tern09.16.08 - 9:09 pm
If I can leave C-Mob to this, I'm in.
imachynna09.16.08 - 9:54 pm
1. tern
2. Freeekeone
3. nancine
4. mindfulofmusic
5. Imachynna
Sunday, September 21, Heliotrope and Melrose. 10 am
ride post here
tern09.16.08 - 10:01 pm
hey tern, i have two friends who wanna come out, but are worried they won't be able to hang. brisk = what speed?
ps. am going to try to drag little tracy out too.
nancine09.17.08 - 4:56 am
I'll do my best after crank mob recovery...
but i have a friend i'm doing a ride with that day, and we're starting at 7 AM to go up to Angeles Crest to the top.
Is there a contact number just in case we're running late cause we're still coming down from the 2 highway?
ijunes09.17.08 - 9:52 am
ijunes. I don't own a cell phone, so I don't know. Anyways, you'll be doing crank mob the night before. And, riding Angeles Crest to the top is like a 30 mile climb. You may be hard pressed to meet us before we leave. If you have a friend who is going on the ride, maybe you could call them. Have fun at Angeles Crest and Crank Mob, man.
tern09.17.08 - 10:14 am
nancine...we won't leave anyone behind. And, we will be in city traffic, so that will slow us down, somewhat. We are trying to break out of the slower pace that is customary for social rides...like 2nd friday MR rides or Crank mob...etc. We will be riding a few steps up from 'cruising along'. We want to begin to add distance and a bit of speed so that we can get ready for the century. It is a month away...and we need to get some legs. I'm not bringing a bike computer..so I don't know what exact pace we will be riding. It won't be super fast or anything.
tern09.17.08 - 10:21 am
1. tern
2. Freeekeone
3. nancine
4. mindfulofmusic
5. Imachynna
6. nancine
7. +1nancine
8. +2 nancine
9. tracy
10. cantankerous
11. Ms. Stephanie
Sunday, September 21, Heliotrope and Melrose. 10 am
ride post here
tern09.17.08 - 10:38 am
Hey Tern, I have a Garmin 305 with gps on my Trek that I will be riding that day. I can even download all the info like elevation and speed .... etc..... I got us covered there........... also are you planning more training rides?
Freeekeone09.17.08 - 12:10 pm
nice freekeone! Wow! Yeah Look up the DarkCen metric
Also, I'm still planning another 50-60 miler that starts and ends in Highland park. That will be on a Wednesday Evening. tba
tern09.17.08 - 12:17 pm
ooops....freekeone. Here is a link to the other trainer I already have planned.
DarkCen metric
ride post here
tern09.17.08 - 12:19 pm
The next one sounds cool..... I used to live near Azusa Canyon. when I lived in Glendora I used to ride down Grand til the end near the 57 and back up to my house ...
Freeekeone09.17.08 - 12:31 pm
Yeah, man...that was part of my bike commute into Placentia / Yorba Linda until June! Cool!
tern09.17.08 - 12:42 pm
I guess if I don't get too wasted at crank mob i can make it to this. It would be a good way to get started.
shmuck09.17.08 - 2:47 pm
Hey shmuck I'm doing C-mob too. I say we ride all day and night!!!
imachynna09.17.08 - 8:57 pm
I'm in:
1. tern
2. Freeekeone
3. nancine
4. mindfulofmusic
5. Imachynna
6. nancine
7. +1nancine
8. +2 nancine
9. tracy
10. cantankerous
11. Ms. Stephanie
12. cabhauler
cabhauler09.19.08 - 4:37 pm
theres a part of me that really wants to do this, but doing sns and maybe crank mob the day before might break my soul. I do have some spandy but its a little too big. It is a maybe.
Graham09.19.08 - 4:39 pm
hmmm i would totally want to do this if i'm not wrecked by crank mob the night before... if for some reason I don't go to crank mob, i'll be there.
canadienne09.19.08 - 4:42 pm
Dak's coming too.
1. tern
2. Freeekeone
3. nancine
4. mindfulofmusic
5. Imachynna
6. nancine
7. +1nancine
8. +2 nancine
9. tracy
10. cantankerous
11. Ms. Stephanie
12. cabhauler
13. Rev. Dak
Ms. Stephanie09.19.08 - 4:45 pm
oh its tonight...then i can't make it....shit on my head...next one really
MOM_RIDAZ42009.19.08 - 4:49 pm
Nope...it isn't tonight...it is on Sunday Morning at 10 a.m. at Heliorope and Melrose.
tern09.19.08 - 5:23 pm
To the crank mobbers who want to go on this ride...either you will take up the slack and get the fuck out there in the morning...like I do after an amazing social ride, or you will decide not to go. I want you to
have some grit.
tern09.19.08 - 5:27 pm
mom rida raquel.
10 a.m. Sunday morning at the corner of Heliotrope and Melrose. I know you will be there.
tern09.19.08 - 5:32 pm
how fast do you guys plan on riding?
ijunes09.19.08 - 5:37 pm
ready for this one.................................. can't wait
Freeekeone09.19.08 - 5:45 pm
Shmuck, Graham, Canadienne, we can do it!
I'll be there. Same with Funanu (or so he says).
imachynna09.19.08 - 6:08 pm
yes. rollers. (!) I'm glad everyone is coming out...I have to roll. I'll update the list later tonight.
tern09.19.08 - 6:31 pm
I'm in, with my lady.
Mook09.20.08 - 10:48 am
Hey Tern, where are you? Call me.
Mook09.20.08 - 11:02 am
Can somebody post the route? I'm on my way down, but I might be 15 minutes late.
NixonTwin09.21.08 - 9:24 am
Excellent ride! Good tight group, perfect weather, a just right pace, no drama. We improv'd a route and it came out to almost exactly forty miles.
Nice riding with everybody. Thanks Tern!
mr rollers09.21.08 - 6:13 pm
Good times everyone. That was just what I needed. We didn't exactly hammer but it was fun to ride fast in bursts.
cabhauler09.21.08 - 7:13 pm
Thanks for a good ride............... all the people were really cool and helpful ( I started crampimg @ mile 32 or so, Thanks for the Gatorade Jerik...) and it was a blast to ride ( sweet route tern...). Best ride I've done in a while ................ nice meeting ya all......... see you on the next one....
Freeekeone09.21.08 - 8:19 pm
Thanks, tern, for the awesome ride!!! Excited about the metric century...
diautobot09.21.08 - 11:03 pm
Thnx Tern! Was great meeting everyone and having such a chill (and productive) Sunday! Looking forward to the next one.
nancine09.21.08 - 11:06 pm
Tern - thanks for putting together a great ride. And to Walter for all of the good corking.
Looking forward to the DC.
NixonTwin09.22.08 - 10:57 am
you guys are my peeps! I'm grinning.
tern09.22.08 - 4:59 pm