Buy Tall Bike
Thread started by
Tuesday at 09.6.08 - 2:10 am
wow, first time visiting this site thanks to a friend, everyone seems really cool, and i'm glad to be a part of the community.
well, i'm sure this question has been asked many times, and i tried searching the forums and could not find a post relating specifically to my question...
i've always wanted a tall bike, i don't have very much money, and all i would simply like to do is purchase a decent tall bike and put smiles on the faces of my peers on campus.
or if anyone gots a spare they wanna get rid of?
so can someone point me in the right direction into getting one?
i live in the los angeles area, specifically mission hills---where the 5 and the 118 freeways cross, and i go to CSUN.
any help would be greatly apperciated.
I have plenty of tall bikes, how much were you looking to spend?
franz09.6.08 - 3:31 am
are spandex shorts with worn with underwear ?
HANDBONE09.6.08 - 5:01 am
Tall-bikes are a cottage-industry.
Ask here, then ask high and low.
Someone's bound to be out there that could either make one, or already has a couple on hand.
bentstrider09.6.08 - 8:29 am
Don't go swimming at csun.
Graham09.6.08 - 9:49 am
Franz, I have some cash tucked away. You tell me a price for one of your better ones and I can probably buy it.
DeKadenzy09.6.08 - 4:53 pm
I'm building a new tall ike right now and it is going to be amazing, you can buy it for lots of money. If you give me the parts (one or two bike frame, wheels, cranks, chain, etc.) I will weld it for you for cheeeeaaaap. If you want to work on it with me, even better. If you want me to teach you how to weld and you do like 90% of it yourself so that when people ask you if you made it and you can really say yes, even better. I'm right next to CSUN. Email
The more excited and interested you are, the more excited and interested I will be!
shmuck09.6.08 - 6:29 pm
For Tall bikes, there is only one man to speak to:
That man is ------->
Accept no substitutes!
stevo409.6.08 - 6:33 pm
Tall bikes are the new chick magnet!
So trade in that fixie while you can still get some money for it and get busy!
User109.6.08 - 6:41 pm
I only ride my tall bike so my penis doesn't drag on the ground.
stillline09.7.08 - 4:22 pm
yeah but i can stand over your tall bike.
did i win the raffle yet?
ruinedbyidiots09.7.08 - 4:25 pm
1. What's the info on the tallbike raffle?
2. Anyone wanna help me build my own? After riding Stilline's and TC4TB's I am in love.
imachynna09.7.08 - 10:22 pm
yeah, whatever happened with the tall bike raffle?
spiraldemon09.9.08 - 3:33 pm