Where is Brad+Marcus ??????
Thread started by
marino at 07.13.08 - 3:49 pm
Where are you Funderstormers?
We miss you!
Post here.
Everyone else shut the fuck up. DO NOT HIJACK this thread, I'll kick in the nutz.
As of 7.12 they were in Tempe, Arizona a few days ahead of schedule staying at a bike coop.
richtotheie07.13.08 - 3:58 pm
Hijack! Nobody goes free until we've had a long conversation about fixed-push or a dancing bear!
ideasculptor07.13.08 - 4:15 pm
well I for one actually DID see the dancing bear.
(but only because I didn't read the text so I didn't know I had to be counting the passes...)
redridinghood07.13.08 - 4:16 pm
Apparently they are sleeping in the day and riding at night due to the heat.
richtotheie07.13.08 - 4:24 pm
I haven't heard from them since Friday, Marcus told me they had 118 degree temps at one point and HAIL and flash floods at another!! Funderstorm meets OTHERstorms!! I think they are doing really well... putting in lots of miles each day... Marcus sounded really good.... his voice sounded deeper and it was really sexy. Rarrr!
In the mean time I hope you guys know about the blog... you should!!! Hopefully they'll update it soon! Guys if you're reading this *MUAH* I love you and miss you!!!
mixtemotions07.13.08 - 6:46 pm
i want to read the blog. i really really do, but it hurts oh so badly. i see spots. lots of them. and they're angry!
yo delicious07.13.08 - 7:52 pm
When I start doing OTR again, these fools better post the route they took.
I'm going to start hauling loads down it every chance I get.
Maybe we'll call it the BradStriderCus Nat'l Multi-Use Path!?!?!
Or, the OOIDA/MR Transfer Corridor.
bentstrider07.14.08 - 3:35 am
Those boys are out there, and they are doing in it! And I'm just sitting here in my boxers, picking my bellybutton lint, and I'm watching them doing it. Go Funderstorm, Go!
Joe Borfo07.14.08 - 4:54 am
Those boys are out there, and they are doing it! And I'm just sitting here in my boxers, picking my bellybutton lint, and I'm watching them doing it. Go Funderstorm, Go
Joe Borfo07.14.08 - 5:14 am
Those boys are out there, and they are MAKING IT HAPPEN! And I'm just sitting here in my boxers, picking my bellybutton lint, and I'm watching them MAKING IT HAPPEN. Go Funderstorm, Go!
Joe Borfo07.14.08 - 1:52 pm
Hey, I just talked to you on the phone five minutes ago!!
You're in Phoenix at the Chunk space.
I'm in Jakarta.
Have a good show, and a good climb into Flagstaff tonight!
tern07.14.08 - 3:34 pm
I hope they wear lots of sunblock. LOTS.
imachynna07.14.08 - 3:53 pm
Where are you, Skano? I thought you were in San Francisco.
I am in Jakarta.
tern07.14.08 - 5:45 pm
10 days later....
Where are they now?
marino07.25.08 - 3:22 pm
I also hope to be meeting them in NYC in october. This should be a ridazz trip.
• Mixtemotions
• hartwick
• franz
franz07.25.08 - 4:59 pm
bentstrider you are driving the bus!
marino07.25.08 - 6:05 pm
The Funderstorm is currently in Hanksville, Utah.
They are alive, well, and super humored :)
richtotheie08.2.08 - 12:58 am
Read their blog. Send these boys some money.
I see all this yuppy bike fund raisers which is like paying for someone to go the gym while Brad and Marcus are dumpster diving across America spreading F.U.N. across the continent. Don't you want to be part of it? Send them a sixpack, buy them a meal or a couple of tubes. Paypal link on
their blog.
marino08.2.08 - 11:04 am
I donated $25. you should too!!! donate whatever you can afford....even if it's only few bucks.
send paypal money to
barleye08.5.08 - 4:34 pm
I donated $50 two weeks ago and another $25 now. They haven't drunk beer for two weeks! That's how broke they are.
marino08.5.08 - 4:46 pm
Aww man you guys rule! So many more people have been so generous than I could have ever imagined! I love you guys so much! I can't read too much on here but I wanted to say THANKS THANKS MONSTER TRUCK THANKS! Also if you haven't already given it to us, def send us yr mailing address so we can get out some more postcards!! Btw, we are doing ok, we now get drunk on ice cream! Its easier to talk grandmas into buyin ice cream than beer. On a side note, this Saturday there is a Funderwear ride before our show at The Charles Mansion! How much more awesome can it get!? Stay tuned!!
SKIDMARCUS08.10.08 - 8:43 am
the deck's up to $112.50 with an hour to go....that's a lot of beer money...
barleye08.12.08 - 5:21 pm
Ha I was just looking at their blog a minute ago.
They ran into the Bicykillers who are riding from GA to ElAy
marino08.12.08 - 5:24 pm
If someone is preparing another care package to send out, please let me know and i will donate my Pro-megaphone to Funderstorm and you can ship it to them in your package.
Be well guys! Use any chamois butter yet?
stevo408.12.08 - 5:34 pm
I was working on putting something together to send them, maybe we should just put all the crap together?
User108.12.08 - 5:37 pm
I doubt they want to carry more stuff, like a megaphone. Nicole sent them a brick signed by a bunch of us as a JOKE cause they asked no heavy stuff.
IMHO postcards, energy bars, cash would be more appropriate.
Nicole has the dropoff addresses.
marino08.12.08 - 5:52 pm
Geez what a spoiler Marino. Nicole didn't send off that brick yet and yes I was thinking of energy bars. Any birthday parties coming up that you would like us to know about?
User108.12.08 - 6:03 pm
In one earlier thread or Twitter, they said that they broke their megaphone (maybe two) already. I was just trying to help them out.
stevo408.12.08 - 6:12 pm
@user1 ooops!
1) I thought it was mailed already
2) You think they have time to read the crap we post here already?
@stevo oops!
1) I didn't know
2) Gaise don't go hitler on me.
marino08.12.08 - 6:18 pm
Brandt Sorenson says:
It was about a week ago. I saw them in the Far Southern Sawatch Range of the Colorado Rockies while I was scouting for big game in my cycling kit. They were tired, but it looked to me like they would make it over the pass and over to the eastern portion of the Great Divide? Oh by the way, anyone want some deer jerky?
GROUND SCORE08.13.08 - 11:32 am
Mixte do you know where they are staying in NYC? I'm thinking of getting an apartment for half the month, it's the cheapest option.
franz08.13.08 - 8:37 pm
Today's Freedom Check BLOG IS AWESOME READ IT!
I've decided not to go to Burning Man which sounds like a ton of fun, but really I'd rather just hang out with everyone going in the desert. Maybe next year we can do a BM alternative, if you are consider a group of 40 paying $250 a piece that is $10,000 we could do a lot with that money in the Salton Sea (not naysaying I know you guys are going to have a ton of fun, you've put a lot of work into it).
Anywho I'm going to save my money to go see Marcus+BRad in Manhattan and make them fat with beer and pizza. The $500.00 I thought I would spend on BM is going into a savings account tomorrow!
franz08.13.08 - 9:28 pm
1. Marino you are cuh-razzzy! what brick?
2. Funderstorm you are totally inspiring. I'm am very happy to hear/read about all the great adventures! <3 <3 <3 go go go!!
3. Franz :
This should be a ridazz trip.
• Mixtemotions
• hartwick
• franz
• Alex Thompson (he told me today!!!! (@AT no backing out now! YOU GO!)
4. Ridazz, I'm sending Marcus and B-rad ONE care package from all of us, thanks to a very generous offer from Barleye to ship it from his company. SO, if you have anything you'd like to send I will be at LOLympics and C.R.A.N.K. MOB you can give it to me then. If it's something I don't want to carry all the way back to echo park because it's heavy (LIKE A BRICK!) then it's probably not something they want to carry to Brooklyn!
mixtemotions08.14.08 - 12:22 am
damn now I have to come up with a cute care package for my lil guyz.
franz08.14.08 - 6:20 am
Nic, Can you confirm if they still want a megaphone? if so, i'll bring it to Cmob for you. It doesn't have a strap tho. Otherwise, i'll leave it home.
stevo408.14.08 - 6:39 am
@steveo I know they still want it! I can pick it up from you on friday, will that work for you? txt me pls. kthxbai!
mixtemotions08.14.08 - 10:57 am
i want NY. I want FUNDERSTORM.
richtotheie08.14.08 - 11:20 am
• Mixtemotions
• hartwick
• franz
• Alex Thompson
• Richie!
ima start a new thread!
mixtemotions08.14.08 - 12:42 pm
they have $111 more dollars on their freedom debit card from the skateboard I auctioned off. come on you fuckers.....post 1 item on ebay and donate the proceeds. not that hard to do.
barleye08.14.08 - 3:35 pm
Funderstorm support vehicle found!
Low mileage, only used during war exercises.
User108.18.08 - 12:16 pm
So, what's happening with Marcus and Brad?
Have you checked funderstorm's freedomcheck?
tern09.5.08 - 1:43 pm
The U.S. Army Snow-Train.
Exclusively meant for a battle that never happened in a country that never existed.
I would pay good money to get that beast working again.
bentstrider09.5.08 - 2:18 pm
George Bush -
"We can manufacturer any scenario and any enemy. We are just limited by our imaginations."
User109.5.08 - 2:51 pm
Hi guys! Thanks to everyone for sending us the 25 lbs of love! Yall are hilarious. For me to poop on.
SKIDMARCUS09.9.08 - 8:20 am
I just took a second and read above about the brick you DIDN'T send us. Glad you didn't, but this love note you sent sure is heavy.
SKIDMARCUS09.9.08 - 10:30 am
how much cash do you have on you right now?
spiraldemon09.9.08 - 11:20 am
We took all the paypal donations and took the train to Baja. I think we have about 80,000 pesos left. Why do you ask?
SKIDMARCUS09.9.08 - 12:59 pm
Ass, gas or cash..............nobody rides for free!
User109.9.08 - 5:44 pm
I thought you say something about GRASS in that little mantra you effing HIPPY!!! DIE HIPPY!! ;)
mixtemotions09.9.08 - 6:05 pm
Hi people. We are here in Berea chilling with some new friends. Here are some pictures from our pilot knob show. The kids in this town were true believers. They were some serious FUNDERSTORMERS. Hey, what can I say, some people just get it more.
People in Lexington Kentucky really got it!
Hey, I personally miss all of you so much. We be spreading the love of the MR all across the great land!
Tourin B-RAD OUT!!!
Tourin.B!RAD!09.13.08 - 8:51 am
ps - marcus is singing in a few of the pictures!!! That's like seeing a unicorn!!!
Also, Marcus is carrying that brick you didn't send. He has a whole lot of invisible weight... love weight. He is continually reminded of you every time we hit a hill.
Tourin.B!RAD!09.13.08 - 8:57 am
From those pictures...it looks like it was a really fun show. Good to hear from you guys.
tern09.13.08 - 9:01 am