Friday May 25th

Thread started by
cured1 at 05.23.07 - 10:04 am
This Friday's ride must be the "on the DL ride" because I see nothing about a ride on Friday. All I see is the GOGA ride listed on the 25th.
Anyone riding Friday? or do we just save it for Saturday's ride.
Critical Mass is happening at a few spots.
420LaHaRR05.23.07 - 10:12 am
Midnight Ridazz in Long Beach
working out the details
Stay Tuned
dannyzuko05.23.07 - 10:48 am
Any Hollywood Ridazz cookin' up anything?
angle05.23.07 - 3:36 pm
I was gonna plan something for friday but turns out I can't ride friday night and got slammed with work. Anyone else want to take on some last minute planning? Thief? Bootlegger?
brassknuckle05.23.07 - 3:56 pm

ruff draft,
streets of LBC, bring yur bike
meet at No Regrets 511 Pine Ave. Long Beach 7.30 MR time
I got the route will post it soon
dannyzuko05.23.07 - 4:33 pm
What, who gave you permission to mix MR with CM.? Nobody going to show up that early for MR, I'm going all the way to Long Beach to ride the CM for a half hour..... Dazzle me, get the MTA to have a 1am train to LA. You will get the organizer of the year award.
Or we can party til 4:30am again YEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHH ZZZZzzzz get that out of my face...zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz..Teabag.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Lets burn the Moon!
sexy05.23.07 - 4:55 pm
the later start time the betta,
if you miss the blue line, I got you
dannyzuko05.23.07 - 5:13 pm
no one will be left behind, the 730 starttime is MR time
this ride should be 2 hours plus, I'd like to start later later and don't worry about getting stranded in LB,
dannyzuko05.23.07 - 5:24 pm
If any Hollywood Ridazz wanna grab the baton, I took a break and came up with a tentative route. If not, we should probably agree to officially cancel the ride so people aren't waiting around at Rite Aid come Friday.
Haven't done the GOGA ride yet, maybe I'll try this next one.
angle05.23.07 - 5:37 pm
Don't let the Sexy bug ya. You see, he has a weekly list to finish and he's way behind on it. And don't worry, the timing will be just fine.
I'm looking forward to your ride! LBC Ridazz!
Joe Borfo05.23.07 - 5:39 pm
the cops that patrol pine are real anal. they're patroling the area just to give moving volations. i recently received a ticket for running a red on pine so be on the look out.
Sepeda05.23.07 - 6:26 pm
that's because the cops on pine have nothing better to do, plus they are on bikes, bike patrols go gome early, the downtown pine area is just a few blocks really nothing to worry about, I'd be more concerned with crossing the WEST side of long beach than cops if I were U.
this ride will take you through contrasting hoods in long beach, the Best and the not so best,
dannyzuko05.23.07 - 8:14 pm
I'm planning on being at L.A. Critical Mass.
hopefully Long Beach doesn't take away too many L.A. ridazzz
spiraldemon05.23.07 - 11:23 pm
Let's try not to screw up the LBC critical mass. How about we organize a "little" post C-Mass ride @ say 9:30-10:00. So we couold do the Mass ride, regroup and Ride On!!
Any thoughts??
Is the Long Beach Bike Mafia going to be in attendance??
420LaHaRR05.24.07 - 12:13 am