Critical mass. Route be tall bike friendly

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TXBONE at 06.28.12 - 9:07 pm
I will be doing this on a big ass tall bike. How "hilly" is the ride. I only have one gear
So I'm wondering if anyone has an idea on the route tomorrow. Also, I'm not sure my tall bike will fit on the subway so i would have to drive to washington and western... Hows the parking availability of there? Does the route end up at the same place it started?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
your bike will likely fit on the redline... take it cause parking sucks...
LACM meets at WILSHIRE and Western
the route usually ends up at sunset and western
never really goes up or down steep hills you should be fine.
the route is not published ahead of time that I know of... anf
Roadblock06.28.12 - 10:41 pm
try here or
Last I heard, they had the inside scoop of the route of the
routeless leaderless ride called LA Critical Mass
sexy06.29.12 - 5:27 pm
That was a fun ride. My buddies wanted to turn around at the zoo to break away from the pack and get some drinks. I did have fun on my tall bike. Legs feel like jello this morning. :)
TXBONE06.30.12 - 10:34 am