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Well, the thing is, you could edit pro-Obama comments recorded in in Santa Monica and come up with an equally absurd video on stupid Obama voters.
Stupidity is color blind.
If you like that video, you gotta listen to this one...stern show goes to harlem and interviews black folks there. they all support obama even after the interviewer lists McCain's policies and attributes them to Obama....funny stuff.
damn... this shit is funny but it turns my stomach into a fuckin pretzel...
Disclaimer: I prefer not to comment on intellect as i have a limited amount myself.
To hear people speak the way they do without being properly informed or just saying "i dont know" is shocking.
My honest opinion i dont think we are ready for a "black" president, a "!@#$?", a "nigga" for president. Shit will go down in 09 if Obama is elected. My optimism still hopes for a big change in the american psyche.
thats what i hate about the vote campaigns.
but u should vote on local propasitions because atleast there is a guide book that comes with it.
i am definitely not voting for either... but am planning on voting on a few propositions. a couple of which should not even be on a ballot... i mean, the right for an animal to be able to move and turn around in its cage?
Setting people up and tricking them into believing Obama is up for McCain's policies is do terrible. Sure these people are pretty stupid for not knowing Obama's actual policies or that Sarah Palin is actually McCain's VP, but seriously, why do you think these people aren't well educated? Black communities aren't funded as well as white communities or those with a mixture of cultures. They don't have a strong emphasis on the importance of being educated and informing yourself, researching the truth, and having access to information. I bet these people did not know they would be put on the air for the Howard Stern show. But I guess that's something the GOP is pretty good at; deceiving the public. Regardless of what side the interviewers were on or what parties they're for, it's never good to deceive people, especially when they are already at a disadvantage. It's like laughing at person struggle with his hands cuffed behind his back trying to save his integrity while you have the key dangling in front of him. It's just wrong.
It's not fair for the person that is voting for McCain as well...
It's a bummer. White people do the same thing, they don't like Obama because he's black, and saying Palin is the Holy Spirit when obviously she is anything but.
I suppose we're all human and we're all flawed so I won't hate anyone, I just don't think it's so bad to blatantly lie to people in their face. We should all speak truths and with that we shall overcome the insanity that is the human condition.
The livestock initiative doesn't establish any rights, per se. It just prohibits owners of livestock from treating their animals in a particular manner--a manner which I think we can all agree is pretty darned cruel, regardless of our individual opinions on whether animals have self-awareness or immortal souls or "rights" as we ordinarily construe them. Or, indeed, whether or not we believe that an all-knowing Creator gave us dominion over them. I know that businessmen in this era are not used to being (gasp) told what they can and can't do to make a profit, but come on, is this really so unreasonable?