How to overhaul??
Thread started by
tomato at 08.27.08 - 12:54 pm
i want to overhaul my wheel bearings and i know my headset is giving me long does this usually take? can i do it at the bikerowave?
anyone here want to help/show me how to do it? user1 once offered but i don't want to make him come all the way from LB.
what are recommended greases/tools etc?
Bikerowave would be a perfect place for you to do it. They have all the materials you'll need. But you knew that.
stevo408.27.08 - 12:56 pm
cool. i found this video but it looks too easy. i just wonder what size bearings i have/should buy if i need to replace them. do they have those at bikerowave?
tomato08.27.08 - 12:58 pm
that site is AWESOME.
Roadblock08.27.08 - 1:14 pm
This is a great site. I don't know why I never ran across this before.
digablesoul08.27.08 - 1:16 pm
WOW, that's a great site! And how the videos have 'stoppers' at different steps? The combination is friggin' AWESOME.
turrican08.27.08 - 1:29 pm
grease is good
degreaser is good
the job is pretty easy, but you have to get the tension right when you reassemble them (not too tight, or you'll damage your headset or your cups and cones...and not too loose or things will get shaky)
the other thing you'll need are the correct tools...not too many people have the right kind of tools at home (they're mostly cycling specific designed tools)
I recommend any of the bike co-ops...they should have those tools readily available...
adrian08.27.08 - 1:49 pm
you probably don't need new bearings....just repack/regrease them.
barleye08.27.08 - 1:50 pm
Brad is right. 99 times out of 100 all you need to do is clean, repack and adjust your bearings. Tiffani I've been meaning to get back to you. I'll call you tonite and work something out. Going to SM is not that big of a deal for me.
User108.27.08 - 3:44 pm
everything you need is at Bikerowave, even some stuff that you probably don't.
e-rock08.27.08 - 5:23 pm
alright sounds fantastic. i might try to do it tonight or tomorrow. one at a time and see how it goes..
can't wait to learn =)
tomato08.27.08 - 5:36 pm