Anyone for an interview

Thread started by
ncubero at 11.9.08 - 10:45 am
Hey guys! I was looking to do a short documentary on the Midnight Ridazz. A friend of mine was telling me about it and i became very intrigued. I know the Midnight Ridazz is not about being commercialized, but i have no intent of making it that way. I just want to show how this movement started and how it has affected peoples lives for the good. With that said would anyone be interested in doing an interview with me? Or if you know anyone who would. You can e-mail me or ill keep checking the forum. Thanks guys! Hope to hear from some of you!!
Nash Cubero
The more the merrier.
Its an immersive experience.
Come to a ride.
trickmilla11.9.08 - 11:53 am
count me in.
eddiegopezlopez at gmail dot com
Eddie GOpez11.9.08 - 12:03 pm
perhaps you should also check out the "about the ridazz" section for the documentaries/interviews already done by kcet. not because they should limit you, your work, or scope, but so that you can place it into context of the larger picture, organic change that the rides have experienced,the original intention of the original ridazz, etc. etc..
i've been involved with community work in the past around other issues, and there have often been people who come along wanting to create documentaries, which is really a great thing. what i think is lacking a lot of times, is due diligence and respect for what has already been done and attempted. so yeah, do your research, plan it out, and do it. have fun, good luck, and ride on...
sciencefriction11.9.08 - 12:12 pm
+1 @trickmilla "come on a ride"
sage advice if i ever heard it
ephemerae11.9.08 - 2:12 pm
aye, come to the ride this coming friday, it's the 2nd friday, the original midnight ridazz ride...
this month's theme is Medieval....
FuzzBeast11.10.08 - 3:01 am
I want to have one of those documentaries where key ridazz are interviewed at their places of residence, work, etc.,
Myself whilst being interviewed in a future, cross-country trucking segment-
"I first discovered them while doing this exact job here!!
It was a wild experience to have gone through a hotter than hot-cakes, desert, then be greeted by some flashy-bulbs!!!"
......Scene of truck rolling through rural, Kansas highway, then cuts to a CRANK Mob or something.
bentstrider11.10.08 - 3:27 am
Thanks everybody for their input!!
For those interested in the interview, I'll be contacting you soon!
ncubero11.10.08 - 1:29 pm
"how it has affected peoples lives for the good"
thats for damn sure...before i went to a MR bike ride i knew no i have all the firends a girl could saved me really
BadGirlAttitude11.10.08 - 2:38 pm
Hi I'm Eddie GOpez and I crash all the time. What else you need to know?
User111.10.08 - 3:39 pm
I think speedybrian would be an awesome interviewee. dude has been putting on rides for as long as anyone can remember... he's about as old skool as you can get.
Jazzy Phat Nastee11.10.08 - 4:11 pm
There was a documentary made a couple years ago by some friends of the founding members of Midnight Ridazz, called "Ride On". I wonder if we could get a screening of it somewhere... I think I have a copy...
and it would be cool to see if any of the founders would be interested in being interviewed... I'd love to see founders perspective as well as newbies.. and how Ridazz keeps developing and spawning other rides and such...
the thing with Ridazz is that there's always so many different perspectives to capture, so as long as you find those, there will always be room for more docs on Ridazz!!
redridinghood11.10.08 - 4:55 pm
i would like eddieboyinla to tell you my story about how i became involved in midnight ridazz... his version is rad!!
mixtemotions11.11.08 - 1:32 pm