spray painting your bike

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deboRAWR at 11.18.08 - 11:47 am
does anyone have any tips?
btw- i'm working with a partially rusted frame.
i have been thinking about spray painting muh bike also... i heard some cats say that u should sand the old paint away first. Maybe a spray painting workshop?
pretti*ugli11.18.08 - 11:49 am
Hold button on top of can down. Have freind move frame around in front of you while holding can still.
parlorbikes11.18.08 - 11:50 am
BIX paint stripper(Just don't let it touch anything). Orange and white tin. Wire brush. take your time. Paint is 99% prep. SERIOUSLY THOUGH = Just don't let it touch anything.
parlorbikes11.18.08 - 11:52 am
yea that would most def need two people... bike spray paint day... fuck it
pretti*ugli11.18.08 - 11:52 am
Rattlecan paint jobs chip off real easily, I have done this first hand. Doesnt matter how many coats, how many times you sand it down it will chip a lot. It's really messy too. If you want a different color for less go to the autobody shop and get whatever they're spraying that day.
tallcans4tallbikes11.18.08 - 11:53 am
parlor. how do you hold the bike still without touching anything?
Joe Borfo11.18.08 - 11:54 am
+1 TC4TB
Auto paint works much better than spray cans, but you can get good can paint. I have a couple of air-brushes. I might need some small parts to make them work 100%.
parlorbikes11.18.08 - 11:55 am
Paint the bottom first
There's a few DIY's on here:
Purp11.18.08 - 11:57 am
NO NO Don't let the BIX paint stripper touch anything. It will melt your skin off!!!!!
step one
Push button on top of spray can.
step two
have friend move around while holding frame in front of you
step three
let frame dry
step four
have friend take a bath in BIX paint stripper to clean off
parlorbikes11.18.08 - 11:58 am
If you're going to do a rattle can paint job, shop around for getting your bike sandblasted. Beats the hell at of doing it yourself and it doesn't cost much more than buying all the paint stripping stuff you got to buy.
Search for sandblasting in the yellowpages and on the net. If tell them you can wait a few days, it'll be cheaper for you.
User111.18.08 - 12:05 pm
whatever you do dont forget to spray over the paint with a clear sealant itll save the color not 100% but better than not sealing it...
clear acryclic woks alright.
i painted my bike gold and its cleeeean!
javi11.18.08 - 12:42 pm

oooo! I've spray painted a bike before and here is my advice. Only do ONE COLOR -------->>>>
That shit was a PAIN IN THE ASS with the taping oh my god
and make sure you get all rust off....sounds like the dudes above gave good advice I just want to show off my spray paint job
but yeah its going to chip like a mother fucker so be warned. Unless you put like 20 coats but you don't want to do that cuz it will look like shit.
la duderina11.18.08 - 12:46 pm
plus, my shit was covered in rust (outside @ night, @ the beach...your shit gets rusted) and I got the rust off with old fashioned elbow grease. I'm talking sandpaper and steel wool. It was painful, but cheaper than stripping or sandblasting.
la duderina11.18.08 - 12:49 pm
damn. i had this color in mind for my latest frame (which is half sanded down by hand at moment) and while i found it as a spray paint color, i doubt it exists at an autobody shop.
i know some people went to el monte to get their bikes sandblasted and powder coated this last weekend but i bailed because i didn't want to be without a bike for a week.
parlorbikes- you guys don't paint bikes do you?
i really wanted to do it myself but i don't want something that's going to chip off. damn, anyone recommend a place to take a bike to get painted (i'm in santa monica) or am i just going to have to head out to el monte next week and just be without my bike for a week?
deboRAWR11.18.08 - 1:20 pm
actually you can get rust off without sanding
oxalic acid
but you have to let it soak a while
Purp11.18.08 - 1:29 pm
powder coat is definitely the way to go if you're worried about chipping. But its also that much more maddening when it does get a scratch.
I literally cried when I put a huge gash in my $200 paint job on my beach cruiser. Bawled like a little baby.
When my rasta bike got scratch, I'd be like fuuuuck it and slap a Dans Comp sticker on there. lol
la duderina11.18.08 - 1:33 pm
hey debrawr Shit I was thinking of you a while back and wondering how your trip to Portland was. I was going to text you but I didn't want to bug you. I also wanted to spray paint the shitty bike I have know. But instead I got the coolest color (purple) on duck tape. I taped my entire bike and people ask me were I found the color and How did I paint it. I tell them its all duck tape only took 4hrs ONLY!
I have a friend who paints cars and I can find out if he has the color your looking for. just let me know. I hope to see you soon. I miss you:D
puglife11.18.08 - 1:39 pm

We don't paint in house. I have done some backyard paint jobs. I would need to look at it. It comes down to the clear coat most of the time. If you are willing to wait to put on like 8 layers of clear coat, it will have a much harder time chipping off. You are welcome to bring it over to my crib so I can have a look see.
You can find ANY color at an automotive paint shop.
parlorbikes11.18.08 - 1:39 pm
the best cost effective method= sand rust off yourself and take to an automotive shop for paint?
@parlor bikes
how much do ur paint jobs run for? im thinking red black and green...black would be the main color
pretti*ugli11.18.08 - 1:49 pm
"Hold button on top of can down. Have freind move frame around in front of you while holding can still." ---- Also tell friend to hold breath.
0gravity11.18.08 - 3:54 pm
FLAT BLACK ! this is the only way to go. It covers everything and is easy to touch up. No primer or clear coat required. All other colors wind up looking like shit in no time. Get your frame powdercoated.
Dedicated81811.18.08 - 3:57 pm
TIPS: (from my experience doing one bike)
Sand, grind or buff all rust off. You can go further by smoothing out scratches and imperfections. Don't feel you have to get rid of all the old paint. Just all the rust. I put a wire-brush attachment on a basic cordless drill. It does the trick.
Cover in masking tape any sections you want to keep unpainted.
Use a drop-cloth. Cheap plastic ones available at a hardware store. Do in a ventilated area.
Hang the bike in the air by running a string through the seatpost clamp holes.
Spray a primer coat, let dry, spray more primer coat, let dry, then spray your colors and let dry in between coats. Don't overspray during each coat or the paint will bead and drip and generally look shitty. Finish with plenty of protective clear coat.
BONUS: Use masking tape and different colors to create patterns. It looks good, but I won't lie to you, it's time consuming for even simple patterns.
0gravity11.18.08 - 4:03 pm

Here' it is done. It was a surprise gift for my girlfriend. It started out as a dumpster Trek. I got tons o' boyfriend points.
0gravity11.18.08 - 4:05 pm
sounds like a plan. i think they let u rent sand blasters at home depot too.
pretti*ugli11.18.08 - 5:21 pm
oops that bikes looks legit!
nice job
javi11.18.08 - 9:22 pm
Eric "HAIR" Cushing is the expert amongst us in custom spray paint jobs on anything. you want to spray paint something good, ask him. i mean look at his glittery sparkly fixed conversion stowe frame he rides. it's amazing. but it doesn't stop there. should should she his K-TOWN condo. the man is a design element and color genius. although i must admit some of his taste is kinda circa 1980's miami feel. but he's even costumized a freakin laptop computer with spraypaint.
im surprised he hasn't commented yet.
HMW prez. speak up.
this is the HMW secretary of state and defense:
COMANDANTE Eddie "GOpez" LĂłpez.
Eddie GOpez11.19.08 - 2:54 am
BIX paint-stripper burns like a bitch!!!
Myself and a friend were stripping paint off this '69 Buick and a dab of that got on my arm!!!
I will never forget the fire-ants.
bentstrider11.19.08 - 4:01 am
Don't EVER use paint stripper. A friend of mine who is an environmental engineer says that stuff is quite possibly the most noxious, carcinogenic substance ever sold over the counter to the general public and that it probably shouldn't be allowed. There's no reason you should use that crap. Mechanical means work just fine; wire brushes attached to a cordless drill, buffers, sandpaper, anything except chemicals like paint stripper unless you really know what you're doing and have the right equipment/conditions to deal with it safely. And remember, you can strip all the paint off if you want to be anal about it, but it's not necessary. You just need to take the sheen or gloss off the top layer and scuff it up so the primer layer sticks well.
0gravity11.19.08 - 10:30 am
I don't have patience for the rattle can. I like to powder coat my frames, which is pretty durable.
have fun though
twisted111.24.08 - 6:45 pm
Mega Powder Coat in El Monte does a pretty kickass job of sandblasting and powdercoating for $60 plus tax.
That's a pretty hard deal to beat.
JB11.24.08 - 6:51 pm
$60 for blast and what color powder?
I do a lot of in house custom stuff that requires a lot of welding, painting and prepping. I have used spray paint for cars and they have held up very well on a daily basis. Hell I've even painted a car with plain roller paint and trust me it came out amazing...time consuming but amazing...
but if PC is readily available and cheap i would recommend it...doing a set of rims for a car would cost me at the least 100 a piece just to PC them. If they were cheaper I would go for it because they are more durable than spray paint.
Vince11.24.08 - 7:07 pm
Whatever color you want (within reason), although most of their work is pretty industrial, so if you want an unusual color, you may have to wait for them to order it.
It's a little more if you want two-tone or something, but it's still a pretty sweet deal.
JB11.24.08 - 7:10 pm
yah that is a sweet deal.
Vince11.24.08 - 8:00 pm
Mega Powder Coat in El Monte doesn't have a website do they? How bout a color chart they go by? These were the guys that did the group painting? I guess everyone was happy with their frames?
User111.24.08 - 11:26 pm
Sorry to thread jack...
I'm interested in that shop too. I went to the PC shop in my area and took a look at some of their work and wasn't really impressed...a lot of dimples and thick/high spots on the work which is good enough for steel fences and gates but not for a bike. El Monte is a bit far from me but what ever if it saves me some extra cash and if it looks good.
can you post up some pics of peoples bikes that have been done at that shop in El Monte?
Vince11.26.08 - 10:12 am
Check for places in Sun Valley. I've toured the Pyramid Powder Coating facilities and been quite impressed with their selection and prices.
Eric Hair11.26.08 - 11:44 am
pretty much the greatest DIY website ever
Aqueous Atom11.26.08 - 4:08 pm
eric hair. i pass that place all the time when i used to work in North Hollywood. I'll give them a call and see what they can give me as far as price goes. thanks.
@atom i've seen that and +1 that website is awesome.
Vince11.26.08 - 6:19 pm
vince is hijacking this thread! narc!
jp but seriously just powder coat it.. watch that 1 week turnaround tho.
theshues11.26.08 - 6:25 pm
Ooh, airbrush. That'd be hot. I could finally do that H.R. Giger inspired bike design I've always wanted.
ephemerae11.26.08 - 9:24 pm
Mega Powder Coat in El Monte doesn't have a website do they?
How bout a color chart they go by?
They have a bunch of color charts, including the RAL and some others. If they don't have it, they can order it. I'm still waiting on mine, but that's what I get for asking for a ridiculous color.
These were the guys that did the group painting?
I guess everyone was happy with their frames?
Yes, pretty much. A couple of the frames came out flat/satin finish rather than glossy due to the type of powdercoat used, but they did a solid job for $60.
Check the bikerowave.org blog/forum for pics, as that's probably where they'd show up.
For less than 1/2 of what a lot of the other places charge, they did a great job.
Now we just need a suppy of dirt-cheap fixie parts.
JB11.26.08 - 11:37 pm