indigis -> sexy = $300
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indigis at 11.5.08 - 6:51 am
some months ago i stood out and said with all conviction that the america i know, the one that elected a bush 3 times, would not elect such a man as obama.
i am glad i was dead wrong. americans are not that which i had come to know it.
i owe sexy $300.
Lets all hope and prey that
Al Franken gets elected.
Roadblock11.5.08 - 10:40 am
I honestly didn't think he was gonna do it, but when America finally feels the pinch, their brains work in mysterious ways.
So, while Obama starts moving his shit in, lets all hope my old man, McCain just settles quietly into the relaxing, desert oasis that is Sedona, AZ.
bentstrider11.5.08 - 10:47 am
i don't even know what joe the plumber is. i don't watch spectator sports... errr, i mean political campaigns. to me, it's all just bad tv.
to me this was not a bet as to who would win, it was a bet as to what the personality of america is.
indigis11.5.08 - 11:14 am
Why are you having to give me $300 and I'm not giving you $300?
Steven Sponamore whistleblew on Mike Connell (Karl Rove Computer Guru)
Mike Connel is said to be the man who has vote flipped the Presidential election 2004 in various states. He has been Subpoena to testify on this matter but has stonewalled it.
Finally on Monday he went into congress and had to testify. I didn't see or hear the testimony. I do know Rove threaten Connel that if he doesn't take the fall that they where going to go after his wife.
It is also been said that Karl Rove (now a pundit on FOX news) was saying up until Monday "you don't know how these things can turn out, polls can be wrong" after Monday Rove was saying the Presidency was going to go to Obama.
It was said that they felt it was too risky to do this again this election.
I heard that when Connel was asked why he did this, his response was to Save the life of Babies
this is heresay
Bunch in those names on a search engine and see the story that comes up.
Mark Crispin Miller has been reporting this on Democracy Now.
There is a couple of you tube videos of him explaining it on Democracy Now before Monday.
Mark Crispin Miller was on a five hour Democracy Now special coverage of election Day on Tuesday, where he explained what happen at the Congressional hearing. I have yet to see a transcript or video of it up yet. I'll post it here if I come across it.
This and everybody coming out to vote.
sexy11.6.08 - 12:07 pm
joe the plumber is you. it's me. it's the american dream..
boogalooSHRIMP11.6.08 - 12:38 pm
hey sexy, shoot me an email at and let me know how to get the payment to you. paypal would work if you have an account, otherwise I'll mail you a check.
indigis11.6.08 - 8:02 pm
Fuck that Paypal shit. There needs to be a ceremony at the next 2nd Friday ride. With one of those giant checks that they use on TV charity marathons, or when Ed McMahon gives you the $100,000 from the sweepstakes or whatever.
PC11.7.08 - 2:34 am
Don't (meh) me, pillhead.
PC11.7.08 - 2:50 am
Thanks for speaking up PC. I didn't know exactly how to say that without sounding tacky........ooopppss I did it, I'm sounding tacky now.
I was thinking it would be in more of the spirit of a race to have to us meet face to face with the exchange. Concession and victory speeches. Hugging, consoling, congratulation, words of encouragement. Having people whisper in each of our ears insults about the other, followed by frown, private laughing, and personal smiles. The booing, the cheering. The uncomfortable feeling of it all.
But if you just want to send me a check I'll send you my address??? I hate paypal!
sexy11.7.08 - 8:18 am
Sexy, PC. I am here and will be the symbol of everything that was wrong with bush, mccain, and the destruction and vomitous policies of the last 8 years. I may even be able to talk my 17 year old niece who was the LA County High School Republican Committee head into showing up for a drubbing (something she needs a bit of).
You plan the party/ride. I'm there to be the sacrificial lamb with $300 negotiable check in hand... hoof.
indigis11.11.08 - 8:27 am
what does
$300 negotiable check mean?
Is that your way of saying you are looking to lose some more money?
sexy11.11.08 - 11:51 am
sexy I never need to look how to loose more money. It comes to me. Cash check or labor (about 55 minutes) da money is yours.
indigis11.11.08 - 6:33 pm
I don't know what that means, But I do know you are a bicycle God!
sexy11.11.08 - 6:47 pm
LET IT BE KNOW THAT.......................
Indigis is a man of his word and paid his debt in full in a timely manner.
Now, let just hope all of you who support Obama start to apply pressure to your president elect to represent your interest.
HAS ANYBODY BEEN PAYING ATTENTION TO HIS APPOINTMENTS AND POLICY DIRECTIVES.........I'm disappointed, but didn't expect anything different.
sexy11.26.08 - 8:30 pm
Both of you!
I jokingly mocked up the attached picture and titled it
Rednecks for Obama, little did I know, there is the real thing.
As far as Obama's appointments ... I'm cautious and but hardly surprised or disappointed.
Obama has always claimed to more of a centrist than the GOP tried to paint him as.
We will just have to see what he does with his advisors and cabinet.
Those people are much different I think than a Supreme Court judge who pretty much has their own judgement till they keel over.
Clinton had some
bad ass progressive appontees, and made a lot of promises ... then threw them under the bus when time came to get the job done.
I don't expect Obama to be the savior of the world ... but compared to anybody else who had even a remote chance to gain the office he appears willing to listen and work with people.
At the end of the day Obama won the contest because people realized that if he farted he'd be a lot better than GWB and the utter clusterfuck that was the McCain campaign made clear that he was a disaster that the union would have difficulty surviving.
At this point I'd take just about any competent leader over the Jackals and Jack-asses that have been running the show.
trickmilla11.26.08 - 8:49 pm
Holy shit, sexy. Can you post some links about the voting machine hacker?
ephemerae11.26.08 - 9:11 pm