please delete me
Thread started by
MOM-RIDA-Raquel at 09.4.08 - 2:09 pm
apparently i can't say anything right so just delete this i am done
i will just see y'all on rides...this internet nit-picking is too much
duz u mean dat we shud ctrl alt delet u?
eye confuseded
waht means delete a hoomanz?
Knittens09.4.08 - 2:14 pm
?????????????dont pull out now.what did you do or not do?
i think you are totally cool.forward this image to those who diss.
robert stanfield09.4.08 - 2:23 pm
i HATE cats!!!!!! fuck you knittens. Raquel, don't leave. stop smoking weed. and I HATE cats...
barleye09.4.08 - 6:06 pm
Sorry, but once you're here, you can never leave...
turrican09.4.08 - 6:11 pm
Hey Raquel, its ok to feel that way, even though your not thinking about all the people who love you and give you positive feedback. Handbone and Eddie boy within the past couple of months also did the same. They still post and ride with us. Dont let a few trolls cloud the real love MR has for you and your ridazz!!!!!!!!
I really want to do your rides, but my schedule never lets me get the chance. My loss.
DeKadenzy09.4.08 - 6:29 pm
Aye we do love you, just take a break from the site, it helps some times, take a deep breath (with or without smoke involved) and chill then you'll realize it's just people, and well, when people arent face to face, they say stuff they only half mean sometimes, usually the snide, backhanded crap, most of it is not meant to be hurtful it's too bad it comes across like that sometimes.
FuzzBeast09.4.08 - 6:41 pm
For some reason I think that Raquel thought that I yelled at her in the "folow the drunk ride" thread, when I wasn't even talking to her in the first place??
Hopefully it was either someone else who pissed her off- or if it was me, hopefully she realizes that I was talking to RBI and then bentstrider. I think somehow she saw what I said to them as an insult to her?
From now on I'm going to start typing @person at the beginning of each of my posts!
jonnyboy09.4.08 - 6:50 pm
I get along with 97 percent of the people on here. The other three percent I ignore. I don't even respond to anything they say. You should do the same.
skd09.4.08 - 7:07 pm
I talk to 3 percent and i ignore the other 97 percent.
barleye09.4.08 - 7:10 pm
I talk to 3 percent and i ignore the other 97 percent.
sc_nomad09.4.08 - 7:17 pm
+ 1 SKD
In the last week or so I learned to do the same and it makes all the difference.
blackout_blacklung09.4.08 - 7:18 pm
why fuck KNITTENS?
he trys be nice kitteh
wif kewtness
Knittens09.4.08 - 7:41 pm
turrican's right. Once you're in, there's no getting out. You're stuck here Raquel. Just make the best of it, and ignore the 97%.
User109.4.08 - 8:01 pm
waht user won say haz a tru
Knittens09.4.08 - 8:05 pm
That seemed more of like a slap-on-the wrist after I got caught clobbering a little kid with my lunch tray!!!
No raquel, you're too valuable an asset to this organization.
bentstrider09.4.08 - 8:22 pm
You don't have to read the bullshit on the forums, a lot of it is negative, some of it is positive- like the positive thread! I try so that I don't get pushed to the point where I pull an Eddie or a Handbone... it'll come, but you know, positive thread is helping.
Besides, you can't post rides if you get deleted! :)
imachynna09.4.08 - 8:55 pm
raq, if you're done with the site just keep me part of the fam, you droob donnie jennie ian and the rest. i pass your house everyday. (& i totally know where you're comin from.)
818 631 2035
let's smoke spinach yell and ride bikes a little.
HANDBONE09.4.08 - 9:21 pm
Mom Ridaz can stillpost rides you don't need Raquel to post
She will still be at rides just not online
MOM_RIDAZ42009.5.08 - 11:30 am
I just read this and I already miss you raquel. Don't delete.Please. We need your drunken voice to quell the high school drama.
stillline09.5.08 - 11:32 am
this is why its more fun to come here in the middle of the night and bump old meaningless threads for the fuck of it.
la duderina11.29.08 - 12:33 am
I don't see you out on the streets as much as I used to.
You only doing Wolfpack now?
Or, has this site got you in its cold, icy grips?
bentstrider11.29.08 - 7:08 am