McLearning Institution??
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Roadblock at 04.30.08 - 11:40 am
can someone tell me that I'm tripping out or does this "school" look like it was designed by the folks that design McDonald's and other fast food restaurants?! Getting our children prepared for their careers are we??
This country is fucked™
can I get a Big Mac with that education?
Roadblock04.30.08 - 11:41 am
how about a whopper and some science experiments please
Roadblock04.30.08 - 11:41 am
I don't know if I see the McDonald's, but it definitely qualifies as UGLY.
hatehills04.30.08 - 11:46 am
may be somebody is having a BIG MAC attack craving.
I don't see it.
Just because everybody else can't see it doesn't mean it is not there
Maybe some of our architecture friends can shed some light on this
sexy04.30.08 - 11:47 am
I mean come on you could plop that thing right next to a Mc Donalds and they would go together like pancakes and high fructose corn syrup.
this school is embedded right in the middle of an old neighborhood in silverlake. it's disgusting. I see it as brainwashing children to be comfortable with bright ugly architecture- just like their McJobs.
Roadblock04.30.08 - 11:48 am
Reminds me of one of those "K-Nex" toykits that they used to have on the shelves.
That's kind of how they built most of the schools in the Hesperia USD, brown-brick, brown, metal rooftops.
That and the portables scattered all over the damned place.
bentstrider04.30.08 - 11:55 am
ick. it does look a little fisher price...
canadienne04.30.08 - 12:00 pm
Looks like a strip mall, is what it looks like...
I'm imagining the pitch now.
Architect With Combover stands next to overhead projector, displaying renderings: "You see, by making one archway round and the other pointed, we help teach the children about geometry!"
School Administrator in Poorly-fitting Suit: "That's brilliant - now we'll be able to cut geometry out of the curriculum completely! What color is that, by the way?"
AWC: "Oh, that's hot mauve, research is telling us that it's going to be the biggest color of the 80's"
SAiPfS: "Isn't it the 90s now?"
AWC: "These things move slowly... Oh, and look, over here we have the clip art children frolicking merrily on the concrete!"
SAiPfS: "Sold!"
nathansnider04.30.08 - 12:16 pm
YES YES! be pissed off about your physical environment!
Architecture is the only lasting legacy you will leave behind as a culture. What do we do to study any culture of the past? We look at their construction remains, and we form an image which shows the ideals of a people.
What is now, always has been, and always will be.
Be pissed off that these buildings will speak for the time and people and spirit of your day. I am, and I hope to get more and more chances to improve on it.
SKIMDARCUS04.30.08 - 1:01 pm
LAUSD is notorious for fuck-ugly architecture these days. Anything and everything that's bad about contemporary architecture--blank walls facing the street, depressing institutional doors and windows, cheap stuccoed facade, lack of ornamentation, cluelessness regarding harmony and proportion, big ugly parking lots, disregard for neighborhood character--will find its way into the design of an LAUSD campus, which is one of several good reasons to be wary if LA Unified decides that it wants to build a school in your neighborhood.
PC04.30.08 - 3:44 pm
I want to design for LAUSD! I can do that shit in my toilet all the time.
the reverend dak04.30.08 - 3:50 pm
Amerri, are you reading this? RIDE-Arc ??/??/2008: The Ugly Schools of Los Angeles Ride. A study in how the built environment prepares children to be dreary and undifferentiated, just like the buildings they learn in. Bring your own morphine!
PC04.30.08 - 3:51 pm
It's themed after the site! Check out the magenta wrought iron.
(wow, never thought I'd see those last three words together..)
turrican04.30.08 - 3:51 pm
Architecture may be one of the more permanent things we leave behind as a culture, but it's hardly our "only lasting legacy." Not today, when our books last longer than our buildings. Of course, that fact alone is enough reason to be pissed off.
An ugly structure like that school probably has a designed lifetime of 30 years, tops. After 50 years, it'll get condemned, crumble, probably be replaced with new 21st century ugliness. There is no audience of archaeologists 300 or 1,000 years down the line for something like that, unless they're looking in a landfill. When the underlying cultural problem is a philosophy of disposability, the impressions we should be worried about are our own.
nathansnider04.30.08 - 3:55 pm
Architecture may be one of the more permanent things we leave behind as a culture, but it's hardly our "only lasting legacy." Not today, when our books last longer than our buildings. Of course, that fact alone is enough reason to be pissed off.
. . . . . .
The impermanence of our structures sure is enough to get me pissed off, I'll tell you what. The materials and labor and TRANSPORTATION of those materials and people just to get this shitty building put up costs more money than I'll ever see in a lifetime. And it's shitty. And it will be torn down, and all those materials ripped from wherever will go into a landfill. And someone will live on that landfill. And they will not know it could ever be different.
It truly is a McBuilding. Disposable, like a styrofoam cup.
katiepoche04.30.08 - 4:07 pm
This is the architectural equivalent of the Plastic Death Spiral in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Legacy, indeed.
DOT COM</borfo>
ephemerae04.30.08 - 11:07 pm
I remember reading about a school they built in Inglewood or Hawthorne (I forget now) that people were really upset about because it was designed by a firm that largely worked on prisons, and guess what it looked like...?
Talk about giving those kids a message.
hatehills04.30.08 - 11:25 pm
see everybody, I told you I was wrong
sexy05.1.08 - 12:10 am
“What does you are what you eat mean? ...If we are made out of junk food, then are reality is going to be a bunch of junk. If we are eating things out of boxes then we are suddenly going to build, skyscrapers, instead of, pyramids.”
-David Wolfe
alec05.1.08 - 8:15 am
Alec... if you are what you eat, you can't eat what your worth.
boogalooSHRIMP05.1.08 - 8:36 am
Talking about school architecture ... You can ride about two miles and go down, what I guess if I remember correctly is El Segundo Highschool. There are beautiful brick buildings with rolling grassy hills... then you ride south and east and you hit Hawthorne High... bungalows and fences, fences and more fences.
The poor school looks like a prison. The boojwah school likes like a university. FAIL.
boogalooSHRIMP05.1.08 - 8:39 am
you know the Ronald McDonald House over on uhhhh Fountain or somewhere over there east of Vermont, ya know? bugs me.
I mean you'd think, being the Ronald McDonald House it would look fun and happy with clowns and stuff. It just looks depressing. What's up with that?
onelessfixie11.28.08 - 11:44 pm