Crazy Bike Harassment in LBC
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trickmilla at 12.20.08 - 9:46 pm
I just talked to my lady's co-worker today.
He was riding a bike in LB at 7am on the sidewalk, nothing crazy, riding mellow.
Gets rolled by the cops.
Sited for:
Riding on the sidewalk in a "business district" (apparently not posted)
No LB bike registration and
how fucking stupid is that?
but wait there's more...
total damage
Can you believe that shit?
By contrast he had a friend recently get popped for running a red light: $220
I told him about MR and encouraged him to post about it here.
He is sufficiently pissed of that he wants to fight it.
And although I just met the guy, I want to help some how.
I just can't believe that they would pile on all those bullshit fines on somebody who was just riding mellow minding their own business.
I think LBPD, City Council, and Mayor need to hear an earful about this shit.
Long Beach Municipal Code
10.48.070 Riding on sidewalks.
A. No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within any business district...
10.48.080 Signaling device required.
No person shall operate a bicycle upon a sidewalk unless it is equipped with a bell, horn or other device capable of giving a signal audible for a distance of at least one hundred feet, except that a bicycle shall not be equipped with, nor shall any person use upon a bicycle, any siren or whistle.
10.50.020 Conformance required.
No person shall ride or propel any bicycle upon any street, alley, park or bicycle path or other public place in the city which is not registered, or for which the appropriate fee has not been paid or which does not bear a bicycle plate as required by the provisions of this chapter.
Each city has their own laws, and Long Beach is no different. Their laws as intended to strictly regulate a bicycle more so than guns. I am not sure how they are going to fight this, unless the cop doesn't show up to court.
skd12.21.08 - 9:03 am
Yeah, I went to college in Long Beach. It sucked for bicycles and sucked for most everything else. Cops are nasty there. Yet they don't seem to be stopping crime. So I guess the $400 ticket to a bicyclist is how they make their money and justify their existence.
skd12.21.08 - 9:22 am
find my posting here about fighting a ticket on the forum. he can beat this easily by following exactly the instructions. quite frankly, do that or don't cry, pay the ticket and just write it off as the cost of not living "inside the system."
indigis12.21.08 - 9:35 am
next time youre in lbc at the first sign of a cop you get the hell out of there as soon as possible... i know i would book it from them top speed
boneclaws4212.21.08 - 9:36 am
Does this person live in LB? I get the sidewalk, horn part, which still sucks. But, If he doesn't live in LB, then how can he be expected to have a license for his bike?
Drew12.21.08 - 10:00 am
Yes. He does live in Long Beach.
Yes, He did break all of those laws.
Yes, if the money is a big issue he can do his best to weasel out of having to pay the ticket. I may or maynot work as well in a city that is a fraction of the fucked up bureaucracy that LA is.
I grew up in Long Beach. I Rode a bike daily/weekly in Long Beach for about 10 or 12 years.
I was never sited for any of that shit.
I've never heard of any of those laws being laws in Long Beach.
I am guessing that 99% of the people or at least 90% of the people that ride a bike in Long Beach break all 3 of those laws on a regular basis.
This is no different than the stupid bike license law that just came to the attention of the LACC.
This makes me really sad and angry. Having been born and lived over 1/2 my life in long beach I have a certain fondness for the place.
I return there frequently to vist family, friends, go shopping, ride my bike, etc. And every time I am in Long Beach it occurs to me that with its small size, relative low density in traffic, mostly flat roads, and great weather it is poised to be THE jewel of cycling cities in SoCal.
LB shouldn't be handing out tickets equal to the price of a new bike for these minor infractions that could be better enforced through sinage, and commutation and fixit tickets.
This should be a Rosa Parks case.
It clearly illustrates how fucked up the system is there.
Long Beach, of all cities, should be doing everything it can to encourage cycling not driving people off the roads through selective enforcement of repressive laws.
This should be a $10 fixit ticket + a $40 and a slap on the wrist at worst. I'd still be against that, but this is fucking obscene.
trickmilla12.21.08 - 10:48 am
I got a ticket from LBPD for supposedly riding more than two abreast. Which I was not doing. I was on the inside & the bf was on the outside. It's not my problem that in a large group ridazz swarm. I ride steady. Either way $206 fine.
I believe stilline got one for no light which was around $100 as well.
I do think the fines are incredibly excessive.
I did some research when I got my ticket and found some cost sheet for city fines which were like the standard cost ($10 + not 100+). I'm looking for it now. Will post when i relocate it.
Heres the info on riding in restricted areas in LB.....
10.48.070 Riding on sidewalks.
A. No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within any business district; upon the sidewalks of bridges; in pedestrian underpasses; on pedestrian overpasses; upon sidewalks adjacent to any school building, church, recreation center, playground, or senior citizens' residential development; within the area south of Ocean Boulevard between the Long Beach Museum of Art on the west and Bluff Park on the east; on the northerly side of the Downtown Marina mole which directly abuts said marina, between Gangway A and Gangway P.
B. Any person riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian, and when overtaking and passing a pedestrian, shall give an audible signal and shall pass to the left of the pedestrian only under conditions permitting such movement in safety.
C. The speed limit for bicycles on a sidewalk is fifteen miles per hour unless otherwise posted. The speed limit where pedestrians are present is five miles per hour. Signs specifying the speed limit shall be placed by the Traffic Engineer in locations which will provide notice to significant concentrations of sidewalk bicycle riders or where bicycle speed problems are found to exist on sidewalks.
D. For purposes of this Section, the following public ways shall be considered sidewalks:
1. Seaside Walk south of Ocean Boulevard between Fifty-fifth Place and Sixty-ninth Place, known as the Boardwalk;
2. Bay Shore Walk north of Ocean Boulevard between Fifty-fifth Place and Sixty-ninth Place.
E. This Section shall not apply to a bicycle operated by any officer employed by the City while acting within the course and scope of his or her employment, having peace officer powers pursuant to Penal Code Section 830 or are employed in positions as provided under Sections 16.16.080, 16.08.340 and 16.08.341 of the Long Beach Municipal Code. (Ord. C-7453 § 1, 1997; Ord. C-7210 § 1, 1994: Ord. C-7204 § 1, 1994; Ord. C-7084 § 1, 1993: Ord. C-6883 § 1, 1991; Ord. C-6322 § 1, 1986; Ord. C-5911 § 1, 1982; Ord. C-5678 § 1, 1981; prior code § 3410.206).
revolutionary12.21.08 - 11:01 am
The speed limit for bicycles on a sidewalk is fifteen miles per hour
That's wicked fast for the sidewalk!! I wouldn't ride that speed on the sidewalk even in the absence of a speed limit.
Eric Hair12.21.08 - 11:38 am
I don't know about the sidewalk and horn fines, but under the state law that lets cities require registration, the max fine they're allowed to stick you with for failure to register is $10.
bitingduck12.21.08 - 11:45 am
eddieboyinla12.21.08 - 1:56 pm
Living in Long Beach I've never been fucked with by the police like that. I once took a spill with a six pack in my backpack and the cop just asked me if I was ok. I've been messed with by the police in my car but never on my bike.
Long Beach is a great place to ride. The two river trails converge here. Junipero hill to the beach path is one of the most fun rides out there.
But I have a question, the bike path goes up on the sidewalk when you get to The Pike. That's about as business a district as you can get. Can they cite you for riding on the sidewalk there?
Blockhead Mark12.21.08 - 2:06 pm
Like others here, I ride in LB at least once a week.
Never had an encounter with the cops in 10 years, and I avoid sidewalks 95% of the time, but this is a good heads up.
I'll be watching my back
Creative Thing12.21.08 - 3:00 pm
LB has got the best cops in the WORLD!!!!
Ok let's see if he makes the cut. What's the address of where this ticket was written? Did he explain to where this mythical "business district" lied? I have yet to see a sign that says "you are now entering the business district". Sure you can tell if you're at 2nd and Broadway that you are in the business district, and if you are in the burbs, you are not. But where's that line? Is there a map somewhere?
If you can point out how asinine this code is, I think there's a good chance of dropping it. So basically you're left with a fix it ticket. Make sure you get this fix by your next court appearance and point out that there more pressing things the city could be doing than going after some hard core sidewalk rida!
User112.21.08 - 6:22 pm
Man, this is the reason why all you engineers in here need to dish out a cloaking-device, stat!!!
Ride that sidewalk, police show up and bitch, then cloak that ass and ride circles around 'em!!!
They can't arrest or ticket you if you're not not there!!!
bentstrider12.21.08 - 6:36 pm
The cops in LB are tools and want nothing more than to profile you. The bf has been stopped, searched and detained more than 10 times. Never cited for anyting. They're bored and love to show you how Bro they can be. They honestly don't know their own municipal code when it pertains to bicycles. Piss them off and you'll get a $100 ticket for not having side wheel reflectors.
What pisses me off the most is the amount of daytime riders that go unhassled for every freaking reason we get hassled for. Entire families who don't know the rules and go for that sunday ride without a care in the world. They're never detained, cited or have helicopters follow them.
But we fit the profile. I'm fairly certain that if we wore spandex, we would encounter zero problems.
There should be a spandex safety patrol ride.
Riding your bike on the sidewalk anywhere around the Pike (district not bar) will get you a ticket. Usually I see the cops just PA you to stop. They honestly don't want cyclists in that area. There is a bike path that parallels golden shore and dies before reaching alamitos. LBCM has effectively been burnt to shit because the cops now stalk the starting points. Group rides can't even make it 3 blocks without detainment. Basically, avoid avoid avoid.
FYI Jones Bicycles on 2nd in Belmont can provide you a bicycle license every day for $3. Call ahead for sticker avail.
revolutionary12.21.08 - 8:13 pm
LB Municipal Code
10.48.090 Penalty.
Violation of any provision of this Chapter is an infraction punishable by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars. (Ord. C-6322 § 3, 1986).
It was right in front of my face the entire time. I'm going to the library tomorrow to get more info on the ordinances. I can't find the info i need for my trial by declaration on the web.
revolutionary12.21.08 - 8:35 pm
As I understand it he was riding alone at 7am on a basically empty sidewalk.
trickmilla12.21.08 - 9:53 pm
It sounds like somebody left out the part about being a smart ass. The cops usually throw the book at those with a bad attitude. The rider must have pissed them off. Lucky they only got a ticket and not a beat down.
Dedicated81812.22.08 - 9:58 am
Why would you assume he was being an asshole without hearing fully hearing his side of the story.
The dude I really mild mannered ... Like I said just met him, but he doesn't seem like the type to start shit with the cops.
It is possible for a cop to be an insensitive prick without just cause.
It was 7am, he might of have been tired or cranky, or just got yelled at but his gf or bf or maybe he is just an asshole who hates people on bikes.
Either way. The problem here is the system.
Those laws are totally fucking repressive and they will prevent LB from having a vibrant bike culture, when it should be working to be the best bikes city in LA county.
All of those violations represent genuine concerns by the city (even if they are misguided) but clearly they way those laws are implemented are totally fucked (and are not doing the job) and they need to be changed.
trickmilla12.22.08 - 10:59 am
According to the city clerk's office, the Long Beach municipal code is up to date. So the information I posted here is correct.
His bail amount is completely excessive, as is mine.
I'll be going into court to fight it.
Your friend should fight his.
Make the necessary fix-it type repairs and fight the rest the fine using the LB muni code fee cap. Reference the state information too.
If possible, keep us posted.
Good luck.
I honestly wonder how many folks just paid the excessive bail amounts without fighting the city with it's own municipal code.
revolutionary12.22.08 - 12:39 pm
If your buddy doesn't want to get hassled by the fuzz in LB, then tell him to get a foldie or BMX bike. Smaller than 20" wheels are not classified as a bike. My foldie has 20" wheels but if you measure it, it's something like 19" in diameter!
LB 10.48.010 Bicycle defined.
A bicycle is every device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels either of which is twenty inches or more in diameter. (Prior code § 3410.200).
I can't wait tell them to suck my left nut! HAHAHAHAHAHA....
User112.22.08 - 2:51 pm