If your bike was a starship?!?!

Thread started by
bentstrider at 11.30.08 - 2:36 pm

Which would it be?
Mine would be the USAF, BC-303, Daedalus battlecruiser.
Ideal for the lengthy, 2 month journey between the Milky Way and the Pegasus Galaxies.
This particular vessel is equipped with a ZPM power source, Hyper-drive engines, and an assortment of weaponry that would put an Earth-bound, naval-fleet to shame.

Mine would probably be a firefly class ship like Serenity.
Nimble, quick, more my home than anywhere else, and constantly having parts fall off.
FuzzBeast11.30.08 - 4:43 pm

Mine would probably be a firefly class ship like Serenity.
Nimble, quick, more my home than anywhere else, and constantly having parts fall off.
FuzzBeast11.30.08 - 4:43 pm
+ fuzzbeast.
sux that they canceled that show.
aksendz11.30.08 - 10:22 pm
The funny thing's the fact that alot of the stars of Firefly were grandfathered into SG Atlantis in various capacities!!
bentstrider11.30.08 - 10:31 pm
serenity became terminator :]
aksendz11.30.08 - 11:11 pm
Okay, with the abundance of freak-bikes growing in the area(you know who you are) time to fire away again.
bentstrider12.15.08 - 6:34 pm
You guys are nerds.
Mook12.15.08 - 6:40 pm
Bubo, the clockwork owl from Clash of the Titans.

Eric Hair12.15.08 - 6:42 pm

Can you tell I'm just sitting in my office bored out of my fucking mind?
Mook12.15.08 - 6:46 pm

Yes, I can.
The symptoms are familiar.
Eric Hair12.15.08 - 6:48 pm
Oh shit! A hybrid spaceship fruit boot interstellar bicycle! I haven't seen one of those since 2093!!
Mook12.15.08 - 6:54 pm
Seriously, there just hasn't been any demand for 'em since the new models came out.
Eric Hair12.15.08 - 7:07 pm

i didn't realize i had so many fellow nerds on these boards...
Teque512.15.08 - 8:05 pm
Ah, the Constitution-Class refit, it will still get it's ass kicked by a BC-304 of Stargate Command.
The Asgard Beam weapons will slice through the deflector shields like melted butter.
bentstrider12.15.08 - 8:21 pm

fuck azguard
stargate is way too hit/miss on quality shows
ST:TOS 50% great episodes
ST:TNG 50% great episodes
ST:VOY 60% great episodes
ST:DS9 20% great episodes
ST:ENT 60% great episodes
Firefly 100% great episodes
SG:SG1 10% great episodes
SG:Atlantis 40% great episodes
Teque512.15.08 - 8:34 pm
You nerds are going to get your asses kicked next ride!
Even the girls are going to pick on you!
User112.15.08 - 8:39 pm
Hotblack Desiato's black ship with the black interior with the little controls that light up in black saying "PLEASE DO NOT PRESS THIS BUTTON AGAIN."
ephemerae12.15.08 - 9:59 pm
That is: You did NOT give Voyager a
higher mark than TNG.
Nerd fail.
theroyalacademy12.15.08 - 10:12 pm

This one has a shotgun installed in place of lasers to penetrate any ships shields!
Mook12.15.08 - 11:42 pm
I personally thought that The Original Series was way too cartoonish to be taken seriously.
Granted it was just a show, but I never got any thought-provocation out of it.
Now, TNG, DS9, VOY, and even ENT, I could watch and feel satisfied.
And as far as the entire SG-franchise goes, I like the fact that it was originally based off an OG-spinna and it supposedly takes place on present-day, as opposed to future, Earth.
bentstrider12.15.08 - 11:44 pm