What's Some Of Your <3's Rides?
Thread started by
et at 01.26.09 - 2:00 pm
We need some positivity!
So tell me, what's been some of your favorite Midnight Ridaz?
Here are specs:
1. Favorite Route
2. Favorite Theme
3. Favorite Stop
Feel free to list more than one for each!
K here's mine :
1. Favorite Route
I'll have to the go for the Glo-Ride. It was beautiful, fun and almost magical. Lots of down hillz and fun fun fun. i'd love to do that ride again this year.
2. Favorite Theme
Warriorz! Mostly because I love screaming that + hide and seek on bikes! the Super Villain Ridaz but it was mine so I don't know if that counts. The pillow fightz are always a fav. and of course c.r.a.n.kmob which isn't a theme it's a our party.
3. Favorite Stop
i <3 perchin like a villain and climbing. Recently on the medieval ride we went to a park on top of a hill that was far away from prowling eyes. I thought that was awesome. i also like dance party stops were you look around see about 50 people just flipping out and dancing.
ok that's mine. of course i have more but those are just a few. what are yours?
1. Favorite Route
I loved the Sins & Sprockets routes. Always the best!
2. Favorite Theme
the mother of all ridazz, glo ride, sadie hawkins dance
3. Favorite Stop
pan pacific park was the best stop.
funanu01.26.09 - 2:05 pm
1. Favorite Route
SFVCM from a few years back when sexy was on the megaphone, the foldable bike family (john, his wife and kid) always came out, more road bikes than fixed gears, the age group was between 21-62yrs instead of 15-19yrs.
2. Favorite Theme
the wes anderson ride. idk who came up with it but it was awesome. so many great costumes.
3. Favorite Stop
any kind of tall parking structures.
KiMS101.26.09 - 2:08 pm
the mother of all ridaz was so fun!
et01.26.09 - 3:23 pm
The Glo-Ride and the people swimming in the fountain outside Griffith Park.
stillline01.26.09 - 3:26 pm
_iJunes01.26.09 - 3:27 pm
Yeah the S&S rides always had the best routes.
Graham01.26.09 - 3:27 pm
By far, all of the rides have been good and fulfilling, but when it comes to the best, the Robotz series have become my new love.
Every month, it's a different route, with different stops and a change of scenery that makes you wonder what rabbit knittens will pull out it's hat next.
bentstrider01.26.09 - 3:31 pm
ive never been on S&S.
what made their routes so awesome?
was it the stops?
was it because it was in chinatown?
KiMS101.26.09 - 3:31 pm
the first la noche ride is the ride that every other ride will aspire to be.
ruinedbyidiots01.26.09 - 3:33 pm
S&S will forever be missed. They really did have the best rides, vibes, routes and stops. Its kinda like "you had to be there" type of deal.
funanu01.26.09 - 3:33 pm
Favorite Route - The Discordian ride
Favorite Theme - The Clown ride
Favorite Location - Plaza De Mariachi
Joe Borfo01.26.09 - 3:37 pm
Yeah, the Discordian Ride was also a pretty good hit with me as well.
The way all 300-500(?) of us split it into smaller groups and took to different routes throughout downtown.
The entire time we were rolling, I had this impression we were mounted cavalry spreading fear and terror into a citizenry whose rebel-faction had just been squashed!!!
That and mikeywally singing along to the house-music coming out my box!!!
bentstrider01.26.09 - 3:52 pm
lol not to throw my own themed ride out there
but i really enjoyed the formal ride the first one at least.
such a good turnout and most everybody was dressed up.
_iJunes01.26.09 - 3:54 pm
Lotsa drama over that one, but I loved how it turned into a "two-dog" night.
bentstrider01.26.09 - 4:11 pm
Still one of my favorite rides was the Bad Idea - Donut Ride. Everything about it I loved. Route, length, time, stops, even the spoke cards! That was the first time meeting B rad and MIke Bike too.
BTW, the ride started at 10pm at the LAX metro station, and went in a big loop 60 miles long ending at
The Donut Man There was about 8 donut stops in between this.
User101.26.09 - 10:51 pm
i think Storm The Pier II was probably my favourite... and toy ride.... ijust love those epic rides where people converge from all over the city
ephemerae01.26.09 - 11:30 pm
my all time favorite is still the "warriorzz ride" we all dressed up as different gangs from the movie and rode all over LA trying to find the warriors...then we had a keg party
widowmaker01.27.09 - 10:00 am
I'll keep it to the real Midnight Ridazz Rides...
1. Favorite Route - The UFO Ride, my first and still favorite. Pasadena / Rose Bowl area, pitch black. Also the Dada Ride was very clever. I missed it, but The Discordian Ride was BRILLIANT.
2. Favorite Theme - Alphabet Soup, although the least successful ride I've ever been on / hosted. There were at least 90% costumes, seriously! The Cult Ride from back in the day sounded BRILLIANT, lots of effort went into the stops, and they had actors giving speeches as cult leaders!
3. Favorite Stop - The 4th St. Bridge forever gets my vote. Swarm the Pier Stop was stunning!
SKIDMARCUS01.27.09 - 11:21 am
YEAH +1 to The Warriors/M.O.A.R. Rides, those are WORLD CLASS CONCEPTS!
this is a really cool thread!!!!
SKIDMARCUS01.27.09 - 11:27 am