Thread started by
nathansnider at 01.15.09 - 10:01 pm
Cracks, man. They suck.
Last night on the Forge'n'Gorge, we were headed east on Fountain just past Sunset when someone hit a crack and took out a group of three. It was one of those gnarly cracks that are perfectly sized for skinny bike tires. If you've ridden that part of Fountain, you probably know them well. I managed to avoid falling in the first group that went down, but then 20 yards later, as I was getting ready to turn around and go back, I managed to hit the same crack and go over the bars.
So now I have some cracks of my own, in my collarbone and my radius, and I'm off the bike for at least 6 weeks. No cracks in the bike yet, so far as I know...
Stay away from those cracks in the pavement, kiddos. They're contagious, and you don't want what they've got.
:O Nathan! Are you okay? Do you need me to visit you with some nom nom and positivity for your wounds? I hope you feel better.
Tarmonster.01.15.09 - 10:38 pm
Shit, Nathan, that sucks. And you're just back on a bike again after the Toy Ride incident! Well, heal up my man, and I look forward to riding with you again in 6 weeks.
theroyalacademy01.15.09 - 10:58 pm
Hey, you may have a case against the city for your injuries, since it was a poorly maintained roadway that caused the accident.
The law is weird, as I believe it actually provides more protection for cyclists riding where there are no bike lanes.
I'd call one of the attorneys at the link below (it's just a google for bicycle accident attorneys), and talk to them. Personal injury is usually a contingency deal, so you wouldn't have to pay them anything.
JB01.15.09 - 11:08 pm
i fear this more than anything else... including drunk riders. or i should say, n00bz riding on their brand new xmas present fixies while either super high/or really drunk.
Jazzy Phat Nastee01.15.09 - 11:37 pm
Dang Nathan, sorry to hear this. I hope this doesn't hamper you too much in getting around. In a week or two maybe you'll be up for doing a neighborhood stairway walk? We could plan something if you're up for it.
User101.15.09 - 11:42 pm
I recently had my bike slip from under me and I nearly went under a blue bus as i fell.
I then realized the road was really badly maintained with weird elevations and cracks. I caught up to the bus and he said he had the whole thing on his bus cam. I'm going call the city and ask them if they can fix up that part of the Venice bike lane.
I think its worth a try to call the city. Sometimes I find that the city ends up fixing potholes that are in a bike lane or near the sidewalk.
Lizzard01.15.09 - 11:51 pm
Aww bummer man! Sorry to hear this. I guess if you can type that then youre still Philip Glass.
Hey, that means Salton Sea is your return!!! Even if you can't ride you should still go, there's isnt that much riding involved.
Just say no to cracks.
SKIDMARCUS01.16.09 - 11:54 am
my photographic memory takes me back to those exact cracks. their just east of tangs on fountain eastbound before mayra and before it becomes hyperion east. i always cut them in an angle or bunny hop them shits. it's right by fountain and talmadge. i usually make a left there from those cracks when im going to my friend (the KING) Jared's castle.
Eddie GOpez01.16.09 - 12:00 pm
+1 ijunes for posting irrelevant replies to thread
_iJunes01.16.09 - 12:02 pm
in regards to your cracked collar bone... you see here's the thing. you said cracked. that doesn't exactly qualify you to join the collarbone club. you'd have to break it all the way for that like i did and a few others in recent times. so go back and break it all the way if you want to officially be in the club.
jk -- welcome to the club and get better soon.
Eddie GOpez01.16.09 - 12:04 pm
Ahh yes I know those cracks well... grooves really. We just had a crash last monday. That sucks Nathan I hope you get well in time for salton sea....
Roadblock01.16.09 - 12:19 pm
Ahh yes I know those cracks well... grooves really. We just had a crash last monday because of that. That sucks Nathan I hope you get well in time for salton sea....
Roadblock01.16.09 - 12:20 pm
Ahh yes I know those cracks well... grooves really. We just had a crash last monday because of that. That sucks Nathan I REALLY hope you get well in time for salton sea because since it is the future it will heal any future cracks you might have.
SKIDMARCUS01.16.09 - 12:33 pm
Ahh yes many people know those cracks well... grooves really. Wolfpack just had a crash last monday because of that. That sucks Nathan I REALLY hope you get well in time for salton sea because it is the future and will heal any future cracks you might have.
SKIDMARCUS01.16.09 - 12:35 pm
Those grooves are arguably the ugliest type of road hazards out there and there are tons of them.
We seriously need to do an ugly road tour.
And document and report this shit.
The roads are more dangerous than some of these drivers.
trickmilla01.16.09 - 3:01 pm
Fill out the form, have them fix it, as crashes are no fun at all.
JB01.16.09 - 3:08 pm
Scratch that previous link, it's for the county. The city link for reporting potholes is:
JB01.16.09 - 3:19 pm
sry i wasnt home to bring you to the hospital dude or i totally would have. i was downotwn when annie called while pretty ricky had my car. :(
Get better. ALC is soon and I dont think we want to bring up the tandem with us again this year!
jchungerford01.16.09 - 4:27 pm
Aww nooo. Get well soon! Heal up well. Remember to never rush an injury. :)
imachynna01.16.09 - 7:36 pm
Thanks for the sympathies and advice, everybody. I can get around alright, but I'm taking it easy for now. Hopefully, the mystical healing powers of the Salton Sea are in my future...
User1, I'd be up for a stairway walk in a week or two. You mentioned it before, I think. Sounds cool. Plus, it'd help make sure that my legs don't turn into shapeless hunks of flesh while I'm on the mend.
JB, thanks for the tips. I'll definitely report those cracks, and I'll be trying to find a personal injury lawyer, too. Being uninsured sucks.
nathansnider01.16.09 - 8:01 pm
I don't have your email, can you get back to me?
allanalessio a yahoo dog con
User101.17.09 - 12:30 pm
sorry to hear about that. cracks suck. hope you feel better.
at least it's better to hit road crack then ass crack
FMontanez197401.17.09 - 7:20 pm
nathan, in that picture you have an uncanny resemblance to spook.
ruinedbyidiots01.17.09 - 8:01 pm
SERVICE REQUEST NUMBER: 09003626 - Fountain just East of Sunset.
We have received your email and your request has been assigned the above number. Please be assured that the Bureau will respond as quickly and as thoroughly as City policy and resources allow. If you have any questions, please call 1(800) 996-2489 or write to:
Bureau of Street Services
1149 South Broadway, Suite 400
Los Angeles, California 90015
Be sure to refer to the above Service Request Number when contacting the Bureau.
Thank you.
Bureau of Street Services
JB01.20.09 - 10:54 am
Cracks in LA city streets while Hesperia has craters that turn SUV's into mushroom clouds!!!
Ironic thing is the fact that SUV's with studded tires are somewhat the cause.
bentstrider01.20.09 - 11:38 am
Call the City about this one.
X-Large01.20.09 - 12:55 pm
you didnt watermark it. i'm going to tell drooby
_iJunes01.20.09 - 12:57 pm
we should have a show ur crack/tramp stamp ride. haha. we can draw lame sharpie tattoos and ride around showing it off. or is that a bad idea?
funanu01.20.09 - 12:58 pm
X-Large01.20.09 - 1:12 pm
hmmmm, maybe something like this...
maybe not.
X-Large01.20.09 - 1:26 pm
Hey Nathan, I broke my shoulder in 2003, I know it hurts! I have a rear wheel 'wind' trainer if you want to set yur bike up on it to keep yur legs/lungs etc. fit, till the rest of you catches up... mailme getgern zat gheemall calm I can drop it off also. regarless, my regards!
Heal yourself Well!
Gern01.20.09 - 2:28 pm
Cracks suck the biggest one.. Just look @ my profile picture trust me when i say cracks are wack..
Debut21301.20.09 - 4:44 pm