Took ASVAB for Coast Guard

Thread started by
bentstrider at 01.13.09 - 2:26 pm
and I was disqualified due to the same psych-questionnaire that shut the door on the Army and the Department of Corrections.
I used to take prescribed meds awhile back, but have long since been off of them.
Even now though, this shit is painfully coming back and beginning to take large chunks out of my proverbial buttocks.
I dunno, but it seems that any career I try to get into that involves firearms, there's always that thing that shoots me down.
As of this moment, the trucking-industry isn't looking too good and the only other option left would be to find part-time work and find a way to qualify for ***gulp***, financial aid for required classes.
I thought I would've been well on the way to a life of keeping the coastlines, or military checkpoints free of craziness, but now I'm potentially seen as the craziness.
As far as what to work on as another career-choice, perhaps I should just rescind my "soldier" persona, and join the fucking Amish community.
At least I'll get to ride a horse!!!!!
thats why you should get into the porn industry.
mattspeed01.13.09 - 2:28 pm
You could always run off and join the French Foreign Legion.
Or just go to trade school. Learn welding or gunsmithing or something that would allow you to get a decent job and build kick-ass sci-fi stuff in your spare time.
JB01.13.09 - 2:31 pm
have you ever considered being a park ranger?
i know they get guns.
_iJunes01.13.09 - 2:31 pm
Try professional wrestling!!
You can be THE CRUSHER!!!
Doesn't that strike fear into everyone?
User101.13.09 - 2:31 pm
This is most likely why I'll have to start forcing myself to go to school again.
If they use the "mental health" bullshit on me right now, perhaps they'll be less alarmed by it if I have a BS in Nursing, or some other high-demand, field-of-study.
Last I checked, they do psych-checks in there, but they also have you interviewed by a psychiatrist, as opposed to being told to "fuck off" by the various branches of the military.
All I could say right now is if I start going to school, I better haul ass and get it done before 35.
The only reason being that I was never really a fan of school and that it could take me that long when you take "refresher courses", and "course repeats" into consideration.
For now though, I'm going to give the Army National Guard, hell, even Active Army another shot.
If they still give me the uber-lib treatment, then I'm done.
Then it's either off to school, or Swift, Schneider, or some big-name trucking company hires/rehires me back.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 2:39 pm
maybe you mentioned you eat "man-burgers?"
coldcut01.13.09 - 2:49 pm
Nothing leaves this board, coldcut.
Bentstrider eats "human-burger".
Adam eats BBQ chicken and steamed rice.
Two different people, ***wink-wink***.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 3:00 pm
w0w and all this for a firearm?
_iJunes01.13.09 - 4:01 pm
No, that's not the only reason why I'm trying to get in.
Training, real-time experience, added discipline, and then there's also the college money that could help as well.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 4:13 pm
Nothing leaves this board, coldcut.
Bentstrider eats "human-burger".
Adam eats BBQ chicken and steamed rice.
Two different people, ***wink-wink***.
01.13.09 - 6:00 pm
split personality, huh? no wonder you cant pass it.
ruinedbyidiots01.13.09 - 4:14 pm
i think you would have stopped telling the different agency screeners about your pill popping dayz.
tell lies, fake a good ol boy, keep yourself looking stupid, and i'm sure you'll pass muster, them guards a CDC were very stupid, i was a clerk in the main kitchen, word processing 'out counts' , doing the math for 3,000 puppys, and they would count with a 'clicker', but, dam! they could all shoot a nickel a mile away.
eddieboyinla01.13.09 - 4:26 pm
If only it were a split personality.
H'mm, now I'm thinking I should definitely find a way to go to school and pay for it effectively.
Go to law-school, become a DA at the local, state, or even federal-level.
Then run for public office and get these regulations changed.
First order of business would be throwing the loudmouths in the psych-professions into a psych-ward, or if they don't want to do that then relinquish their credentials.
I'm sorry, but I currently feel as if these fuckers are out to permanently ruin me.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 4:27 pm
eddie-san, this is a branch of the military we're talking about.
A dishonorable discharge before you've even completed basic is worse than that fucked-up accident that's blackballed my trucking-career.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 4:29 pm
I'm sorry, but I currently feel as if these fuckers are out to permanently ruin me.
if you take your meds then you wouldnt think this way.
ruinedbyidiots01.13.09 - 4:49 pm
I was taken off of those things back in '04 and I've been feeling fine and less heavy ever since.
If anything, any type of medicine does more harm than good.
If someone is acting out in an unstable way, then they should be put out of their misery.
If someone has an incurable disease, then let nature take its course instead of trying to fight it.
But, all that aside, I take it alot of people are seeing this rejection as a fucked up blessing.
I see it as a good reason to just say fuck it and become an alcoholic.
Seems like being good and intelligent will just lead to a peaceful desk-job someplace.
In that case, I'll cross my fingers and pray my current efforts to get back with major, OTR-carriers will actually pay off.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 4:57 pm
If someone is acting out in an unstable way, then they should be put out of their misery.
wrong mindset to have if youre trying to join a peacekeeping force
If someone has an incurable disease, then let nature take its course instead of trying to fight it.
as a type 1 diabetic for the past twelve years i say
ruinedbyidiots01.13.09 - 4:59 pm
Oh, and for the record, let us not label this as a drama thread.
If there is any drama, it's between myself and a certain, occupational profession that jerk off in their luxury cars and smack their trophy-wives.
I never have and never will preach drama against any ridazz.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 5:00 pm
Okay, I was a little harsh there, I'm still oblivious to the fact that some people are seriously affected by that on here and for the record, I wasn't directing any anger at you.
For that, I am sorry and deserve any backlash.
If anything, I'm the only one here that's beyond any help as far as my current issues go.
To better put it, I've got endless possibilities and potential, but in the end I'm the "Horse that could be lead to water, but won't drink."
bentstrider01.13.09 - 5:05 pm
you may not enjoy your current job, but at least you have one.
ruinedbyidiots01.13.09 - 5:07 pm
I wouldn't say that.
The guy I work for still hasn't gotten the 2009 tags/registration/IFTA for the trucks we're driving.
He's keeping one truck running, but that's it so I'm stuck not doing anything until he actually gets the funds to cover those required stickers.
So, outside of trying to get into another trucking outfit, I'm also looking towards completely different lines of work as well.
Law-enforcement and military were beginning to look real appealing to me during the recent years.
I was even more moved to enlist after my younger brother went into the Air Force back in September.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 5:18 pm
Just because you have a desk & office doesn't mean you have to hate your job either... I think you're dismissing a lot of potentially enjoyable careers by lumping them together like that. Similarly, there are a lot of jobs that don't involve firearms or trucks out there that allow you to be active, and all that good stuff. Cheer up. I think that because the economy is so crap, it's a good opportunity for people to get back in school and figure out what it is they want to pursue. It may feel like people are limiting you... but really if you keep an open mind, there's endless possibilities for you. C'mon, wouldn't you love to work on the set of some high budget sci-fi series? Special effects? Blow some shit up? I know you would.
canadienne01.13.09 - 5:27 pm
This has probably been pointed out before, but there are jobs that lie somewhere between the extremes of "soldier of fortune" and "meek accountant," you know?
It seems like the jobs that you're most determined to seek right now are precisely the ones that you can't get. If that's the way things are, then
why not try to find something in the middle ground?
If the "professional" route seems unappealing, there are trades that probably fulfill some of the criteria that you're looking for in a peacekeeping-type job. I'm thinking forest service, construction, etc. Just as an example, maybe I've been misinformed, but I hear that the guys who do undersea welding make bank, and that seems like a pretty badass job to me.
You don't have to resign yourself to a life wearing khakis or unemployed alcoholism, is all I'm saying...
nathansnider01.13.09 - 5:35 pm
One of the other reasons I was also considering military was the fact that I didn't want to have to deal with the guilt of "not-having served".
Yes, putting on a uniform I got from the surplus store is fun, but after being approached by actual veterans who actually thought I served, I felt as though I was betraying them and the reason they served.
I just feel if I least get in their and get some time in, I'll no longer have to feel that way and I could once again wear the uniform with pride.
So in short, it's a matter of principle and patriotism for the most part.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 5:41 pm
There are a lot of other (and better, arguably... but this is coming from someone who would fall under the draft-dodger category if it came down to it) ways to serve your country that don't involve firearms. Childhood education, social services, or just about any medical or scientific profession... for example.
canadienne01.13.09 - 5:50 pm
Hell, any bicycle advocate here is doing more for the future of this country than the average joe is...
canadienne01.13.09 - 5:54 pm
I already considered nursing.
Good pay, move anywhere and have a job.
But, regardless I just fear having that emptiness of not "ever-serving".
As far as draft-dodgers go, I'll agree that those that don't want to serve, shouldn't be forced to either.
If this was Vietnam, I would've been lined up and ready to go.
But the hippies eventually won over and now we have all these DQ-regs in place.
Anywho, the only reason I'm sticking to the truck-driving thing for now is because I make too much to qualify for financial aid.
I say, give it another 2-3 years and I'll get under way in that route if it ultimately comes down to it.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 5:58 pm
are little kids playing gi joe snubbing their noses at veterans when they dress up as flint or snake eyes or even lady jane for halloween?
ruinedbyidiots01.13.09 - 5:59 pm
They're just kids, they're too young to know any better.
The vets see me with my clean-shave and OD-garb, I'll be the first person that arouses their suspicion.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 6:01 pm
my family has deep history in the military going back to the civil war.
with that said, i will proudly dress like a buffoon in front of a vet just to piss them off (if doing so actually pisses them off).
ruinedbyidiots01.13.09 - 6:06 pm
With all of this said, I'm going to give the Army National Guard a try tomorrow.
Perhaps they'll take the fact that it's been 4 years since being taken off of meds into consideration and they'll let me in.
To put it more positively, I just feel the need to acquire the training, experience and skills to ultimately be some sort of defender on the rides.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 6:34 pm
hey bent,
being a former recruiter, the thing to ask would be about a "med waiver". Typically if people go through for the armed services, pass the asvab, but have something in their history, we would have to submit a med waiver.
That would including having a detailed medical history record and probably some information from your doctor. The doctors at MEPS center would do a full evaluation.
the key is proving that you don't need that medication anymore and it's been longer than a certain time period.
FMontanez197401.13.09 - 7:05 pm
I'll have to check that one out Felix.
I figure some form of reserves would be good for my case.
At least a part-time commitment with the same training as the regulars, money for school, and I still get to ride with y'all after the bulk of basic-training is completed.
I was also told I could already utilize my CDL and get an advancement to E-4.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 7:13 pm
Ha, ha.
Love that guy.
Brick was kind of depressing though.
bentstrider01.13.09 - 8:04 pm
bentstrider -
"If this was Vietnam, I would've been lined up and ready to go.
But the hippies eventually won over and now we have all these DQ-regs in place."
Me -
You might do yourself some good and read up on the Vietnam war. Did you know that Mohamed Ali was a dirty draft dodging hippie? There's numerous sites that give you a taste of what went on during the Vietnam war. The fact of the matter is that there's been very few wars that would be justifiable and warrant anyone to be proud of. Even WWII leaves me feeling ill as to how we bombed Japan. Not with the atomic bombs, but with firebombing the nation previously to the atomic bombs. But I digress. Read up on the Vietnam war and see how many times the US was meddling in another countries affair. And we promote democracy?
Vietnam War Overview
User101.14.09 - 12:02 am
At this point, don't lie on a PD background or Pysch. Any differences between answers given in past PD background can get you DQ'd. Integrity issue and all...
And since you were prescribed pills by a physician back in the won't want to lie about your medical history. Once you sign you hand your ass over to the government (You become government property) so they know all your medical history.
I would continue applying at PD's. I would also consider a civilian job in a similar field.
Have you considered loss prevention?
Albertsons, Macy's, Sear's, Marshalls, Target, etc...
Catching thieves is a bit more "Socially Acceptable"...especially among this crowd. That should not matter...but as you've seen before...I had one guy on here invite me to tango in vernon...
Several guys I used to work with at the PD worked at Albertsons LP. One of my old partners from another PD is now working LP for a large retail chain and moved up FAST. He is now the youngest LP manager (20 y/o) for that company. He makes very good money and has an opportunity to move up even further. Then again, if you consider his background (Worked for PD, Mall Security, & POST III)...that has a lot to do with him getting the job...
Don't give up. I know officers who had worse backgrounds than you. Don't let any of this crap make you give up.
Good Luck!
el_spaniard01.14.09 - 12:19 am
- I was quite aware of many of the dark sides of the Vietnam War and the fact that Ali did not serve when called.
If people didn't want to serve when called upon, then I don't consider them lesser people.
Hell, I see conscription as one of the most ineffective means of getting boots on the ground.
You end up taking most of the integrity out of the fight by forcefully placing a majority of troublemakers and people that don't want to be there into an already, shit-situation.
To sum this up from my standpoint, I don't want to live world-events vicariously.
I actually want to be able to say "I was there and did my part" another 20 years down the road.
Anywho, I'll reiterate that if anyone else doesn't serve, I'll never have anything against them.
But if I, myself don't, then I fear as though my life will mean nothing and I'll essentially deteriorate ever further, after all the efforts I took
to make myself independent of professional treatments.
Seriously, I DO NOT want to delve back into that fucking dark-stage.
I'm not abandoning hope in this area and am actually hoping a degree will make the process of getting picked, even greater.
If I don't get into any military branch, but make it into this field, the I'll feel as though that threat of "emptiness" has been eliminated.
All in all, this should remain a "War of Idealogy", "myself vs. misguided establishment clauses".
bentstrider01.14.09 - 2:26 am
Bentstrider man.... well at least we are getting a clearer picture of why you are getting rejected... and its actually for a good reason brother. being on psych meds or having been on them is a big deal for someone tasked with protecting the public. I personally wouldn't want anyone from law enforcement to be on, or have been on psych drugs. The doctors and biologists are a long long way off from figuring out anything concrete and they know that from past examples of soldiers and cops "snapping" it would be a huge liability and risk.... not worth it.
Still, your want to serve the country is admirable and should be fullfilled. I'm thinking you should join the peace corps. Have you ever given it some thought? Its perfect for you. The Peace Corps is there to help people abroad in the name of the US, but it also serves as a covert aid to our spy organizations and military branches. You would be serving our country by acting as a humantiarian front for the US... helping a lot of poor people in need in the name of our country... and you would be providing information on for example "drug traffickers" who inevitably come to camp to get medical aid or services. You might even get to hold a weapon from time to time. Try it man I think you'd be a good fit and it would sit well with your family who you seem to have a desire to impress or compete with. It would also get you out in the world and seeing other ways of life and most importantly you would be serving the country as you wish for.
Roadblock01.14.09 - 9:00 am
I could try that, but last I checked, I think you need a college degree for that sort of thing.
Something I can't really find the funding for right now.
As far as the meds go, I've been off of them for four years and they did more harm to me than good.
Some medicines and doctoral advice people should take, but as far as I go, I've lost all trust and respect for people in that profession.
Anywho, I'm going to get myself scheduled for another ASVAB test with the Army National Guard and see how that goes.
bentstrider01.14.09 - 9:26 am
Actually it says you don't necessarily need a college degree. Minimum age is 18.... dude I think you should give it some serious thought...
Also, I agree about psych drugs. Its a scam by big business pharmaceuticals. And the fact is that these drugs have been shown to increase suicide rates! I prefer natures meds.... smoke a joint, eat some shrooms, peyote... its all there for us from mother nature.....
Roadblock01.14.09 - 9:55 am
I left a message with both the local ArNG recruiter and the LA-Area Peace Corps recruiter.
I'll stay on them until I figure out what to do.
If anything, I'm really hoping this economy will kick back into some type of gear and I get my job with Swift back.
If that happens, I'll consider it a blessing and most likely make a 10-20 year thing out of it.
Basically, I'll just kind of drop all of the above pursuits and take on the likeness of the character, "Travis Grady" from the game
Silent Hill:Origins.
bentstrider01.14.09 - 10:06 am
Only games I play are Resident Evil and Silent Hill.
I'm going to fully admit that these "Counter-Strike" games are shit compared to the epic storylines and situations you'll find yourself in when it comes to "Survival Horror".
And I play these things on a console, as opposed to the whiner who uses his computer to get his gaming-jollies off.
bentstrider01.14.09 - 11:36 am
Peacecorps, joints, and mushrooms sound like a great lifestyle.
Graham01.14.09 - 11:41 am
Well, if none of the shit works out like it's supposed to, I fear I may let myself go morally.
ie,. dropping the Mormon-facade I've been passing off.
bentstrider01.14.09 - 11:56 am

Do you at least wear the sacred underwear?
Joe Borfo01.14.09 - 11:59 am
i attended a Peace Corp recruitment session as a part of public policy fellowship years back.
it's actually more selective than people may think. since they have limited resources, they want to know that you will be fully committed and not flake out after 2 months in a country realizing you can't deal with pooping in a hole, getting bit by bird-sized mosquitos, and getting shot at by kids who should be kicking around a soccer ball.
you'll have to write essays about your commitment, personal goals and skills, commit yourself to learning the language of your assignment ( i don't think you have a choice of where they send you), and get interviewed many times.
if you can hang, it's a very respectable duty to join, and would encourage people to serve their country this way. you also get good perks like tuition deferment if you want to come back to the US and go to school. its also great on resumes and conversations as few life experiences will allow you to say things like...."a few years back i was building a bridge in the Republic of Congo when all of a sudden..."
sciencefriction01.14.09 - 12:07 pm
Refraining from pretty much any coffee, caffeine, tobacco, drugs or other forms of body-harming vices.
I frown upon tattoos, body-piercings, and anything involving pleasurable mutilation of the human body.
Then there's the thing with me and avoiding any type of "pre-marital" sex.
The only thing that makes me "non-Mormon" are the facts that I swear alot, advocate violence on majority-votes, drink Jim Beam, and I was baptized as an Episcopalian, much to the dismay of my Muslim, biological father.
bentstrider01.14.09 - 12:13 pm
I couldn't stop myself
I knew I'd do it again
But I could heal myself,
If I could feel your skin
And if I comprehend this moment
I know we'll live again
And if I heal your wound
We will make love again
And now we're slipping through this millenium
We should feel sorry for the people
Can I kiss your skin?
And there's hunger in the desert.
And missiles in the sky
And every soul is interwoven
Before the wrong or right
I know we'll live again
Though it's just a feeling
I know we'll never end
I'll keep you company
ruinedbyidiots01.14.09 - 12:16 pm
Bentstrider - not to get all Deepak Chopra on you, but try working on being comfortable with who you are right here and right now. You're a good guy, so if you put in the effort, you'll find something worthwhile to do. If you place all your effort and sense of self in external goals, you'll find yourself on an endless chase.
Good luck man!
JB01.14.09 - 12:17 pm
Endless chase?
Feels more like I'm chasing ghosts.
But, I get what you're saying and I wish I had that train of thought when I was driving with Swift.
Perhaps if I just focused on the task at hand and worried about the present, I wouldn't be in this Creek of Shit right now.
But, my priorities for now are;
1)Get educated and/or employed in something worthwhile.
2)Find someplace else to live that I'll actually enjoy.(I have ideas)
3)Who knows.
bentstrider01.14.09 - 12:29 pm
Then there's the thing with me and avoiding any type of "pre-marital" sex.
coldcut01.14.09 - 2:22 pm
Two really amazing posts from JB and Sciencefriction.... really makes one think and really makes you consider joining the Peace Corps when you put it that way science.
Roadblock01.14.09 - 2:50 pm
I guess it's also attributed to the fact that my own parents have pretty much never stayed together and went through relationships like drawers.
As far as it goes, I'll focus on the "resource-building" for now, and leave the dating/romance bullshit for when I'm old.
Whatever the outcome of this battle, let's hope it leads to me serving everyone of y'all burgers on the beach.
bentstrider01.14.09 - 6:39 pm
As a former Marine I never took you for a vet of any kind. The military likely isn't all that you think, you seem to have pretty high expectations of what it will do for you physically and emotionally. I have many friends who are veterans and suffer terribly with PTSD and other illnesses... I like the advice of seeking more peaceful and productive ways to "serve" if that's what you really aim to do. There are plenty of ways to volunteer to make change in the world. And I do hope that you didn't really mean that those with life ending illnesses should be allowed to die without the ability to fight their disease if they so choose.
Good luck...
TheJen01.14.09 - 9:08 pm
Once again, I appreciate the kind suggestions and/or warnings I'm getting.
But, frankly this is all me and no one else is being asked to come along.
I just want to be able to experience any ups, or downs in the flesh, as opposed to reading about it in the papers all the time.
bentstrider01.15.09 - 4:39 am
"Once again, I appreciate the kind suggestions and/or warnings I'm getting. But, frankly this is all me and no one else is being asked to come along. "
well Adam, we care about you man.... but you kind of make your business our business when you post up time after time about your woes of not getting accepted into the police and military... so we just try to help and to make you feel comfortable with yourself cause as JB said, you are a good guy and Ridazz have much love for you as you are.
Seriously man. the peace corps...
Roadblock01.15.09 - 11:43 am
It's been an on-going battle for the past week and a half.
Ever since my ass-of-a-boss decided to skimp out on registration for the rigs, I've basically been out of work.
Swift is on a hiring-freeze until next month, so even if I do meet their qualifications for rehire, I'm stuck until then.
As for the Peace Corps, no dice.
Essentially, I don't know any other languages, have no college-degree, and aside from driving a truck, no other certifiable skills are under my belt.
As far as school goes, my gpa still blows after attempting several classes over the past, several years.
I could go back and rectify all of that, but that's precisely one of the reasons why I'm trying to get into a branch of the armed forces.
Too "rich" to qualify for federal aid, so the Montgomery GI Bill, on top of other bonuses looks like quite an excellent package.
I guess it's times like these I wish I listened to teachers, as opposed to just turning in homework, taking tests and telling them to "get fucked".
Don't mean to sound like a downer-pill, but I just got to stay up front and keep things real.
I too can be thrown off the horse and bruised.
bentstrider01.15.09 - 12:22 pm
"I guess it's times like these I wish I listened to teachers, as opposed to just turning in homework, taking tests and telling them to "get fucked". "
yeah man, ain't it a bitch to realize that after all the time you spent in school? I graduated from college and I'm glad I did, but I wish I could go back and pay more attention cause I'm much more interested in learning now that I am older...
Roadblock01.15.09 - 12:25 pm
Well, in that case, I recently filed for UI benefits and I'll probably seek out WIA assistance as well if any of this shit gets worse.
Didn't want to have to stump to that low of a level, but I'll gladly accept this as getting my ass kicked by God.
Apply those funds towards the EMT-B/Paramedic training and just go from there.
I guess if I want to risk my life bad enough, perhaps I'll get caught in a riot and have to save someone while getting shot at!!!!
But, to tell the truth, I always envisioned my demise as being the
"Guy that saves the world without anyone else ever knowing".
bentstrider01.15.09 - 12:34 pm
Hindsight is always 20/20.
Bentstrider - find a tech/trade school (they're cheap as hell and don't care much about grades), learn a trade, get good at it, and then see how things go. Once you've got some skills/education/experience, you'll be that much more valuable when/if you decide to run off and join the military / peace corps, and with the National Guard / age waivers, you've got plenty of time.
If you can weld, machine, locksmith, repair, build, etc., you'll have a job in almost any economy, as skilled tradesmen are getting rarer and rarer in this country. Most of the trade unions in L.A. have apprenticeship programs that might be worth looking into.
JB01.15.09 - 12:58 pm
Sounds nice, but if I'm going to completely over-haul my goals, I want to make sure I could get a skill/cert/degree that is employable anywhere I go.
The LA-area is quite nice, but ultimately, I want to stick to small towns in the desert.
Victorville is essentially becoming a dumping ground for criminals and the habitat for the "bruh-children" of OC Baby-boomers.
Nogales, AZ; Truth Or Consequences, NM; or St. George, UT are all looking like future places for me to live.
bentstrider01.15.09 - 1:10 pm
I vote for St. George. That's a quaint little town. Nogales is not a nice place, probably worse than Victorville.
kryxtanicole01.15.09 - 1:13 pm
well, if you think youre a mormon, then utah is where youll want to be.
ruinedbyidiots01.15.09 - 1:14 pm
well, tyler I don't have to convert, but I could probably pass myself off just enough to where no one could give a rats ass.
Figure if I could just work towards the Associates of Science in Nursing, then get certified, I'll be set for life.
Some people say go for the Bachelors, but working in management is for suckers anyway.
But, I'm getting a little ahead of myself right now.
Let us see what the next month brings us.
Perhaps it will be a, hopefully, different story by then.
bentstrider01.15.09 - 1:20 pm
see if your local junior college has some phlebotomy classes that you can take. then you can work in a lab drawing blood.
ruinedbyidiots01.15.09 - 1:21 pm
buy yourself a tent and pitch that shit on a beach somewhere. bums fo life. no worries man, just freedom.
la duderina01.15.09 - 1:23 pm
They do, but right now it's all about funding and whatnot.
Even if I do start working, or receiving UI benefits by next week, I fear being late and having to wait until Fall '09.
I guess if I get into that field, I could always choose to major in Forensic Anthropology.
I could always take time to work on my math/science skills, then see about moving up the ladder to "Chief Medical Examiner".
bentstrider01.15.09 - 1:27 pm
Nice try, Lindsay, but I'll become "Three fries short of a Happy Meal" wacko if I don't work for two weeks straight.
Now if I was 50 years old and just retired after 20 years in the service, then I'd take that in a heartbeat.
bentstrider01.15.09 - 1:29 pm
Damn! Crusher is already taken. There was a wrestler called The Crusher. Even Bone Crusher is taken!
I'll think of a name!
User101.15.09 - 1:29 pm
Victor Valley College - spring classes start in just a few weeks, and they've got a whole bunch of programs that will give you a head start on a non-desk-job.
JB01.15.09 - 1:48 pm
Already on it, JB.
As I said though, funding is a major problem right now and the only way I'll be able to re-qualify is by getting at least a 2.5.
bentstrider01.15.09 - 1:58 pm
but I'll become "Three fries short of a Happy Meal" wacko if I don't work for two weeks straight.
well good! you'll fit right in then.
la duderina01.15.09 - 2:01 pm
No thanks, being a bum is for someone that has lost all hope.
But, truthfully, I don't think I'll be able to make it without any outside suggestions.
That whole thing about individual determination is a lie.
There's always something on the outside that's motivating you from within.
I just wish I wouldn't have to change my career/life goals as often as I change my drawers.
bentstrider01.15.09 - 2:27 pm
"that whole thing about individual determinism is a lie"
hey man you might be onto something.... check this article out:
Roadblock01.15.09 - 2:38 pm
"being a bum is for someone who has lost all hope"
I'm going to have to disagree with that statement.
One of the happiest persons I have ever met was a homeless guy who lived near a place I used to work. We called him the Homeless Homie. He was a riot. He would clean up the entire area all day, picking up trash and stuff. He loved being homeless. He was free.
la duderina01.15.09 - 2:44 pm
of course, he was probably completely out of his mind, but he seemed pretty normal. I mean you could have an intelligent conversation with him and stuff.
la duderina01.15.09 - 2:51 pm
man, Homeless Homie was sooo cool.
you know how homeless people hold signs asking for money? His signs had jokes.
He would dance on the corner and spin his sign around. He was great.
la duderina01.15.09 - 2:59 pm
and he always had the LADIES. my god this dude always had the chicks after him. wanting to give him a place to live and stuff, but he preferred living on the streets.
I wonder what he's doing right now....
la duderina01.15.09 - 3:01 pm
most if not all bums simply have mental problems. it's pretty sad... I had a friend who became a bum for about 2 years. like stank ass rank clothed depressed knappyheaded dirt skin bum. It was fucking sad... no matter what anyone tried to do for him he refused help and even dissed people hard. I would drive out to meet him and give him money buy him some food and try to give him clothes. he never took the clothes but would take money, then he'd wander off into abandoned buildings....
everyone but him could see it was all in his head. it seemed like he was depressed over his relationship falling apart, he has a young son, and his family had a history of mental problems. He finally pulled out of the streets but is now on psych meds He seems out of it at times and other times he's cool. his son is amazing and dude himself is a fucking incredible illustrator. I wish he would come completely out of it but I think the psych meds keep him in a sort of purgatory. He could be making some real money with his talent.... he always has drawings for me when I visit. I love them. someday maybe I will just go behind his back and organize and art show for him. He would trip the fuck out.
Roadblock01.15.09 - 3:05 pm
Well, if that's what their principles are, then I'm not going to stop them.
Me, I want to have a decent roof and a decent shower every day after I step in from work.
Hell, I got this even when I was driving the truck, cross-country.
As far as work goes, 40+, day or night, I need to have a routine in order to survive.
I hate to say it, but I actually enjoy being chained-down to some extent.
I'm not as much of a free-spirit as many are mis-led to believe.
bentstrider01.15.09 - 3:06 pm
"and he always had the LADIES. my god this dude always had the chicks after him. wanting to give him a place to live and stuff, but he preferred living on the streets. "
Anybody else with a day job out there just read this and think, "Wow, I'm doing it all wrong."?
JB01.15.09 - 3:08 pm
I have a movie idea just like that guy called Karoke Hell, but in my story he is a Karaoke Champion... A cult group play a trick on him to get him back into his head, (sounds like Midnight Ridazz.) ah shit, I should be working.
Joe Borfo01.15.09 - 3:09 pm
H'mm, ultimately I believe the rejections I've been getting from the various military branches, along with my trucking-prospects taking a nose-dive have just added to the my current state of "butt-hurtedness".
Essentially coming out to the party-rides and seeing everyone having a good time has been the one joy I've been able to look forward to every week.
Anywho, I'm going to keep my head from going into the dark-side by continually posting here and staying on top of getting work/getting back into school.
There's plenty of other people in this boat that are having it worse off than I am.
Sad thing is, they're usually DQ'd on lesser charges of not having graduated high school; Criminal records; or Drug use.
I just find it kind of shit-headed that despite my clean lifestyle and minimal education requirements, I'm grouped into this class of ingrates.
Perhaps I should even consider following Lindsays path and look into becoming one of those County Social Workers.
Not quite a cop, but since I've been unceremoniously grouped with the "troubled", I figure it's time to make lemons into lemonade.
Snap the lazy shits into action by way of my bitching and handing out paperwork.
Get them off their asses and into some line of work so they're not laying down half the time.
bentstrider01.15.09 - 3:32 pm
I think you need a dose of compassion in your Lemonade Bents.
Roadblock01.15.09 - 3:34 pm
I think thats a good attitude in a bad economy.
I've never done pro-trucking but I do like doing distance driving.
I drove a u-haul to vancouver, that was pretty fun.
Maybe there are other driving jobs for a qualified person like you.
I think its fucked up that they discriminate against you based on (or perception of) a passed condition. If you want to serve you community/ country there should be other options.
Maybe you can get some driving gigs until you can land just the right gig. That might help keep you fed/ occumpied.
trickmilla01.15.09 - 3:43 pm
What you see as being "non-compassionate", I see as "tough-love".
After looking at my nowhere-near motivation, I don't want to see people falling into the same pit I've fallen into.
This is particularly why I see the military as a good thing in the sense it teaches people a bit of self-reliance, depending on how you look at it.
I mean, you could only be soft to a certain point.
As for "alt. driving jobs", I'm looking and no dice yet.
Swift was an excellent company to drive for and to get rehired there will definitely put alot of my headaches to rest.
Better equipment, better runs, benefits and retirement to boot!!!
Sure beats the shit out of these Mom'N'Pop companies with 10-20 year old Freight-shakers in need of an over-haul!!!
bentstrider01.15.09 - 4:37 pm
Well, if anything, we should follow the famous quote from a various episodes of SG-1 as a guide for life.
"What we need is a Plan-B, not Plan-A:Recycled!!!"
bentstrider01.16.09 - 5:13 am
Anybody else with a day job out there just read this and think, "Wow, I'm doing it all wrong."?
Trust, anyone with a day job wouldn't want these ladies.
la duderina01.16.09 - 8:50 am
Well, last two on my list are still both the Army and Air National Guard.
But, I've settled on these two once I find out the final verdict of my Swift-rehire ordeal.
Once I know or not if I'm essentially blacklisted from them and all other large outfits, I'm trying out the above and seeking out education funding as well.
I've already researched the Associates in Registered Nursing and found that it's 70-80 units of coursework.
My only problem now is getting it through the counselors head to sign the ed-plan.
Although, she still insists on sending me into programs where corresponding job markets are limited to certain areas and economic climates.
So what if I'll see alot of pain and anguish, or if it involves a heavy time-commitment.
The way I see it, time's not an issue, and there are plenty of positives to counteract the negatives of a nursing career.
Not to mention that in these types of times, It's smarter to follow "what's in need", as opposed to "what you want".
Knock out the bread-making first, then focus on the dollhouse-building later.
bentstrider01.16.09 - 9:06 am
dude ...
follow what you want and force it to suit your needs.
especially if it seems remotely viable
these tough times will be relatively short
don't take some bullshit job that you hate
only to be stuck in it a few years later.
pick something you think you'll really enjoy and feel good about doing
then in two years when things are turning around and you industry starts to see growth, you'll be looking for a promotion instead of a new job.
trickmilla01.16.09 - 10:17 am
Well, if anything, at least nursing, truck-driving, and military-life are always two things I'll be able to turn back to at any point in time.
There's things I've grown to hate and love about both of the professions.
At this point in time though, I'm going to be blunt and say that I want to just find one thing, then stick to it.
Being nomadic about career-choices seems to fancy some people, but frankly I feel as though the head-spinning is wearing me out and making me age rapidly.
Which partially explains why I'm feeling tired all the time.
bentstrider01.16.09 - 11:49 am