Bike License to be Revoked!

Thread started by
animal at 01.10.09 - 5:26 pm
Due to LACBC's and other bicycle advocates' efforts, LAPD police chief,
William Bratton has issued a report recommending that the Bicycle
License program be discontinued and an immediate moratorium be
implemented on the enforcement of the program.
This is in response to the LA Transportation Committee requesting
information from LAPD about the issue. LACBC and many bicycle advocates
worked hard to bring this issue to the forefront of LA City Council.
The LA Transportation Committee will meet at City Hall on Wednesday,
January 14th, at 2pm to hopefully bring this issue to a final
resolution. Cyclists are encouraged to attend.
"LACBC was very pleased to see the correspondence from LAPD today and
we thank all the agencies and individuals involved in conducting the
research that lead to this decision," says Jennifer Klausner, Executive
Director of LACBC.
"other advocates" = all the Ridazz who organized and counter-harrassed the cops by lining up and getting their bikes licensed!
Roadblock01.10.09 - 5:32 pm
id like to see it not be mandatory, but still an option. ive actually heard two success stories from ridazz getting their bikes back.
Candy Cane01.11.09 - 8:09 pm
no bike licences. I will never get one, no matter what...ever.
tren01.11.09 - 8:24 pm
and...props to lacbc, but they can't take all the credit. Neither can the people who showed up to meetings (of which I am one), and neither can the people who showed up to get the licenses in protest.
Maybe all of these factors raised some flags in rattling the cage of the people who get listened to, like bratton.
It is a dumbass, outdated law.
tren01.11.09 - 8:33 pm
Tren, if it wasn't the LACBC or the protest rides or Box's storm the bastille or the Ridazz showing up and making comments..... what do you think were the events that got us to the point where the law is being questioned?
Roadblock01.12.09 - 9:27 am
I agree with Candy, licensing has been effective in getting some stolen bikes back. So they shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. Licensing should be encouraged but not required. It should be your choice.
skd01.12.09 - 1:51 pm
LACBC is in total agreement with you all that the bicycle license issue was a collaborative effort and all of our actions had an important impact on the outcome. Thanks to Roadblock, Alex T and Stephen Box all everyone else for all their work including organizing the bikers and for being valuable resources for first hand information. LACBC contacted key coucilmembers and DOT staff to alert them of the LAPD harassment of cyclists, the illegalities and problems with obtaining a bicycle license and urged them to revoke this law. Reyes then made a motion to Transportation Committee. The rest happened all together during the T Committee meeting. Everybodies voices were extremely important in getting this victory.
Let's keep working together to get more bike stuff happening in LA.
aurisha01.12.09 - 5:18 pm
You guys should also recognize that Chairwoman Wendy Gruel didn't have to hear all the bike stuff in one day. That allowed bike people to collect in the council chambers on just that one day.
Setting that committee meeting up put the LAPD in the headlights of the public on this issue. Gruel could have made a motion to suspend the Bike License program, but she instead let the LAPD chief make a fool out of himself.
In either case, it was a good idea to have all these issues on one day. I put a lot of my thanks in the "Stephen and Enci Box" category with changes in L.A.'s council the past two years.
I know one city hall insider who has also helped steer things for the bike community behind the scenes. But hey, we're not finished with this issue yet, so let's see this law stricken from the books or changed for the betterment of all cyclists in L.A.
ubrayj0201.12.09 - 6:05 pm