RIDE IDEA _ The Vampire VS. Werewolf Ride!!

Thread started by
R@WKIT at 12.28.08 - 1:26 pm
Werewolves vs. Vampires - Nuff Said!!
"I Chase down both creatures with garlic-encased, silver-bullets" Ride!!!!!
Killing and rapin' two heinous birds with one stone.
bentstrider12.28.08 - 3:29 pm
whoa...you wold rape a werewolf?
tern12.28.08 - 3:35 pm
Hey, if they're a hot Werewolf that just tried to kill some regular people, then it's the least they'll get away with.
bentstrider12.28.08 - 3:40 pm
oops, gastr del sol was meant for another thread.
tern12.28.08 - 3:47 pm
this ride has a lot of potential. plus costumes must be at all time lows right about this point in time.
maybe we could have 2 separate rides, 1 for the vampires the other for the wolves (separated by maybe one major cross street) have 3 meeting spots... and "fight" (aka have a dance off) at each one.
Jazzy Phat Nastee12.28.08 - 4:17 pm
Well, I'll remain against the grain and come as Van Helsing!!!!
Crossbow, darts and religious ornaments to keep all undead darkseekers at bay!!!!
bentstrider12.28.08 - 4:25 pm
this idea was brought up before I think by Alec... it's an awesome idea to use for the "Hide and Go Seek" format that made "The Warriors" and "The Mother of All Rides" so fun!
R@Wkit you down to organize this for the next available month? perhaps even for the 5 year anniversary?
This time, instead of the small group being chased, I think it would be fun to have the small group be the chasers. i.e. a small group of vampires rides into the "play zone" and seeks out ridazz to infect with vampireism. blood... blood!
the zone is usually labrea on the east, 6th street on the south, fairfax on the west and santa monica on the north. a giant game of hide and go seek. so fun.
hit me up if you want to do this roadblock at midnightridazz dot calm
Roadblock12.28.08 - 5:42 pm
not sure I have the time to put this ride together.. and for the 5 year anniversary? wow. i feel honored. Let me see what I can do over the next couple weekends as far as scoping a route and finding some good places where we could play hide and seek.
Gimme til at least Jan 15th. But by all means if someone else wants to do it then that'd be fine too.
R@WKIT12.28.08 - 7:37 pm
this format of ride is pretty easy to organize. the main thing is putting together the vampires team and having a good destination for everyone to meet.
spoke cards (I can help you with the graphics)
the 5 year anniversary is march. I may have spoken too soon, I think trickmilla might have laid claim to the date....
Roadblock12.28.08 - 7:42 pm
Yeah, I thought I read somewhere on the boards about planning for it.
I'll email you tomorrow and take it from there. The more time the better.
R@WKIT12.28.08 - 7:48 pm
I'm going to rock up as a pirate vampire, actually.
ephemerae12.29.08 - 8:18 am
I'll be a werewolf out in the Salton Sea.
I'll get back to you if there's a full moon that night.
User112.29.08 - 10:29 pm