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someone tell me this really happened? L O FUCKING L!!!!!! please tell me this isnt a hoax?! some creative special effects?? tell me this really happened!!!! HAHAHAHAHA I'm fucking dieing over here!!
I love that he reaches down for the other shoe - like he wasn't even planning on doing this - he just got overwhelmed with disgust for bush and had to throw his shoes at him!
I just saw this at first on TV. W has gotten pretty skilled at ducking after all these years! LOL
What I thought was funnier than hell was the prime ministers feeble attempt at blocking the second shoe. I thought for sure he was going to whip off his own shoe and start beating W over the head himself!
The BBC link -
Muntadar al-Zeidi is a hero in my book! I deem this day from this day forward to be Muntadar al-Zeidi Day. All hail Muntadar al-Zeidi!!!!
so brilliant. there needs to be a wikipedia article on this. may this day never be forgotten. no lets line up all the neocons -pearl wolfowitz rumsfeld cheney et al. to get theirs as well - a hanging for treason.
that's the primate in george bush. chimps have some of the fastest reaction times to thrown objects (such as when they throw poo at each other) studies have shown.
maybe he got his experience from dodging slippers and pumps thrown at him from his wife. i love that guy for getting the balls to do it. the man deserves lots of respect for expressing himself with dirty and smelly projectiles. he deserves so much praise, the poor guy got his ass kicked seconds later.
Bush and the neocons were personally responsible for killing over 1 million innocent civilians and for setting the stage for suffering in the region for decades to come. having to duck some shoes is the fucking least that should happen. everyone of the neocons and the bush admin should be held on trial then hanged for treason at nokia live.
it's hard to want trials for a group of scumbags who themselves were so adamantly against them.... Imagine how powerful a statement it would have been for the US to restrain itself after the 911 attack and just calmly patiently negotiate for the capture of Bin Laden - as was offered by the Taliban just days before the invasion of afghanistan - and turn him over to the ICC for a fair trial. people would have a whole new admiration for the US but oh well....
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft should all be held on war crimes charges, but that would never happen in this country. You can bet that none of these dickwads will ever travel to a country that have the balls to apprehend them and turn them into the International Criminal Courts.
Thats so funny. I just saw it on the news....The anchor-woman said...something about it and in her closing statement she said "The shoe, was a size 10".
To be honest I feel a little bit sorry for the chimp. But then all I have to do is think about the million or so human beings that died because of this scumbag.
yea....well guess what there are high demands in the market for that type shoe...and they will pay top dollar for em...Also the actual shoes are going for a high price....Imagine, thats like owning the origional copy of the decleration of independance.
damn, my first quick instinct is to feel sorry for the guy... but then I think of the millions of lives ended because of this guy and his regime.... fuck em and hang em.
mi madre sent me a really fucking cool game where you throw a shoe at Bush and he ducks and shit its really fun, but its in excel I have no idea how to get it on here although I want to so badly