Thread started by
eddieboyinla at 11.4.08 - 8:02 pm
Incredible! I'm so relieved!
I work with some ol school minded republicans- "McCain's gonna win and that's it. US not ready for a black president" Shove it! Obama Won before all the states even called!
Ratpick11.4.08 - 8:36 pm
words cannot express....
only my tears of joy
la duderina11.4.08 - 8:47 pm
relieved and scared at the same time.
Please stop drinking tap water now.
supa11.4.08 - 9:05 pm
and some sailor who doesn't come around here anymore owes me $300
sexy11.4.08 - 10:30 pm
I just got a call from a childhood friend i am still talk to a few times a year.
He's in DC and it sounded like he was at a party. All kinds of cheering and mayhem in the background.
Its 1:30 am in DC and its been a non-stop party in the streets in front of the white house since the election was called.
He said people were chanting:
"na na na na ... na na na na ... heyayay goood bye!" in front of the white house for about 1/2 an hour then the lights went out at the white house and everybody started cheering and laughing.
Since then is just been partying and celebration in the streets.
It was pretty crazy to be watching some stupid pundits on TV then get a call straight from the center of universe and hear the cheers and shouts of the people on the street celebrating this victory.
When it dawned on me what i was experiencing I started laughing myself to tears.
What a fucking crazy night.
trickmilla11.4.08 - 11:14 pm
proud to be an obamacan....
also, two texts worth sharing:
"Pool party and bbq at the white house. Sponsored by Hennessy"
and(a little more sentimental- and apparently its a rap quote???)
"Rosa sat so Martin could walk.... Martin walked so Obama could run... Obama is running so our children CAN FLY"
moondance11.4.08 - 11:23 pm
Thank God out country is moving forward.
This gives me a redoubled sense of optimism.
Thank you for sharing that story Patrick.
It's so bad ass about the crowds @ the White House.
I just came back from a nighttime Mtb ride in the SM Mtns.
It was still unofficial when I left after work at 6:30.
Talk about coming back to a different world..
adamthelizard11.5.08 - 12:02 am
this would make an amazing movie...
Kind of like a crosss between Brewster's millions, animal house, and the Bush Administration.
Six and a Half Weeks
a Cheney the Dick production..
A war he couldn't resist.
A country that didn't understand him.
A legacy to last a lifetime.
Could a bad president, become the worst president?
He only has 52 days to do what he couldn't do in 8 years: Destroy America!
Can he escalate another war?
Can he increase the debt.
Can he transfer record amounts of wealth to the upper-class?
With only 6 1/2 weeks to go he's gonna do everything he can to fuck up america ... and garner a few laughs along the way!
trickmilla11.29.08 - 10:06 am
i know i said i hate these political posts, and i still do, but +1 to what trickmilla wrote up there LOL
tallcans4tallbikes11.30.08 - 2:09 pm
"Rosa sat so Martin could walk.... Martin walked so Obama could run... Obama is running so our children CAN FLY"
Frozen Fingersss12.1.08 - 11:09 am
R-Kelly ruined metaphorical flying for me.
On the other-hand, he totally rescued metaphorical closets.
trickmilla12.1.08 - 11:14 am
Sexy, since you can see the future let me get tomorrow's lottery numbers, yeah?
la duderina12.11.08 - 12:09 am
Midday 3 6-4-8
Daily 3 3-5-1
Daily 4 0-8-7-2
Fantasy 5 07-13-24-36-38
Good Luck!
sexy12.11.08 - 12:28 am
What do I need luck for? You'll have to pay me the amount of the jackpot either way, under a theory of promissory estoppel.
la duderina12.11.08 - 12:34 am
Good Luck it is just a fun form of salutations used in the betting world.
Your studying is paying off!
Does my giving you tomorrow lottery numbers constitute a contract? I don't see a jury or court validating my giving you winning lottery number over a internet forum as a binding contract to hold myself liable to your economic detriment..
Lets just say for 'shits and giggles' my informing you of tomorrows lottery numbers is a contract. This would lead me to having inside knowledge of unforeseeable conclusions to a State sanction game of chance. Criminal game rigging. In this situation, I would only be liable for substantial detriment, which would be what you wagered, and not what might have been your winnings.
The law and courts aside. Play one dollar on each of those games with the numbers I provided. If you lose I will I will award you with the $4.00 USD lost. Bring your ticket as a receipt of your betting if you need to collect from me. Most likely you won't......those are tomorrows winning numbers I gave you. With the information now public, your winnings might be as you expected. So many people playing the same winning numbers will greatly reduce the winnings.
Good Luck!
12.11.08 - 1:12 am
I'm going to do it
just to see
that is if I can tear myself away from my studies.
la duderina12.11.08 - 1:26 am
That post really troubles me.
How it was meant to look
Good Luck it is just a fun form of salutations used in the betting world.
Your studying is paying off!
Does my giving you tomorrow lottery numbers constitute a contract? I don't see a jury or court validating my giving you winning lottery number over a internet forum as a binding contract to hold myself liable to your economic detriment..
Lets just say for 'shits and giggles' my informing you of tomorrows lottery numbers is a contract.
This would lead me to having inside knowledge of unforeseeable conclusions to a State sanction game of chance. Criminal game rigging. In this situation, I would only be liable for substantial detriment, which would be what you wagered, and not what might have been your winnings.
The law and courts aside. Play one dollar on each of those games with the numbers I provided. If you lose I will I will award you with the $4.00 USD lost. Bring your ticket as a receipt of your betting if you need to collect from me. Most likely you won't......those are tomorrows winning numbers I gave you. With the information now public, your winnings might not be as you expected. So many people playing the same winning numbers will greatly reduce the winnings.
Good Luck!
sexy12.11.08 - 9:07 am
I'm throwing a festive going away party for GWB.
It will be the day after inauguration at barcade.
stay tuned!
trickmilla12.11.08 - 12:00 pm
we already had that.
my friend call me from DC on election day and it sounded like he was at a huge party.
He was in front of the white house and people we dancing and shouting and heckling GWB. at 1am eastern time.
when i realized what i was hearing on the other line I laughed myself to tears.
trickmilla12.11.08 - 12:29 pm
November 4, 2008
the date and time obama got elected... i was busy getting jumped by thugs on a main street... i escaped with my bike... 2 teeth werent so lucky
boneclaws4212.30.08 - 9:55 am
@ bones...seee what obama has done for you bro?
NOISEPOCKET12.30.08 - 5:26 pm
GET READY FOR CHANGE, Economic Colapse 2009, Food shortages, Martial Law, Gun confiscation, NAU North American Union 2010. YES WE CAN. Obama appointed the former head of the Federal Reserve as Treasury Secretary this shows he is bought and paid for. Suckers wake up the only change you will have is in your pocket.
Dedicated81812.31.08 - 9:09 am
I love these people who can see the future!!!!!
la duderina12.31.08 - 10:06 am
It is actually really easy to see what is in store. You look at the policy agenda set fourth. You look and see (in this case) who the President elect is nominating to fill certain roles and job in his administration. You look and see who those people are, what their connections with the business in regards to the role they are to play. You look and see how those person have done things in the past, you look and see what there philosophy on the matter is, and you have a pictured painted on what the type of job they are going to do. Then you can get a accurate picture to see the future.
Finance: Lawerence Summer oversaw and supported that Glass-Steagall Act being repelled. This law kept commercial banks from trading and selling on Wall Street. This law was enacted because banks selling and trading loans was the reason for the US depression in the 1930. The repel of this act is the main reason why we are in the financial mess we are in now (not even ten years after its repel).
Summers helped Russia get IMF loans if they did the major structural readjustments according to his three actions of economics. "Privatization, stabilization and liberalizations"
Privatization=selling of public assets (usually at fire sell prices)
like the IMF has forced countries to do to get loans. Sell off say the water system. Now you have a private company who can charge you what they want, cut you off your water if you can't pay. Allow the water system to be ran to the ground to maximize profits and then leave it for dead for the public sector to pick back up and repair. People working at these privatize industries usually have there pay slashed. This is just one example, they all pretty much work the same.
Stabilization= this allow prices to be charged at whatever the market will bear. So any subsides that allow you to be provided a service or a commodity will be removed. Let the market do it magic
Liberalization= no regulations. Now you can sell products or provide services without any laws that will protect consumers.
Summers claims the laws of economics are like the laws of engineering. One set of law works everywhere.
He and Obama are subscribers to the Milton Freedman Chicago Boys school of economics. History only show what it did to every country it has touched. Starting with Chile, South Africa, Poland, Argentina and Russia. Those policy where disastrous for the common people of those countries and transfered the nations wealth to those already wealthy. Creating poverty for the many, and extreme wealth for the few
Did you forget Obama supported and voted for that $850 billion bail out robbery that has been done to the people of the United States.
War: Obama is going to keep troops in Iraq til 2011, but draw some troops out eventually. There will still be a standing army, the US military to be exact that can do damage to civilian like they have already killed and damaged thousands of people already. The troops be withdrawn from Iraq are going to be sent to Afghanistan to kill and mane more people in that country.
Look future at his cabinet appointments. Who is going to be Secretary of Agriculture. Do you think we are going to get healthy food with this appointment? I see there being more subsidized GMO, pesticide latent unhealthy food being produced for mass consumption.
My big question is who is this Republican Roy LaHood that he appointed to Transportation. I know what the media is saying, he is a good at working with other people, and he is friends with Rahm Emaule. Isn't Obamas econmic stimulus plan going to be centered around energy and TRANSPORTATION. This guy is going to be controlling that spending, and who is he.
Obama said he will bring change, yet he is having a Republican run is transportation administration, as well as his War department. May I add the same War Secretary as Bush choose.
sexy12.31.08 - 11:03 am
then why all the excitement about Obama? I'm personally scared.
sexy12.31.08 - 12:50 pm
because he's not mccain, really. and he's black!
la duderina12.31.08 - 2:39 pm
people of america are finally heading in the same direction for once and what do we claim? antichrist.
GodLovesUgly12.31.08 - 2:42 pm
now that I think about it, the campaign does seem really packaged doesn't it?
Like it was manufactured?
I mean think about it...after the past 8 years, EVERYONE is ready for CHANGE, right? We all knew we wanted something different.
and ALL OF A SUDDEN the two front runners for the presidential nominee of the Democratic party are a WOMAN and an AFRICAN AMERICAN.
la duderina12.31.08 - 2:46 pm
So when are these housepartys/townmeetings/gettogethers
where everybody comes up with ideas to forward to Obama going to happen?
sexy01.3.09 - 4:52 pm
Dedicated81801.4.09 - 9:06 am
aha hahahahahahaha.
I'm throwing a GW Bush going away party the day after the inauguration. More info coming soon!
trickmilla01.4.09 - 10:21 am
width="320" height="256"
!@#$?="true" controller="true" kioskmode="true"
sexy01.4.09 - 5:13 pm
Oh Shoot.....I hope that doesn't come on automatically every time you click on this thread, that wasn't my intentions.
sexy01.4.09 - 5:15 pm
12 days, 20 hours, 28 minutes and 30 seconds
la duderina01.7.09 - 11:31 am
I have come down with a serious case of Stickittodamanneosis. Only remedy is OBAMA and a good cleanup job.
Aqueous Atom01.14.09 - 4:49 pm
does anybody know if there is going to be any viewing events in LA.
i heard something about them showing it @ Nokia Live or whatever its called (across the street from staples center) but is there any other that j00 guise know about?
ipsofatso01.14.09 - 5:06 pm
FOUR DAYS 19 hours, 46 minutes and 20 seconds
la duderina01.15.09 - 12:13 pm
the day we're out of Iraq (not likely ever) I'll be happy.
the day we're out of Afghanistan (not likely ever) I'll be happy.
the day the Patriot Act is repealed (not likely ever) I'll be happy.
the day the telecom Act is repealed (not likely ever) I'll be happy
If we avoid invading Pakistan I'll be happy
If we avoid invading Iran.........I'll be happy
New Boss, I hope he holds his promises. If he does, I'll be happy
motobejohn01.15.09 - 12:21 pm
THREE DAYS, 20 hours, 34 minutes and 50 seconds
la duderina01.16.09 - 11:26 am
Good riddance.. Fucking little chimp held office long enough
Debut21301.19.09 - 7:22 pm
hey sexy
where'd you get the Naomi Klein Shock Doctrine clip? I'm reading that book at the moment, it's awesome.
ephemerae01.19.09 - 8:50 pm
awesomely scary.
It was off of
FSTV (separate links) . There is tons of video and audio of Naomi Kline all over the internet. She tirelessly promotes her book. Check out her website for her recent articles. She gets published in Rolling Stone frequently. This isn't her only work. She has covered the international security state and the peoples movements in Argentina. It all get back to stealing money from the commonwealth and putting it into the hands of a few rich people.
The last shock to the US? $850 billion being granted by our congress including Obama who voted for it, to bail out the rich hedge fund members who where going to lose money when the banks where going belly up. That who is getting bailed out, with our money. 90-95% of the people of this country lobbied against it. Obama is going to be the most right winged financial President of this countries history. He might make it up with some of the greatest Presidential war mongers also.
Also check out
Michale Hudson. You can check out his interviews from a link on his website. He is an economist who spells it all out? He was on Beneath the Surface with Suzie Weismans on
KPFK for the first 20 minutes. If you have the time, try to read his book Super Imperialism . It is a great book but a long read.
sexy01.20.09 - 12:44 am
I messed up some Html here is the links to keynote on FSTV
(separate links) keynote series.
sexy01.20.09 - 12:45 am
Your portrayal of Obama's economic beliefs is incredibly one-dimensional. He studied at Chicago, but is certainly not simply a "Chicago School" thinker. If you have not, please read
this article from the NYTimes Magazine. I think it demonstrates that he has a much more nuanced view than what you describe.
theroyalacademy01.20.09 - 1:22 am
FINALLLYYY the title of this thread is accurate
la duderina01.20.09 - 9:55 am
you are seeing things clearly..
asparagus01.20.09 - 11:40 am
the plight of the proletariat ends today!!!!!
change!!!! obama!!!!!!!!
coldcut01.20.09 - 12:32 pm
Do you think Obama is worried for his life right now as he's walking down the street?
Jazzy Phat Nastee01.20.09 - 1:05 pm
yes!! :) :) :)
et01.20.09 - 1:46 pm
frumble01.20.09 - 2:02 pm