fixed gear???
Thread started by
nightestrida16 at 01.31.09 - 7:33 pm
do you have to buy a fixed gear hub for the front
wheel and the back
Yes both and They have to be hot pink.
stillline01.31.09 - 8:06 pm
Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe rain, maybe snow.
imachynna01.31.09 - 8:08 pm
i have a "fixed gear front rim" i'll sell you for $95.
it's called an ALEX RIM....fucking awesome FIXED GEAR FRONT RIM that's all the rage....
barleye01.31.09 - 8:11 pm
Remember to take of the brakes and the cages too.
stillline01.31.09 - 8:14 pm
keep the spd pedals on your stolen bike. they work great with your converse.
ruinedbyidiots01.31.09 - 8:17 pm
If you want to be taken seriously, you roll with an aero front wheel. DO NOT roll with a aero front wheel and back wheel. You'll look like a douche with a limitless bank account from mom and dad. Rolling with just a aero front wheel saids to world, I'm struggling out here in the mean streets of LA trying to make it.
Oh course it goes without saying that these wheels don't ever touch a brake pad. And extra points for having a top tube pad on your bad ass ride.
User101.31.09 - 8:28 pm
It's important to run a "flip flop" hub for your fixed front wheel as well.
That way you can run no less than 4 different gears (or 3 gears and a freewheel), giving you the ability to run a wider range of fixed gear ratios. You may need a wider front fork to run a fixed gear front like this. Depending on the difference in gears, you may also need to carry a chain tool as well, to add/remove links as necessary.
Some would say that you might as well get a geared bike at this point, but true hipsters know the value of having 4 different fixed gears available.
(On the odd chance you're not being sarcastic, NO, you don't need a fixed front, but you'll probably want to make sure that both front and rear wheels are either 27" or 700c, so they'll use the same tires, and if you put 700c tires on a 27" frame, you may need a different brake (probably a Tektro r556.) DO use at least a front brake.)
JB01.31.09 - 9:44 pm
i have hot pink rubbers.
I ride my looks with chucks
this thread = MR's downward spiral. back to road riding weeee
_iJunes01.31.09 - 11:12 pm
yeah just get a road bike then you ccan go fast
robin swabin01.31.09 - 11:33 pm
If you get a road bike make sure it has a super fancy (weak) carbon frame and pedals you need a special shoe to ride with.
stillline02.1.09 - 12:42 am
And make sure to get an appropriate jersey and lycra shorts to pass morning roll-call by some uppity, road-captain who only rides to race.
bentstrider02.1.09 - 12:46 am
so says the guy with the road bike sneaking onto the velodrome where road bikes arent allowed.
ruinedbyidiots02.1.09 - 12:46 am
I'm writing a smooth, RnB song about this thread in the style of Next's hit, "Too Close".
I see that you'll fix it like that, ah-ah-ah
The hit will be entitled, "Ridin', Too Close, With them gears!!!"
bentstrider02.1.09 - 12:56 am
such a variety of attitudes in one thread.. MR never fails to entertain :D
roughdraftx0102.1.09 - 1:58 am